
Chapter 298 I Like 3D

After a warm exchange of greetings, Wang Yang and Robert Zemeckis settled into their chairs for a discussion. "District 9" was one of the pioneers of motion capture technology. The massively invested "Firefly" also boasted technologically astonishing expectations, and as the boss of the Flame Group, it was perfectly normal for the brilliant Yang to occupy one chair; the guest for the remaining seat was George Lucas, the last to arrive in the interview room, creator of "Star Wars" and owner of Industrial Light & Magic.

Indeed, in terms of technology and experience, Steven Spielberg, James Cameron, and Peter Jackson were in no way inferior to the three present. However, the selling point of this special interview inevitably carried the notion of the "USC Three Musketeers": 59-year-old George Lucas, with 1.3203 billion in North American box office, ranking sixth; 51-year-old Robert Zemeckis, with 1.5418 billion, third; 24-year-old Wang Yang, with 1.8628 billion, second.