

Chapter 1

It finally rolled down, those tears that clustered behind her eyelids. She drew back the fluid that was about to fall out from her nose and used her index finger to erase her tears. She had this nostalgic feeling and the weather wasn't a bit helping...

The train moved slow and steady-Elena calves Muttons watched it's progess through the cloudy face of the window in the train. They were just medium trees and short bushes around, they seemed to be cowboys in the bush maybe it was a farm that Elena failed to observe keenly. The face of the weather was dull and lazy... Though all these didn't matter to Elena all that mattered were the moments that she was beginning to leave behind, the distance she was creating and the pains she was causing just because of her education. She had began to regret falling in love so fast within the intervals of thirty days. She couldn't help it any longer, she began to cry out loudly and lazily using her palm to wipe the tears off so quickly not to let the aged woman who was sleeping beside her to get a glimpse of her tears. She felt she was disturbing already because the tears began to increase much more than what she could control and so she ran quickly into the bathroom.

"Dan... You're causing a lot of havoc right now..." she rose her head after washing her face and helplessly gazed at the at the cleaned bathroom mirror. She was a little alright now though her red swollen eyes stood an evidence against her. She looked at herself for a while and echoed out, "why did I let Dan change me, how did he make me too soft for tears? God, he made me take decisions I never wanted to..." she stopped, feeling any other word could bring down another round of tears. She hardened her mind, tore a piece of tissue from the tissue roll and cleaned her face and left the bathroom when she was sure she could handle the situation.

"Who is Dan?" the woman asked. The question unexpectedly loosed a bombshell inside of Elena, she was about to sit when the question came surprisingly out of the blues. She was confused, was the woman peeping on her and hearing all she had said in the bathroom?...

Elena sat down with a confused face, looked at the woman,

"Ma you said?"

"Are you trying to pretend you didn't hear me," the woman asked.

Elena sighed, "Dan? I... he's Just..." she was confused and choiceless in her words.

"Let me help you? he's your boyfriend and you're missing him?" she looked at Elena and smiled testily.

"Come on feel free play?, see, I'm an old woman with lots of experience, I've got young ones like you as grand children so don't behave like you don't know what to say..."

"I don't know what to say," Elena cut in rousily and breathed in forcefully it was like a bombshell gradually went out of her and she spoke easier, "it's just like I fell in love too late and..." her voice seized and she couldn't say further, tears rolled out again.

The old woman shifted closer to Elena and pated her back.

"Girl it's not bad to cry and think about him it will only be bad if he doesn't feel same about you," the woman said, "clean those tears and tell me about him, I would sure like to know Shits about him."