
The Best Bat and Bets and Games Desires in Multiverse

Even if the gods and men clashed, the gods did, they commanded armies and went to war. Until the Mafia war that has vampires and werewolves, between immortals as well as humans in a war of influence and power in the city, in addition to the growing power of the vampire and werewolf clans, with regard to the power of the supernatural that was growing in the city of Lovecraft County, back then, we have the wolf lords and the vampire lords, as well as conspiracies and manipulations beyond the truce of the gods, between their soulmates, and the myriad problems that arose with the town she had a company to run. So, in the town of Lovecraft County, we have businesswoman and socialite Selenity Delphos, she's rich, she's spectacular, she's very smart. Above all the woman's sin, seductive, sensual, her body and her mind captivate the men around her, she has the power to control and fascinate any man using it to have the control of the mafia gods and lords, in which mostly everyone in a war game, dividing the territories, between the mafia lords, in which they seek to be around her, are always kneeling at her feet, she is simply unbelievable with a air of seduction. even if they are among beasts that command the mafia eliminating their competition, without forgetting that they recognize men with power in their territories. Between trying to get more and more involved in the world of pleasure, lust and love,

Sasina Zariel Emerodo · Fantasi Timur
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14 Chs


- Liked you. - He said.

- We want a chance, we like you. – Nix and Hecate said.

- Because? – Nathaniel questioned.

- I heard a lot of good things about you, about your exploits, being a great hero who defeated many villains, including some demonic colleagues. – Erebos and Chaos said.

- We feel the impression, like a kindred spirit. – Erebos said.

- I told him everything, a beautiful human, a perfect specimen. – Nix and Hecate said.

- If it's to destroy the world, I'll pass. – He said, looking at the god of darkness.

- I stop siding with other villains or causing trouble for Diana, unless she attacks me. – Nix and Hecate said.

- I have some interested parties who don't want you to destroy the world, but to be our mediator and witness. - He said. “By the way, my name is Erebos and Chaos. - He said.

- We want to talk to you, proposed business with your company, who knows you might be the master of our bets. - He said.

- Bets...? – Nathaniel questioned.

- Flirt. Nathaniel repeated.

- Wouldn't it be something that would lead to the end of humanity? – Nathaniel questioned them.

- We just bet on the results of many worlds, travel through them, in addition to doing business. – Nix and Hecate said.

– Since when does dating lead to the end of humanity? – Erebos and Chaos questioned him.

- In return, you will help us, we will help you. - He said.

– I could introduce you to my circle of friends, let's discover other worlds together. - He proposed.

- Mine too, I would like to know the magic circle, the Greek gods who knows. – Nix and Hecate said.

- You can take proof of my good intentions. – Erebos and Chaos proposed.

That's how he found out about the schemes, with no other alternative the next day, he returned to the meeting with the dark god and the sorceress goddess.

He was at a restaurant with them, the next day, when he was visited and looking like he had two heads, being introduced by Lucius as his new partner, at a business meeting, each of them as if that was normal.

- Nathaniel, this is Erebos and Chaos, this is Nix and Hecate. - Lucius said as if he didn't see a god of darkness with goat horns in front of him, one with black hair and the other with blue hair, each of them with a black suit and a red-haired sorceress goddess with big breasts in a great cleavage, besides the other one with hair as black as pitch.

- I'll take you to a restaurant. - The man took him by the elbows, without letting him have a reaction again, with the woman in the other.

- Let's find out what five is like. – Nix and Hecate said.

What he saw was a restaurant and club where only dark gods went and wizards too, eating well I must say.

Seeing the environment he just entered with Constantine to deal with missions.

He accompanied him on a wine talking about his life in the multiverse, he didn't say much at that time, he just talked about what it was like to travel through dimensions.

Then he was taken back to his mansion.

The next day, in the morning, he received a package...

Lots of flowers and chocolates, in the shape of a heart, plus teddy bears and perfumes.

When he arrived at the Delphos company building, when he was visited by Erebos and Chaos and Nix and Hecate.

- Did you send the flowers, the perfumes, the teddy bears and the chocolates? – Nathaniel questioned.

When the first man to arrive took his mother and kissed him, the woman pulled him and kissed his cheek, each of them kissing him.

- I hope you like it. - He said.

- I loved the scent. – Nix and Hecate said.

- I tried them, they were delicious, the flowers are with instructions to plant in the gardens of the mansion. Nathaniel said. - Are beautiful. - He said.

- Let's eat later. - They said, leaving him embarrassed, leaving his room.

- We have to resolve the last procedures of the contracts between the truces between the vampires and the werewolves. - Hecate said.

- Would you like to accompany us? – Chaos proposed next to Nix.

About that.


A town called Luna Silver was experiencing a crisis between the two communities between the vampires and the werewolves that lived in that town.

Recently since magical beings, beasts and werewolves were returning to live in an open community among being part of the mystical city that was part of the greater state of supernatural fame that was Lovecraft County.

Due to human corruption, what with the united efforts of human and mystical communities, at that time, when helping with government resources and funds to rebuild the city, taking away from the poverty, decay and criminality that still reigned in the cities of that state.

In the midst of the city having to deal with the mafia that was using resources to try to take vampires and werewolves out of control of the economy and progress in bringing more advantages in the midst of miscegenation the city in which they were increasingly miscegenating and exchanging some businessmen, when the demons and the gods financed the changes and the countless changes in the city to better leave them with a great commitment to rebuild them and remove them from corruption.

I hoped that everything would get easier, when there would be no changing, between the two communities, there are many scars, amid conflicts and persecution, if that wasn't enough, amid conflicts and rebellions between vampiric cities that turn and move, are at war , raids and villains that unite among humans who take advantage of distrust between races.

a few years ago there was an attack between the werewolves and the vampires who were attacked by villains in two villages, then amid accusations regarding some splinter groups attacking each other and causing the split, again, generalizing in a series of wars and rebellions .

So, in one werewolf town some villages were attacked and chased by vampires, while in another vampire village a group of werewolves were attacked.

To find out in the investigation that they were magicians and mobsters in disguise, but due to mistrust, they needed a mediator to forge the new alliance into another peace treaty.

Even if the very gods who represent them are a very unhappy couple who enter into conflicts and lead their armies to wars in which they are fighting sporadically.