
The Best Bat and Bets and Games Desires in Multiverse

Even if the gods and men clashed, the gods did, they commanded armies and went to war. Until the Mafia war that has vampires and werewolves, between immortals as well as humans in a war of influence and power in the city, in addition to the growing power of the vampire and werewolf clans, with regard to the power of the supernatural that was growing in the city of Lovecraft County, back then, we have the wolf lords and the vampire lords, as well as conspiracies and manipulations beyond the truce of the gods, between their soulmates, and the myriad problems that arose with the town she had a company to run. So, in the town of Lovecraft County, we have businesswoman and socialite Selenity Delphos, she's rich, she's spectacular, she's very smart. Above all the woman's sin, seductive, sensual, her body and her mind captivate the men around her, she has the power to control and fascinate any man using it to have the control of the mafia gods and lords, in which mostly everyone in a war game, dividing the territories, between the mafia lords, in which they seek to be around her, are always kneeling at her feet, she is simply unbelievable with a air of seduction. even if they are among beasts that command the mafia eliminating their competition, without forgetting that they recognize men with power in their territories. Between trying to get more and more involved in the world of pleasure, lust and love,

Sasina Zariel Emerodo · Fantasi Timur
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- He has good ideas. – Trigon said, seeing Nathaniel's ideas, between the business between them.

- So, now, you help me with my other case. Nathaniel said.

- What would it be? Trigon questioned.

- Well, you know with Joker. Nathaniel said .

- So, let's do an experiment. Trigon said.

- We have ideas. – Mammon said.

- I wonder, how can you occupy human form and not become a demon of the dark empire of another interdimensional realm? – Nathaniel questioned.

- I got a woman pregnant, ate the fetus' soul, appropriated her body, induced growth, I'm using the essence now. Trigon said. – In addition to magic and a magic field. Trigon said.

- Well, do you accept dating in your mansion after I solve your problem? – Erebos and Chaos questioned him.

- Let's enjoy the mansion for ourselves before the problems start again. - Hecate said.

- Who knows if you think positively, problems won't happen - Nix said.

- Who knows. Nathaniel said.

That week, which began with his pursuit and troubles, the town's leprechaun criminal clown Joker hunted him down and went on a crime spree where he killed 14 Lovecraft County town prostitutes.

Now, they looked around the city, as they approached the trouble he brought.

When he couldn't catch them in time, the clown fled using the prostitute's young daughter as a shield, throwing her, in addition to a large amount of laughing gas, which he had to stop chasing, to isolate the bomb and save people. .

Now, he was surrounded by Dark Wing along with other heroes who were almost surrounding them.

- Well, what's the problem, do you think I won't stop, that I care about the consequences? – Joker questioned them.

- I think you do not know the consequences. Nathaniel said.

- So, the hero of the city, who cannot save anyone. - The man provoked him.

- So what are you going to do with me? - Joker questioned him.

Obviously, human punishments and prisons, and the ways in which he was penalized, had no effect, nor the asylum he was admitted to were not causing the desired effect, he did not regret nor were the prisons having the right effect.

- What do you propose? Trigon asked towards Nathaniel.

- Well, I thought that the normal forms of punishment, the conventional prisons had no effect, that he doesn't seem to be repenting or being converted, who knows, reintroduced into society as someone who was converted. – Then, Nathaniel turned towards Trigon.

– Will you lend your skills to me? – Nathaniel questioned the red demon.

- What's your plan? - Trigon questioned him.

- What are you thinking Dragon. – A hero arrived there, watching.

- I want the victims, the prostitutes to stand up. Nathaniel said.

- Resurrected? Nix questioned.

- Zombies. – Nathaniel said, his last victims, those of this week. – Nathaniel said, the ones that haven't been buried yet, that are in the morgue. Nathaniel said. “Have them come here and now. Nathaniel said.

- Oh no. – Joker turned around, the clown tried to sneak out, to be surrounded by other demons and gods of darkness.

When they turned around in the middle of the busy street, surrounded by the police squad, when smiling all the gods snapped their fingers.

- Is ready. - Nix said, with a smile, towards everyone there.

- Take off your clothes, clown. Nathaniel said.

- No, you can't make me. - He said, being caught by the arms, thrown to his knees in front of everyone.

- All right, either go for good or go for bad. Nathaniel said.

It didn't take more than ten minutes, there around them, naked and with the neck with the mark of a cut, from one side to the other.

- So, darlings, you were raped, strangled and killed, they don't want to do the same to him.

At his side, a zombie of a huge, fat man with a clown face appeared, in which he had his face mutilated.

- Make him suck you. Nathaniel said.

- That's against the law. Joker said.

- There is no law that prohibits justice by zombie or rape by zombie. Nathaniel said. – They did not create laws against non-living. Nathaniel said.

- So, what do you think, you don't want revenge? – Nathaniel questioned.

- I have nothing better to do, I believe there is nothing that forbids us. - The zombie said.

He was caught, his clothes torn apart, amidst having his mouth opened, a zombie's hard penis in his mouth, being laid on his knees, with the zombies taking turns on top of him, amidst his screams, in front of everyone. .

- This is a new precedent and a new kind of justice. Nathaniel said.

When he saw his screams being drowned out by the disgusting hard and gray zombies around him, forcing him to get hard, sucking him from tip to base.

When everyone saw when he tried unsuccessfully to free himself, he would be an example of a new way of doing justice.

When he was still raped by zombies, who turned him into a puppy, when the fat zombie grabbed him from behind, making him hysterical.

When he was taken from there, he tried to run to get caught back in front of everyone.

- Please stop... - He begged.

- Do you choose now, walk to the asylum or be carried? – Nathaniel questioned.

- I agree to walk. - He said.

- On foot, to the sanatorium. – Nathaniel said, in which the man, shaking and dirty, walked more than 600 meters to the sanctuary, when everyone watched, without doing anything.

Where Nathaniel left them there, so he could get out of there.

- There is no law that prohibits it, but I don't doubt that they will try to do it. - Nathaniel said, next to Nix.

- Well, let's go back to the mansion, I want to stay by your side. Nix said.

- Let's watch some movies together. - Hecate said.

- I would love to be on the couch with him. – Erebos said.

- All clinging. - Chaos said.

- With pleasure. – Nathaniel said, leaving there, when there were still zombies walking down the street.

- Will you leave them on the street free? – One of the heroes, Astro-Star arrived to see free zombies walking down the street.

- Are you satisfied? – Nathaniel asked the said zombies.

- Yes, I believe I'm going back to the brothel. - One of them said.

- I don't want to go back to the morgue, I believe that existing around here is not a problem. - Another zombie said.

- Well, as long as they don't cause problems, I don't see any reason to complain. – Astro-Star said.

- Let's go, then. Nathaniel said.

They went to spend time together, in their mansion, around them, when the gods took off their clothes, they rubbed themselves, when Erebos got up, they put on a movie to play, while they thought about their great adventure and the beginning of your relationship.

- Well, that's at least a calm night before the next day. – Erebos said.

- Let's see how they act tomorrow. Nix said.

Halloween Eve.

They were preparing for the Halloween holiday.

They were in his office waiting for the right moment, since it was noon, when the meeting would start about the new ventures and how the holidays would be organized.

- So let's go. - Hecate said.

At that time, they headed towards the meeting room, when executives and board members began to arrive.

At that time, they turned on the projectors to show, above all, the actions that were trying to be in control of the situation.

- Due to the full moon, we are having problems with the troublesome monsters, the werewolves are preparing for the ceremonies, people are going crazy, in addition to the eve of the holiday with the full moon, which is influencing people to go crazy. - The woman said.

- We will be using sedatives that will be distilled in the reservoirs, calming in the waters, so we will also use calming music and countless shows to distract the population. - The vampire woman said.