
The Beginning of the Ending

AlecCreed · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
1 Chs


In a village, a hooded figure got onto a white stallion. He made the horse go from a trot to a gallop with a kick of his heels. Making his way on a dirtied pathway to a nearby forest. The figure made his way through the forest into a clearing with a lake in the center of the clearing. Getting off of the horse and making his way towards the water, he sets down three tablets with different colored gems on them.

The lake evaporates in an instant creating a solid rainbow that burns down the forest revealing a massive city. He takes sets foot in the city and slowly walks through what used to be the plaza with old murals faded into nothing. He makes his way to a palace of the city with all its giant towers still standing.

A tiny teardrop falls from the darkness of the hood when looking at 3 different gravestones. One had its top half broken with some faded words at the bottom of the stone. The other two, still intact, showed: "Celeste Hakuryuki" and "Lilith Hakuryuki" and with the same words said below their names. "May these two young sisters rest in peace with their brother."

The man looking like he is in his 20s with long white mane-like hair and sharp sword-like eyebrows. His iris: a tri-color of yellow, red, and purple. Swirling around his pupil like a vortex. He's tall and handsome features made him glow in the room. As he sat on his throne, he stared into the empty dark abyss. No one has been in this room for years, dust collecting, making the once lustrous throne room look dull and empty. Thinking to himself why did any of this have to happen, all the things he had built, destroyed when he was cast away from his home.

???: "My family has ruled over this place for generations, but... This happened"

Clutching the armrests in anger, veins bulged from his muscles. Rising, his cape fluttered from the sudden movement and the throne crumbled into dust behind him. He walked out of the palace onto the balcony which overlooked a now ruined city, with nothing but miles of ruins as far as the eye could see.

Leaving his old palace behind, he walked through the decrepit streets of the city. Memories starting flooding back to him. The market plaza bustling with children playing around, guards stationed at each point to protect the citizens of the city. Nothing could be better than this.

He snaps out of his flashback and continues walking through the ruins. He finally reaches the fallen gate and exits, looking back one last time. The palace in the back with its blue golden tiles ridden with dirt, the ruins of the academy that once stood, the fallen central tower that fell on one wall. Buildings stained with dried blood and scorch marks from fires that tore the sky asunder. Gray clouds with lightning striking the palace with an angry crackle.

Turning back towards the road, he got on his horse. Commanding for the horse to gallop into the horizon, leaving a trail of dust behind them.