
The Beginning of an Ending

In the 21st Century, Man began exploring everything for possible solutions in saving planet Earth’s near destruction caused by overpopulation, continuous pollution and wars that that is eating up the vitality of the World. ISTRc, the leading laboratory, and research facility in the world made up of the planet’s top scientists and geniuses in their fields have started "The New World Project '' The researchers have always prophesied that the power of space and time will be the answer that will provide humanity to save the planet's crisis and the way to advance the current technological era. Believing that it may be a success or a stroke of luck, they started the first revolution of humanity in applying space and time’s infinite possibilities in their research, Until they discovered the “The Portal” powered by the usage of space and time. After several tests and trials had led to a conclusion, that it may be connected to another world.

WinterDreamer · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
5 Chs


One hundred three, One hundred four, One hundred five ....

The alarm started buzzing at 5:00 am a typical daily life of a 28 years old man named Zen Akihiro, a genius physicist.

A physicist is someone who seeks the answer to impossible questions.

Being the lead researcher at International Space and Time Research Corps.

A Job he earned through his feats and achievements, a way for him in one day achieving his goals and paving the way for his dream.

Hearing some footsteps, made him know that his mom is already awake...

"waking up early, doing my daily exercise, and forgetting to turn off the alarm is already a daily occurrence in my life," thought by Zen.

"Zen, wake up now or I'll throw all your game collections if you don't want to be late in your work, start moving already" His mom shouted.

"Don't forget to grab the food I've prepared before leaving, I'll be off to the market and get everything we need for dinner later".

Hearing his mom nagging again early in the morning.

He finished his daily exercise which is already ingrained in his body, while wiping his sweat and said.

"I'm already awake mom just doing my morning workout, I'm gonna be finished for a while".

Sometimes It slips in my mind why people should exercise, we are just getting tired, really I should minimize thinking negatively, well, in the end, it's better to stay healthy and fit though.

In this world where people always judge a person's character by appearance, I don't really care how they portray what I am but it never hurts to have a few muscles to be categorized fit.

"Yes mom, I'll be back home late, Our research is about to enter its trial phase, I love you, Mom".

Zen, who is seemingly excited, rushed to take a shower, preparing for the big breakthrough of the research that may lead to new beginnings and possible solutions for the survival of the world.

Zen thought to himself while combing his black hair " If everything goes well it's gonna be a big step for humanity, well if we link our world somewhere more habitable then it's going to really be a big breakthrough".

Thinking how this world has really have progressed, from pollutions that destroyed the natural environment and wars that caused a lot of more destruction, now we lack the resources to do anything almost everything is caused by us humans, and now we are trying to save the world's from its end, sometimes it's just funny to think about it.

Since the company gave me the naming right. I need to think a little more about how to surprise my mom after everything is settled.

Damn, Mom's getting older every day and I know she's being lonely nowadays, I'll introduce Aria maybe after everything's settled and we've been together for a long time now, I should really make the move and confess soon.

Zen's mom has always been raising him since his father left them. He doesn't know where his father went.

He witnessed all the hard work his mother exerted just to raise him up in this harsh world ever since he was young.

Being indulged in his studies and being exposed to the reality of the world, coupled with the goals he set for himself, made him have a high mental capacity and a competitive personality since young.

Being a physicist himself, he sometimes thinks if "God" does really exist in this world and if there is really someone above, Why did he let everything progress to what the world is right now.

"Sometimes I just want to mock the "God" if he is really watching above". He thought while wearing his daily working attire.

His dream, for now, is to one day make his mother proud by immortalizing his mother's name. in the project he is working on right now, the woman who made it all possible for him to be in this world.

The only thing that made him depressed, ever since he indulged in his studies and achieving the best even until now is that he has almost made no friends, he got already used in being alone for a long time, luckily one day while playing a game online he met Aria, he was surprised that day and it's almost a dream to befriend a pretty girl.

After stepping outside the house He suddenly thought about Aria, well for sure she is still sleeping, but I should better leave a voice call…

Aria Taniguchi, a friend he met in the past while playing an online game he was addicted to. But situations changed and his friend has been busy for a while after going overseas, due to her family problems and an important matter she needs to do attend.

*Ring Ring

" Good morning Aria, I know you're still sleeping right now, I'm thinking what if we go together on a long vacation, maybe on the beach or somewhere relaxing will be the best, after my research ends let's meet and travel …..

I really wish you were here with me right now and I want to tell you something that has been in my mind for a long time now... Well that's all, always take care and remember that I'll be always here for you "

*After ending the call he looked up in the sky...

A dark sky as always, a city made up of tall buildings he thought about his closest friend, a bit of melancholic day he thought and sighed...

He started driving, going to IRTSc Main Facility building usually it takes a few minutes, I should start going now…

Upon Zen's arrival In the ITRSc compound, he proceeded immediately to the area where every test is being done. Seeing the higher-ups and the workers are already present, I guess everyone's present and enthusiastic about the project we started.

After entering the test room, He guessed everyone's eyes are focused on him. Already expecting the situation that occurs almost every day ever since he was promoted to be a lead researcher.

Zen thought to himself, the test's success and the chance of failure, well better stay positive.

There is always no guaranteed success in every test we did, but well every achievement and success is made up of a lot of failures, and the important goal is that we are advancing in our research.

Hearing everyone talking about the project's final test and after checking if everything is in order.

"Alright team let's start walking to the future of humanity"

"Alright Captain!! Seems everyone's really excited today"

With his go signal, Zen checked if everything was in order.

"Capcom is everything good?".

While looking at the screen and monitoring if there is no problem, Capcom looked at Zen excitedly.

"We are good to go, captain"

"Radar are you good".

"Everything in here is ready and waiting for your signal Captain".

"Space are you good?".

"Good to go Cap't Zen," a British researcher code-named Space said

"Everyone We are now going to open the portal, Get ready for the new beginning of humanity ".

The portal was huge and resembles a large rectangular door frame. made using the most advanced materials that can be produced in this era surrounded by a lot of machines and a lot of researchers.

Everyone is nervous, some are trying to close their eyes, some are even starting to pray in every God that they know.

Zen as the head of the research pushed the button to open the portal with no one daring to breathe in the room afraid that something will go wrong.

The portal radiates a purple light connecting on the four corners of the gate.

A tear in the fabric of so-called time and space which will connect the world to somewhere that we still don't have the knowledge, but we know it will be a big breakthrough.

Having the power of connecting our world to another world, approximately the distance with light-years apart according to our past research data, as everything is doing well, Zen looked at the higher-ups and put a thumbs up.

"A giant leap for humanity" Zen Thought.

"Woohoo, Zen we have done it" The team said and all of them are hugging after all of the past struggles they have been through.

Then suddenly a strange sound came from the portal " shriek shriek " the portal that was stable is fluctuating.

System Machine: "high energy is being detected" "high energy is being detected" "advising total evacuation".

Suddenly red lights started going on and off a signal for total evacuation.

"Captain, the power level of the portal is still increasing, it's already outside our set safety limit, we should evacuate now ".

Listening to the pleas of his team and thinking about the hard work of everyone he still decided to save the project from failing.

"Evacuate everyone now, godammit, I'll try to save it, the problem should be just somewhere, GOOO!! ".

Zen did conclude that there may be a chance of failure but it should be on the side of having a close to low probability, and he never foresaw that it may have the chance of explosion after preparing the right safety measures.

He saw the alarm and started perspiring when he looked at the data, the levels were out of control he yelled " Evacuate the building NOWWW!! "

The system of the whole facility began ringing the warning for total evacuation.

Zen was still trying to salvage the portal and began looking at the possible problems that occurred.

Zen thought to himself " Sh*t this can't be happening now, I have been preparing for this moment and this is the fruit of our hard work, where did it go wrong??? "

A colleague of Zen approached him

"Zen we gotta go right now its gonna explode from the intense power we have no time to fix it anymore, we can still rebuild it again in the future ".

" Just go evacuate now!! I'll try to save it, If there is really no chance for this to work I'll follow up soon, GOO!! ".

Still trying to fix the portal, he started from everything that can make the portal go crazy.

The colleague looked at him with a worried expression before running outside.

Then a blinding light started to envelop the whole room.

Flashback of his Mother and Aria started to appear one by one in his mind

Is this what we call the moment before dying, please work come on, not now...

Zen said to himself " Sorry Mom, I feel we will never eat dinner together again".

While thinking about his thoughts without him knowing the lights started to envelop his whole body.

BOOM!! The portal having given in from a massive power overflow exploded.

But to the people outside they did not see the expected mushroom of clouds after the explosion...

When the radiation team entered the building all they see are ruins of the destroyed portal and Zen is nowhere to be found.