
the beginning from the realm of primal chaos

(The Primal Chaos realm is Yun Che’s realm.) Well guys, from the beginning, I want to mention that this novel will not mention the word “God” and any word “divine” or something like that will be replaced by the word (saint or sacred). .... In the realm of primordial chaos, specifically on the Blue Pole Star More specifically in the Blue Cloud Continent and within a forest cave in the Vermilion Dragon Mountain Range It was a small child alone crying but in this .... The worlds that have been visited so far are, of course, without counting the world of primordial chaos: Martial Universe ( WDQK ) , Teyvat (genshin impact game) There are other worlds that the hero will travel to, but the main one will remain the world of primal chaos until the plot ends, or at least until an advanced stage in it. My language is not English and many thanks to my dear google translator all characters aren't mine except mc and some characters that I may write hmm and the photo also isn't mine ok I don't know why authors write that but ok I think there is a reason

true_Monarch_me · Komik
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32 Chs

Little boy and sad monarch ( two wishes )

On the Blue Pole Star and in the Profound Sky Continent, in a cave in the Vermilion Dragon Mountain Range near Floating Cloud City


A small child in a small hood was in the middle of the cave alone

" waaaaa waaaa "

Blonde hair sprouted at the top of his head, and his little doll-like face was stained with tears I do not know who committed such a heinous crime, but he is certainly devoid of any shred of humanity to be able to abandon such a tender child, not to mention the relationship of fatherhood or motherhood.

What would happen to a child like that? You can imagine, even if the terrifying beasts of this mountain range didn't eat him by some miracle, he would still die of starvation in the end. Sigh, a short, sad story

Anyway, this is just one of thousands of similar stories...

Come on let's go I don't want to witness the death of a little boy and I don't think you do either Let's find someone else who can give us an interesting story We're here to have fun after all But at this moment

<Ding!> I raise my eyebrows slightly and look in the direction of the boy suddenly

<Ding the Twelve-Wish System has been activated.> <ding please make a wish>

My eyes widen in realization all of a sudden Yes how could my intuition go wrong This boy's life is interesting and not just another tragic passing

"Come on, come on, boy, show me an interesting story." Then... nothing


Looking at the boy who is still crying and the stupid system that doesn't give him food I had a headache that I don't need so I made an exception this time and with a movement of my sack the boy opened his mouth speaking in a soft milky voice

"I want some milk"

"Damn it, boy. Ask for a cow or something like that. you will still die when it runs out of milk."

The clerk clutched his sack sadly, thinking whether it would have been better for me to look for someone else after all, but fortunately the monarch was unduly worried.

< Ding the wish has been set, Ding is searching all over the universe, Ding has determined that the most delicious milk in the universe is the milk of the cow Oythampla from the land of legends in the northern region under the rule of Odin, the ruler of the nine worlds >

< Ding has been determined that the cow Oythampla has been missing since Odin and his two brothers' war with Ymir the founding giant and has not been **** since > < The cow was found or taken and taken instead of milk, does the host accept >

silence The corners of the Monarch's mouth twitched slightly as he looked at his bag hesitantly, then with a sigh opened it again So the boy opened his mouth again

"I accept."

< ding accepted , othembla is fetched >

So with voice "Moooo!" A huge cow appeared that almost destroyed the entire Eastern Region of the Primal Chaos Realm with one move

"waaaaaahaa" Tears fell from the eyes of the Monarch again and he hesitantly opened his sack

after all it was a loss to abandon this boy after opening the sack twice already and just another time already less than what he had given up, as it is not good for a Monarch to leave millions and billions of stars. Life dies with beings on it just for his own pleasure That's why he must open his bag with regret Thus, after the monarch opened his bag again, the cow suddenly shrank sharply until it became the size of a normal cow "Moooo" The sound of the cow that shook the entire Blue Pole Planet appeared, but soon it stopped and the sound effects on the planet calmed down

"Moooo" came the sound of the cow again, which shook the cave strongly, then she sat down strongly and closed her eyes, which almost caused an earthquake in the cave With the intense movement of the cave, a large boulder suddenly fell on the little boy

"Moooo" The cow suddenly opened its eyes and then with a human look noticed the little cow and the baby falling on it "Such." With a sound of splitting the air, as the sound barrier appeared around him, the large cow tail easily destroyed the rock

"Moooooooo" Oythembla looked at the little boy over there and then simply and quietly stood up and went in his direction then "sip"

The boy began to sip the milk while Oythembla was standing looking ahead expressionless on the cow's face Soon the child finished drinking and fell asleep quickly After about ten minutes, Oythampla looked at the boy, then moved a little and fell asleep on the floor beside him quietly without making any noise. At this moment, the boy's body began to change little by little under the influence of Othimbla's milk, which was full of food and energy, and enough for even the founding giant to pass.

You should know that six of the nine worlds in Norse mythology were formed from this body of Ymir, and you can probably get a glimpse of its enormous size. And now, even though the Monarch reduced her size and sealed her strength, this did not diminish the immense nourishment and energy in her milk.

You should know that one of the reasons why Odin and his two brothers fought against Ymir was because he wouldn't let them drink Oythampla's milk, so you can imagine how valuable this milk is.


This is how the boy and the cow spent a year in this way of sleeping and eating Then when a year had passed exactly

< Ding please the host make the second wish among the twelve wishes >

A year later the boy was a little older due to being fed Oythembla milk all this time But this is not the biggest change, the biggest change is his eyes full of intelligence The boy looked around for a bit and then looked at Oythembla on the side and said in a milky voice in a language he had never learned before strangely

"I want the most delicious drink" The boy didn't find it strange to speak a language he hadn't learned, after all, he didn't have any logical perspectives to make sense of these things.

As for the reason he asked for the most delicious drink, it was because of Othimbla, after all during this year he had been drinking her milk while she had not. And the boy understands, nothing can be made from nothing, so out of pity for his "mother" he made this wish

"Good boy," the Monarch said contentedly, looking at them from another dimension so that they could not see him While the boy did not listen to the Monarch's voice, the sound of order was as clear as a bell in his ear

< Ding has been determined, Ding is looking for the most delicious drink in the world >

< Ding, the most delicious drink in the world was selected as the essence and juice of the world tree, does the host accept >

"I accept." The boy's eyes brightened slightly Then suddenly it appeard a A gigantic lake the size of more than ..

The monarch was expressionless as he opened his sack Thus, the golden-coloured sea of juice and liquid shrank from the size of the primordial chaos to the size of an appropriately sized lake inside the cave The boy's eyes sparkled a little and then he went to the cow

"Mom, come on, let me get you something to drink." The cow opened its eyes and looked at the boy with dull eyes and then looked at where he pointed Then I slowly got up and went to the pond then "Sip!"

After taking a sip, the cow's eyes suddenly sparkled from the pleasure of the taste, then with her tail around the boy, she dived with the boy.


The World Tree is fed by three springs The fountain of immortality is in the realm of Asgard where Odin rules The Fountain of Chaos is in the world of Niflheim where eternal darkness reigns Finally, and most important, is the Fountain of Wisdom, which is guarded by Mimir, Sage of the Nine Worlds There, Odin sacrificed his left eye to get a sip, and only from this sip did his wisdom increase until it reached a level close to even Loki's spirit of wisdom itself. Of course, in the end, he could not confront Loki, but this is because Loki's intelligence, malice, and wisdom are frightening and very unnatural.


So another year passed Thus, when the boy and the cow entered the spring every day, they changed in enormous degrees As for the boy, his blood had turned a radiant golden color due to the excess vitality gained from the Fountain of Immortality

and His profound veins turned into golden colored veins and acquired chaotic properties, enabling him to use all energies and all elements. Of course, his body also changed and turned into a chaotic body This is all because of the Fountain of Chaos liquid in the juice of the World Tree

As for the effect of the Fountain of Wisdom, it is that all the connections and neural networks, whether in his body or his mind, turned golden and became super-fast, which increased his intuition and the speed of his reactions to an inhuman degree... or rather, an impossible degree, after all, there are many Inhuman beings in this world...

Of course, this is not the only effect, the source of wisdom also affected his soul and exalted it greatly

As for the effect of the juice of the world tree on Oythembla Both the Fountain of Immortality and the Fountain of Chaos liquid didn't affect Oythembla much After all, she herself was born from the same Chaotic Energy found in the Chaos Fountain, while her life continued from before the birth of the Nine Worlds, and yet time had not affected her at all, so you can imagine her enormous vitality, which could even be called immortal.

But the biggest effect was from the source of wisdom and this effect is... that she gained wisdom


(end of the chapter)


Hmm so what do you guys think about this start ?

Oh, by the way, the wishes will be from other novels and even possibly from anime as well, not just from legends As a reminder the world is a world of primordial chaos so no one forgets