
Before Training II

POV Julian Kingscrown

"They're here," I spoke as I watched Cynthia, giving orientation to Kathyln, Claire and Tessia.

It had been two days since the fight I had intervened in, but now everything seemed much more harmonious.

"You took longer than I expected, I thought you had already left," Cynthia replied

"Leave?" I saw the three people close to my age make confused faces

"Yes, I'm going to be away for about four or five months," I said

"Are you going to visit Grandpa? If so, we can go back together," Tessia said, approaching

"I'll stop by, but I won't stay too long, I have something to check out in the clearings and I'll be there for a while, besides you're getting tutoring from Director Cynthia" I replied

I saw Kathyln's complexion darken and Tessia's face regretful, Claire, on the other hand, seemed very interested in what I would do, but I didn't plan to tell anyone anything.

That would endanger not only the people of Hearth but also anyone who found out and I didn't want that; on the one hand, they are a people who escaped from Kezess's hands and the other is simply a non-involved, it's not worth taking risks.

I just wished they would live as free as possible, after all that's why they left their home in Epheotus; to live free even if they are persecuted they chose that way of life and I am no one to reveal their whereabouts or question their decisions.

"Don't worry I'll be here before the entrance ceremony, I want to see the new president of the student committee by then," I said to Tessia.

She felt somewhat embarrassed by my statements but nodded, "okay I'll be waiting for you."

"The real reason I came here is for you to meet them," I said pointing to the open door of the training room.

After saying that Ingram and Cleia flew in, I saw Avier's eyes widen when he saw the half-dragon.

His gaze quickly settled on me but I ignored his curiosity and said "they have grown a lot so I was looking for a suitable bond for them".

Ingram perched on Tessia's shoulder as he looked into her eyes, the elf princess seemed delighted and approached to give him a hug, "Thank you Julian, thank you very much".

Kathyln looked curiously at the half-dragon that flew towards her, "What kind of species is it?" she said as she cradled the dragon in her arms.

"It's a Wyvern but a very special one," I replied as I watched her touch Cleia's wings hesitantly.

"But it's different from the ones I've seen" she replied.

"That's why I told you, it's a very special one," I answered again.

Claire's gaze for some reason was stabbing me in the back, but unfortunately for her I had nothing or if there was something; however, I wanted to try to get something better, so I'll ignore her for now.

"Are you leaving today?" Cynthia asked.

I thanked her for helping me overcome the awkward air between me and Clare, she made a mental victory pose recomposing myself quickly.

"Yes, I have to visit Gideon and then I'll make a short stop in Elenoir" I replied.

After that Tessia seemed to want to go back with me to Elenoir, but I was firm in my denials, Kathyln tried to do the same trying to talk to her mother but I escaped before that happened.


POV Gideon

"And what is this beast for?" I asked hesitantly as I looked at a blue-toned wolf cub.

"It's your guardian," Julian replied with a proud smile on his face and for some strange reason I felt that this mana beast did the same.

"That beast with its size could only steal my food and run away," I replied mockingly.

"You'd be surprised if you saw its full potential," he retorted smugly.

"Well coming from you it can't be normal, what rank is it?" I asked.

"It's better to keep it vague, I'll just tell you that it's terrifyingly powerful," he replied.

"Do you think they'll attack me if you brought it?" I asked, questioning his intentions.

"I don't know, I'm just being cautious," he answered again.

It certainly doesn't hurt to be cautious, I thought as I looked at the apparent blue puppy.

"Well, it's your decision, I'll tell Himes to help me with it," I said, gesturing to my butler to get everything necessary.

"How are the training artifacts going?" Julian asked.

"Half of them are ready, do you want to see them?" I replied.

"No, I was just curious, I'll come to see them when they're complete, I'm going to be gone for a couple of months so I won't be able to come," he answered.

"Be careful," I said, turning back to the workshop and waving my hand in farewell.

"Wait, I still need your help," Julian said, catching up with me.

"What else do you want, I'm in the middle of a big research," I said in an annoyed tone, as I was in the middle of an interesting project for my standards.

"I'm going to put on the mana imprint," he said as he followed me to the workshop room that was protected by the Aurora system.

"Are you sure? Even though it doesn't seem to pose a short-term risk, we won't know more about it until we investigate it further," I replied.

"There has to be someone who takes the risk to do more research, besides I doubt the imprint can do me any harm," he said confidently.

"Well, the risks are minimal, so why not," I said.

After that, I gestured for him to sit in one of the chairs near the machine for mana imprints or as I call it Ark booster gun.

"Why did you give it such a weird name?" Julian said as he looked at the marks it had left and rolled his eyes.

"I think it's a good name," I said proudly.

He just looked at me disapprovingly and avoided saying anything else, so I decided to continue the conversation, "Where are you going to put it?"

"Putting it on your arms or legs is dangerous because you could lose it at the same time as the limb, so I was thinking of putting it on my torso maybe on my back at the level of the heart since it's a pretty safe place," he said with one hand.

"Not a bad option, take off your shirt, and did you bring something to avoid biting your tongue?" I said as I loaded the mana imprint gun.

"Yes, I brought something," after that Julian took out a piece of rolled-up cloth from his dimensional ring and put it in his mouth.

"It's going to hurt, so get ready," I said maliciously and he returned mine with disdain.

With more motivation, I placed the gun behind his back and activated it.

"Arrgggghhhh" I heard Julian complaining of pain but it was momentary.

As soon as the process was over, I took the gun away and asked, "How do you feel?"

"It hurts a lot at first, but if you're above a certain level it seems to end quickly," Julian replied, while removing some traces of moisture from his eyes.

"If you say so, it must be like that, be careful on your trip," I said, returning to my research.

"Be careful too," I managed to hear before feeling him leave the barrier that protected the inventions.


POV Virion Eralith

Lately, I've been very thoughtful, without Tessia here by my side and Alea, progressing on her own with the assimilation of the will, I've felt a void in me.

This has only generated a feeling of restlessness with the appearance of the other continent, I feel a kind of whirlpool swallowing everything in its path and taking us in some direction.

I don't know if this is good or bad, the only thing I can say is that times are changing, and I'm worried about who could be the center of this Tiffon.

I just hope this is beneficial for the whole continent.

"Knock, knock", while I was lost in my thoughts I heard the sound of the door.

I hadn't even felt them approaching, how distracted I must be I said taking my forehead.

After recomposing myself I said "Come in".

At that moment someone I didn't expect to see entered, it was a pleasant surprise to see Julian again and on his shoulder was the deity Sylvie

"You came to visit your dear grandfather" I said hoping to start a joke

But I didn't get the reaction I expected, he seemed surprised but did nothing to reply to my comment

"Something like that I guess", he said with a face of not knowing how to answer

"Did you hit your head?", I said trying to mock him

He frowned and looked at me with annoyance, "not at all I just wanted to visit the old bones of my master before he kicks the bucket" he said in a mocking tone

"Whenever you want I'll be ready to kick your ass", I replied playfully.

"Forget it not today", he said moving his hands in a sign of tiredness.

"Then why did one of my two prodigious students come", I replied in an arrogant tone.

"That tone is annoying, but never mind could you call Alea and Aya please", he replied.

"Does it have to do with the mana beast signatures outside the room", I asked interested.

"Yes there is also something for you, but more than that you have a somewhat distracted expression is everything okay?", he said.

"A lot of things have happened lately", I replied in a tired tone.

"Is there anything I should know?", he asked with a worried face.

I took a few seconds to think about whether or not I should tell him and decided to do so; they had already scheduled a prepared pronunciation by the royal families to make Dicathen aware of the new continent.

It wouldn't hurt if he knew now or in four and a half months when it will be reported, "The royal families discovered the existence of a new continent".

Julian opened his eyes wide and seemed to be processing what he had just heard.

"I'm just as surprised as you are, I didn't think something like that was possible" I said.

"What have the royal families thought about this?", Julian said looking me in the eyes.

"They want to know more about the other civilization, although they know it exists, they don't know what they are like and what their stance will be towards us Dicatheans", I replied.

"And have they thought of possible scenarios?", he asked.

"Nobody has done it yet", I said with an eyebrow raised in surprise, since you would usually do something like that when you know more about the other side and especially when you are aware that they don't have good intentions.

Does this kid know something?, I was about to ask until I heard footsteps and then a knock on the door of my study.

"Elder Virion, I'm Alea Triscan, and I'm accompanied by Aya Grephin we were informed that you sent for us", I heard one of the royal guards, who would soon be publicly known as a lance according to the wishes of the council.

"Come in Alea, Aya", I replied.

They entered and when they saw Julian they seemed happy or nostalgic, I couldn't blame them, after all they saw all of Julian's growth here in Elenoir and he also had a good relationship with them.

After some greetings and hugs, Julian moved on to the topic for which they had really come.

"I suppose you already saw what was outside Aya, Alea", he said.

Both Alea and Aya nodded their heads, on the other hand, I saw Julian get up from his seat, walk to the entrance, open the door and let in three mana beasts, I could recognize two of them.

There was one specifically with which my, beastly will was resonating, my heart began to speed up and I felt my blood running faster through my body.

Immediately, I took a short breath to calm my emotions and let my mood return to normal.

Aya seemed very interested in the beasts that entered and Alea seemed to sense what was going to happen, so she had a face

Aya seemed very interested in the beasts that entered and Alea seemed to sense what was going to happen, so she had a somewhat complicated face.

"These mana beasts were collected by me during my time in the clearings, they have grown quite a bit so I was looking for people who could be their links and I thought of you," Julian said.

"That is clearly a shadow panther, but why does it look different from the ones I remember," I asked.

"It's a cub, maybe that's why it looks different?" He said in a nervous tone.

"I guess the nightmare fox is for me, although I never saw one so well cared for, it looks very fluffy" Aya said.

She approached the mana beast and lifted it between her two hands as she looked at it, after a few seconds she asked "Are you sure you want to give it to me, I can see that it is not a common and ordinary mana beast".

"I agree, at least in my case, you already gave me something very valuable that probably no more than five people on the continent currently have and that is enough for me" Alea said in a worried tone.

"I don't think there is anyone better than you to be their links, that's why I hope you don't reject my proposal," Julian said apologetically.

"I personally would be delighted to have it" I replied.

"If you're giving it to me, I guess it's rude to refuse," Aya said.

Alea seemed indecisive and still wanted to refuse so I tried to talk, "You should reconsider, it's not easy to get a link, even more so one that has a good affinity with you" I said pointing to the winged beast.

She contemplated my words and replied, "Is there any way I can pay you, you have given me too much and I can't receive this for free".

After a long conversation we managed to reach an agreement, where Alea offered her help at any time to Julian.

After that the next day we saw the boy leave for the clearings.

Guys, how are you, here the author wanted to comment something, initially I wanted to finish the first arc of the work with the protagonist returning to Xyrus

But I decided to do the opposite and leave it before the training so you could say that the first part of the work ends here

According to my calculations I should have another five cuts similar to this one until the possible end but it will increase depending on how the original progresses and if something appears that I can use

Also who do you think guessed correctly the integration phase and hit the target that the legacy can use Eter, that's right your server

I caught up on the novel and many things that I interpreted came out explained just as I said

On the other hand I was shocked when I saw how Tessilia stole the op hack from Sylvie of the dragons and I didn't think something like what happened with her favorite Eter branch would happen.

Haruto1028383creators' thoughts