
Characters (update: 2025/02/02 )


Clone Character List


Leila - Clone of Kalawarna.

Noa - Clone of Raynare.

Charmie - Clone of Mittelt.

Ezrah - Clone of Irina Shido

Zestia - Clone of Xenovia Quarta

Klara - Clone of Katerea Leviathan

Marian - Clone of Momo Hanakai

Yae - Clone of Tsubasa Yura

Rurari - Clone of Ruruko Nimura

Krisha - Clone of Rakshata Chawla ( Code Geass )


Original Character List


Himiko Murabiki - An acquaintance of Zeno from his illustration job, falling in love with him at first sight.

White Dream - Zeno's Stand ( Jojo )

Ruth - A devil servant of the Asmodeus House, got recruited/forced by Zeno to join his faction.

Ziah Zavior - Zeno's first daughter

Baeta - Ruth's mysterious friend and a devil servant of the Asmodeus House who goes MIA.

Big Chill - Baeta's chonky cat.