
The Beauty's Comeback! What my Wife Says Goes

Walking in on her boyfriend and cousin having sex and exposing their plans to get rid of her... Shi Xue was heartbroken. Due to her shock, she knocked over a vase. Since the plan had been exposed... She is on the run for her life. Her dad passed away several years ago, and her so called family members were after her inheritance. After running for god knows how long, she was struck in the back of her head by a man dressed in black. "Hehe... I'm too tired from playing cat and mouse with you... since you are unconscious.. I shall drown you and have you die a more peaceful way." In this fateful night, the handsome man was out on his private cruise dealing with his "business" with the spies he found from his company. As he was staring at the ruthless torturous methods used on the spies to make them talk.. he heard .. "help... me." How much did she hear and who was she? Just when he was about to toss her off the cruise... he recognized her ... the coldness of his eyes melted away as he gently embraced the girl to his body. "Shi... Xue...?"

Sweetflowlips · Umum
Peringkat tidak cukup
209 Chs

Chapter 132- Give her a hug

After Qian Ling left the room, Hui Yan hugged Shi Xue and rubbed her arms.

Hui Yan: "Although I am also shocked, right now, we can only trust her before we get out."

Shi Xue nodded slightly, "But, if she's my mom, then.."

Hui Yan: "Then you should be happy. Think about it carefully, your dad isn't here anymore. At least right now, you could still spend time with your mom and make up for the years she missed out with you. It wouldn't be the same, but she's also a victim in this case. She never wanted to separate from you or your father. The culprit is Shi Shan Shan, so your mom shouldn't be the one who is getting punished for something she never wished for. She could've hid from you forever or left us dying, but she chose to risk it all and save us. If she didn't care for you or loved you, she would've left us there."

Shi Xue: "I know. I'm just not too used to having a mom around. I'm not sure how I should address her or live with her."

Hui Yan smiled, "Then just smile and give her a warm hug. Start off small and eventually you'll be talking with her smoothly."

Shi Xue: "but what if.."

Hui Yan saw her nervousness and chuckled, "Silly, there are no mothers in this world who wouldn't want to hug their own child. Especially a mother who risked her life to save her daughter's like that, it shows how much she really loves you."

Shi Xue nodded, "Okay. I'll try" she took a deep breath.

A while later, Qian Ling brought in a tray of delicious smelling food. She helped Shi Xue and Hui Yan settle onto the chairs at the table before turning around to exit the room.

Shi Xue: "W..wait.."

Qian Ling was startled and turned around with a sweet smile, "Do you need something?"

Shi Xue shook her head and acted nervously. Qian Ling sensed something was off and immediately knelt down next to Shi Xue while placing her hand onto her forehead.

"Are you feeling unwell? No appetite? I made sure the meal dishes were you and Hui Yan's favorites. Are you feeling pain anywhere?" she started examining Shi Xue's arms.

Shi Xue's eyes turned misty as she sensed her mother's care for herself.

"Dear, sweetie, what's wrong? Don't cry. What is it?" she tried comforting her.

Qian Ling's eyes widened the next moment as she felt warmth spreading around her body. Shi Xue initiated a hug around her body as she cried out to her. "Mom... mom... I've always wanted a mom when I saw other kids having their moms pick them up. I always wished when I was sick that I'll have a mom who would cook and rub my head. Now, I have you. You're back."

Qian Ling's eyes reddened as she hugged her back tightly, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry I had you wait so long and suffered so much. From now on, mommy will be here for you. Nobody can bully you or hurt you. Mommy won't leave you again."

Shi Xue sniffled as she loosened her embrace, "Pinky swear?"

Qian Ling wiped the tears off Shi Xue's face using her thumb, "Pinky promise."

Hui Yan felt warmth from seeing Shi Xue and her mother hug each other. She smiled and asked, "Aunty Ling, have you eaten yet? If you haven't then eat with us! This could be our celebratory meal of you and sis in law's reunion!"

"mm, mom let's eat together. It tastes better to eat together. I have a lot I want to tell you. You also need to tell me your stories too!"

"Alright, whatever you two say. But I do have a question."


"Hui Yan calls you sister in law, are you married? Did I miss my daughter's wedding?"

Shi Xue laughed, "No, no, I'm dating Zhi Hei, but we aren't married yet. He haven't proposed to me yet either. Hui Yan likes to call me that because she set me as her future sister in law"

"Oh! Splendid! I see, but dear, haha, when you and Zhi Hei were kids, me and Hui Yan's parents had a deal. If I give birth to a girl and they give birth to a boy, then the two will be engaged. So technically, you two could skip the proposal. You two are already engaged. It's so great that you two get along without this engagement bound deal!" Qian Ling clapped her hands together in joy.

Shi Xue: "... so it's been fated that I fell for Zhi Hei."

Hui Yan: "My parents better not have done this to me for another family! I only love Shen Qi! Aunty Ling, Aunty Ling, tell me my parents didn't do that!!"

Qian Ling chuckled, "They didn't because they wanted you to choose your own happiness. As for Zhi Hei and Shi Xue, they wanted to make sure Shi Xue would be doted upon even after marriage, so they set a deal with me and my hubby."

Hui Yan: "Phew, so that means, my brother and sis in law's future had been set even before they've met~ So romantic~~~ "

Qian Ling: "It's really parent's play like how when you're children and you play bride and groom to be? Yea, just that it is an adult version, but on their own kids."

Shi Xue:" I'll love to see Zhi Hei's reaction to this."

The three had a harmonious dinner and planned the painful death for the Shi's afterwards...