
The Black Mamber.

He inquired, his voice tense. Mamila, completely dressed, said, "No."

She rubbed her hand over the wound she'd acquired during her fight with Zuba.

She needed to take care of herself, but she couldn't do so in front of Charles.

He was already frightened by her revealing who she is to him.

"I don't like you allowing him to burn my clothes," she expressed her displeasure.

"I'm sorry," Charles said right away. She's dangerous, and he'll have to follow her rules if he wants to live.

"I guess I'll have to go shopping now," she replied as she approached him.

He didn't flinch; instead, he stood there staring at her as she kissed his face, then his lips.

"Just hold on, I'll come right back to you in a moment," . She mumbled something and then disappeared at the blink of an eye.

Charles fell to the ground as a result of the shock.

When he recovered consciousness, he dashed towards the door, intending to open it and flee, but he quickly realized that his efforts were worthless when the door did not open.

He tried everything he could think of, but the door remained shut.

He cried out in frustration before pulling out his phone and dialing John's number.

He crumpled to the ground in lamentations after many unsuccessful attempts to contact John.


"Hello sir," Alisha Melo said as he hastily turned around to face his PA.

Ben, his PA, remarked, "The DPO is here." He was motioned to send them in by Melo. Ben walked away and returned with DPO Hassan and two other cops.

Melo exhaled deeply as flashes of his wife's lifeless body flashed across his mind.

The director of the forensic department had just told him that her voice wasn't intoxicated, but they hadn't figured out why she acted the way she was.

DPO Hassan welcomed him with, "Good evening sir."

"Can you tell me what you've got?" Melo inquired as he approached a chair to take a seat.

Hassan extended an envelope towards him and added, "As you directed, we were able to retrieve his identity from the cellular provider."

Melo took it, opened it, and pulled a file from inside. He examined the photo of the individual whose phone number was last shown on his wife's phone before to her tragic accident.

It's him, the jerk who has been having affairs with my wife.

"His name is Charles Samson," Hassan explained. "If the forensic reports show she wasn't driving while intoxicated, then I believe this Charles must have said something to her that scared her."

She lost control and slammed her car into the saloon door.

Hassan huffs as Melo says, "Then find him and arrest him."

"Sir, we have no idea what was stated during that little moment; if we arrest him, he can charge us in court; the Judge may or may not rule it suicide, motivated by a second party."

"Sir, he'll win." He gave an explanation. Melo snarled, "Don't educate me on how the court works."

His irritability resurfaced in full force. Hassan replied, "I'm sorry sir."

Melo screamed, "Get out." "However, sir," he attempted to say. "I told you to go out," Melo stated brusquely.

Hassan took a deep breath and swallowed his remarks. Before saying his final greetings and leaving the house, he looked at his soldiers.

The other two officers followed suit. "Should I make the call,?" Dennis asked as he put his hand into his pocket and went closer to Melo.

Melo stuck his nose in the air for a moment, weighing the benefits and drawbacks of the decision he's about to make.

He's always suspected that the young guys with whom his wife associates with will definitely destroy her.

With the election approaching, all he has to do now is deal with his dead wife's escapades, just like he did with the guy before Charles and the boy before the first.

"Yes," Melo responded as he stood up from his chair, and Ben didn't waste any time pulling out his phone, scrolling through contacts, and dialing a number.

”Helloo,” When the call was connected, a feminine voice came on the other end.

"Skylar," Ben muttered, cringing as he looked at Melo. "I'll email you a picture of someone, along with his name and address."

"Can you tell me about your job,.?" From the other end, Skylar inquired. "Can you tell me about your job?".

Images of his dead wife rushed through his mind once more.

One of his wife's men had threatened to blackmail him a few months ago.

He was certain that he loved his wife.

Charles was involved in her death in some way.

When he discovered that it was Charles who called him from an unknown number to blackmail him with his wife's nude photos, he questioned his wife about it, and she confessed.

Charles couldn't do it, but his findings convinced him that it was him, and he's been seeking for a means to get rid of him ever since.

He couldn't do it at the time since his wife forbade it.

He finally said, "I want him dead." Ben sighed before uttering the word. " Destruction," he says.


He took another swig of whiskey, trying to believe that the bottle of whiskey in his fingers could bring peace to his soul.

He grimaced as he swallowed the burning taste before tossing the bottle to the ground.

He's tired, exhausted, and scared, and the fact that he can't leave the house irritates him even more.

He drew the bottle to his mouth once more and drank more whiskey.

He set the bottle down and turned his attention to Pastor Alfred, who had regained consciousness and was gradually standing up.

As he opened his eyes wide to see where he was, a stinging pain burned through pastor Alfred's skull.

When he stared at Charles, the memories of what had transpired earlier flashed through his mind.

For a brief moment, anxiety gripped him, and he cast his attention around, but there was no sign of Mamila.

"I must get out of here," he grumbled as he rose to his feet and hurried straight to the door.

He didn't pause before lowering the door knob.

He grunted and tried again when it wouldn't open.

He yelled at Charles, "Open the door!" "You can't get out," Charles warned emphatically before taking another swig of whisky.

Pastor Alfred averted his attention to the ring on his finger, which was meant to function, according to the Elder man.

He'll use it to heal people and cast demons out. "Can you tell me where she is?" Pastor Alfred asked.

Charles returned his furious gaze to him, ”I want my money,” he said.

”What money,?” Pastor Alfred Queried. "The one I paid you to assist me with.

"I want my $500,000 back, and I want it now,". "This wasn't intended to happen." Charles growled, "I don't give a damn."

"I need my money right now," he says  "I don't have your money; you put it in the church account as a seed."

Charles hissed, "You fake ass bastard." "I need my money right now."

Pastor Charles remarked, "I need to get out of here, open this door." Charles' stomach clenched with a scorching rage.

He needed to lash out at someone, and Pastor Alfred was only adding to his frustration.

His rage overtook him, and he grabbed the bottle, rose up, and ran towards pastor Alfred without thinking.

Alfred tried to defend himself, but it was too late; Charles had already broken the bottle in his skull before he could think.

Before Pastor Alfred fell to the ground, fragments of the bottle had already splashed on the ground.

Blood was streaming out of his bald skull after that,...


John stared at the taxi until it vanished from view.

He couldn't drive because he wasn't in the correct frame of mind, so he left his car at Charles' house.

He is deeply troubled by what Mamila has told him.

He's not sure if she's telling the truth or if she's just playing games with him, but he needs a solution in either case.

If Mamila's claims are accurate, he must intervene to prevent it from happening.

As he approaches his gate, he must think carefully and determine what he will do next and where he will do it.

He was ready to open his front gate when he noticed a police van stopped in front of him.

He stood there, perplexed as to why they had come to a halt in front of his home.

When he saw Rose climbing down from the back of the police van, his heart started racing. "Officer, that's him," Rose remarked, pointing to John.

"He and his accomplice scammed me of 700,000."

John's eyes grew larger, and he felt compelled to run, but he quickly realized that escaping would be a mistake.

"What are you talking about now?" John was enraged and asked a question.

"You're under arrest," said Sampson, one of the officers.

 tWhen Rose added another word, John's rage increased as what Mamila had said to him flashed back in his mind, infuriating him even the more.

John didn't waste any time in strangling her, yelling, "I'll kill you, you crazy bitch!" as he choked her almost to death.

The two cops attempted to separate them. John pulled one of the police officers aside and punched officer Sampson in the face, his wrath burning hot and unstoppable in his gut.

Officer Sampson's rage flared, and he corked his gun and pointed it at John without hesitation.

When John saw the revolver, he let grip of Rose's throat, who yanked back immediately to gather her breath.

Officer Justin said, "On your knees." Before he went down on his knees, John's heart pounded against his chest.

"She's lying; I don't owe her anything." Officer Martins, the other officer, instantly seized John's hand from behind and handcuffed him before dragging him to the police truck.

"I didn't do anything to her," John screamed as he was dragged into the police van's backseat.


Pastor Alfred felt his own blood as he touched it from his head over his palm and into his hand.

He couldn't tell if the thick liquid was warmer or cooler than his own skin. After many hits from Charles, a purple-yellow spread of bruising covered the entire right side of his body.

Pain sheeted through him with such a horrible intensity that he could hardly navigate the raw world that strobed in and out of focus all around him as Sorrow sheeted through him with such a terrible intensity that he was barely satisfied.

Pastor Alfred became increasingly enraged as Charles left him, his fist bleeding but he didn't seem to mind; everything seemed to make him angry, and he ignored the pain and the blood flowing from the cut in his head.

Pastor Alfred pushed himself up as rapidly as he could. He was filled with rage, and all he could think of at the time was attacking Charles.

He absorbed the trauma, swallowed the anguish, and jumped up and hurried towards Charles when he discovered he wasn't looking at him.

They were knocked down by the tremendous charge, which created a powerful impact.

As he slammed his head against the floor tiles, Charles' head hurt.

Pastor Alfred was the first to rise, and he kicked Charles in the stomach to gain the upper hand.

Charles was having none of it and tried to get up with strength he didn't know he had left, but his struggle was in vain when pastor Alfred smashed an elbow into one side of his skull.

High on the temple, there's a soft area. As a piercing ache pierced Charles' brain, he sank back down. Before yelling at him, pastor Alfred smacked him harder.

When he tasted his own blood, he became enraged, yet he realized he needed help.

He had to take care of himself and get his head bandaged.

He staggered towards the door again, this time with the aim of opening it; when it didn't open, he shouted and called out.

Charles's mind was filled with a deep sciatic discomfort. After ten seconds, twenty seconds, and thirty seconds had passed, the anguish began to fade away like the tide.

It started with his fingers and gradually worked its way up his arm.

Before standing up to confront pastor Alfred, Charles took a few deep breaths.

When Charles tried to fight him again, Pastor Alfred halted him and said, "Enough!"

"Are you already tired?" Charles questioned fiercely. Pastor Alfred yelled, "I'll refund your money."

"I need that right now," Charles stated. "Really," Pastor Alfred said, his hand feeling the blood on his brow.

"Did you break my head just because just because of this?

Look, people know I'm here, and if I don't go now, they'll start......

"Oh please shut up," Charles yelled at him. "No one is coming for you, and the people who fled here must be telling others now how false you are and how a mermaid goddess dealt with you."

"A mermaid," Pastor Alfred says again, surprised. "Is that what she is?". Charles makes a loud grunt. ”

"How could you have known if you weren't a fraud?"

Pastor Charles stated, "I need to get out of here." Charles growled, "In a body bag, yes." "That's how you'll be leaving here if you don't refund my money right now,"

"I can't give you the money right now; I need to call my bank manager," Charles shouted. "Then start calling!"

Pastor Alfred let out a low growl as he struggled to stand up against the pain he was experiencing.

He moved away from the door, frantic breaths in his lungs, while he looked about for anything he might use to stop the bleeding.

There was a thought that came to him. He refocused his eyes on Charles as he raised his head.

"Doesn't there seem to be a back door?" He inquired. "Through the rear door..." Charles wonders again why the thought never occurred to him.

His eyes widened as he considered the possibilities of escaping out of the house.

He hurried out of the sitting room and dashed towards the outside gate without a second thought.

When he arrived, he discovered the door was locked, so he shoved Pastor Alfred out of the way and dashed to the kitchen cabinets to retrieve the key.

As soon as he saw the keys, he breathed a sigh of relief, and without spending any time, he inserted the key into the lock, which unlocked. His face was flushed with delight.

Pastor Alfred followed him out of the door.

When Charles realized his wallet was still in his pockets, he began running towards the main gate while pastor Alfred was in front of him.

The gate was opened, which was fortunate for them. Pastor Alfred examined the vehicles they had brought; he needed to get away, and seeking for a car key was a long shot, so he abandoned his vehicle and followed Charles outside.

Before both men went their separate ways, Charles assured pastor Alfred that "This isn't over."
