
Disgusting Jealousy

Daniel: Cause he's not good for her. I know his likes. This university cheap boys who'll do anything to get a beautiful girl on his bed including coming to her place with borrowed cars and suits. 

Chizzy: But he won't include sleeping with different girls before breaking up with her. 

Mum: Chizzy! Daniel closed his eyes and swallowed hard. He opened them again and gave Chizzy a very mean stare. 

Chizzy: I'm sorry mum. Mum turned back to Daniel. 

Mum: If he's not good for her, who then is good for her? Will you be the one to choose a spouse for her? 

Daniel: Bu.....but mum, I saw that boy, the look...... 

Mum: You've being standing there, eavesdropping on us and its wrong. 

Daniel: I was also coming to tell you about him when I heard you all discussing the same thing. But I'm sorry. And I still maintain the fact that he's not good for her. 

Mum: Jessica will say who is good for her and who's not. You don't have a right to decide for her. She's matured enough now so please, I'll advice you to stop meddling. There was a look of surprise on his face. 

Daniel: I'm I now meddling? 

Mum: If you don't mind, I beg to leave now. Chizzy, make sure to lock my room after you people are done. She picked up her hand bag, looked at herself in the mirror and stepped out of the room. Daniel sized Chizzy and myself and also left. 

Chizzy: He's now making me to dislike him the more. 

Me: Please don't. He also approached me last night immediately I came into the house.

 Chizzy: He did? I told her what had happened between Daniel and I. She didn't find it funny. 

Chizzy: Why didn't you tell mum? 

Me: Let's just forget it. Are the girls done with making breakfast? 

Chizzy: Let's go and check. It's past seven already. We went downstairs and the table was already made for breakfast. We sat down and helped ourselves to the meal.  Ben came in just when we were almost done. We greeted him and he sat down to join us. 

Ben: Where's is big bro? Chizzy scoffed and continued with her meal. Ben looked at me for answers but I shrugged my shoulders. 

Ben: Chizzy I wonder when this bad blood between you two will stop. 

Chizzy: Of course I was thinking about it before now. But after what he did last night and this morning, I don't think it'll ever stop. 

Ben: What's the problem again?  Chizzy told him about Joseph and Daniel's view on it.  

Ben: He's just jealous. It's normal for him to feel that way. 

Chizzy: Does he now expect Jessica not to move on when he's busy having the fun of his life? 

Ben: Okay. I'll talk to him later. For now, let me talk to Jessica. I raised my head up and looked at him. 

Ben: Are you comfortable with that guy? 

Me: Yes  

Ben: And you're not with him to get back at Daniel? 

Chizzy: Even if...... 

Ben: Chizzy I'm not talking to you. Jessica? 

Me: Daniel didn't even come to my mind the moment i agreed to be with him. He's just understanding and calm and I like him a lot. 

Ben: You know you shouldn't take decisions like this in a hurry, just be careful till you're sure of his intentions. Let's not get too excited for now okay? 

Me: Thanks Ben. 

Ben: Its nothing. Now you two should allow me to eat. I'm late for the office.

The exams were over and I was grateful. Chizzy and I invited Stephanie and Joseph to the house for lunch and dinner on Sunday and they had agreed to come. 

The next day being Friday, Joseph called, asking for permission to come pick me so we could eat out. I dressed up and didn't wait for long before his honk came and I stepped out to meet him. 

We drove to an eatery where we ate quietly. We finished without discussing anything and he drove to shoprite.  

Me: What do you wanna buy?

 Joseph: Anything. I just want to spend this afternoon with you. We shared a quick kiss before alighting from the car.  He asked me to pick anything I wanted. I had always fantasized about finishing a full bucket of ice cream so it was the only thing I picked. 

He wasn't satisfied with that so he started picking boxes of sweets, chocolates, biscuits and drinks.  The ride back home was interesting as I had my bucket of ice cream and was spooning good quantities into my mouth and that of Joseph. 

I texted Chizzy, telling her that we were coming back and she said she was going to wait for us at the car park. Joseph drove into the house and while he made for the bags, I just stepped out with my bucket of ice cream which hasn't gone down a bit.  Chizzy welcomed us and took the bags inside including my bucket of ice cream. 

Me: So you ain't coming in? Joseph: Not today. I have somewhere to be by 5:30 and look, its almost 5:00.  He fixed his gaze behind me and I followed to see Daniel walking towards us. My face flushed as I wondered why he was at home. 

Joseph: Good day.

 Daniel: Save your greetings. Who are you and what are you doing here? Joseph looked stunned. He looked at me and I couldn't say anything. 

Joseph: I'm Joseph, a..... 

Daniel: What are you doing here? I had to come in now. He won't embarrass my boyfriend. I won't let him. 

Me: Daniel you're embarrassing my boyfriend and I don't like it. 

Daniel: Did you say that to my face? 

Me: You heard right. It's.....

 Joseph: Baby! I turned to him and he asked me to come. I went closer and he hugged me. 

Joseph: Don't argue. I'll be here on Sunday. I won't allow you to get into a fight with your brother.  

Me: But.... Joseph: Sshhh. He kissed me not minding Daniel's presence. He entered his car and drove off. 

Daniel: How shameless. Better tell him not to step into this house on Sunday because I'll break his bones. 

Me: You'll do no such thing. You won't dare. 

Daniel: Don't push your lucks. You can't just bring in anybody to this house. It’s not done. I scoffed and walked closer to him. 

Me: You just feel threatened by him. He's a lot better than you so quit trying to make a mountain out of an ant hill. 

Daniel: I can never feel threatened by him. If you want to do anything to spite me, look for already made men, men who'll treat you right, not some university boy who goes round in borrowed cars. 

Me: Made men indeed. Made men like you? God forbid. Its better I follow this university boy around than a made man who can't control his libido, a made man who doesn't care about the feelings of those he hurts. You don't know Joseph Thompson but I promise you ,he's already a made man, not some fake guy who is wallowing under his father's treasures. 

He raised his hand to hit me and I ducked. He didn't stop. He held my arm and pulled hard, causing me to cry out in pain. 

Daniel: Not a word against me next time you cheap..... 

Chizzy: Cheap what?  Daniel left me immediately and stepped back. 

Chizzy: You're just disgustingly jealous. I regret that you're my brother.  She held my hand and we walked into the house, leaving Daniel behind.   

We got to the kitchen and she brought out a pack of ice and placed it on my arm. 

Chizzy: Sorry okay? 

Me: Is that how he is? 

Chizzy: Sometimes, especially if he's angry. But what happened? I told her everything and she just smiled. 

Chizzy: Just let it be. We'll report to mum once she's back. 

Me: No please. Let it be. 

Chizzy: That's what you always say. I'll let it go this time but when next he touches you, I'll tell mum. 

Me: Better.

As early as 11am on Sunday, Stephanie was already at the house. She had told us that she came straight from church. As usual, mum was very happy to see her. They talked for a while before Stephanie changed into one of my clothes and we sat down to chat for a bit at the terrace. 

Stephanie: So how's Joseph? Chizzy told me you both went out the other day? 

Me: Yes. I had fun. 

Stephanie: So you finally said yes? 

Me: Of course. Joseph is such a nice guy. I wonder where he'd being all my life. 

Stephanie: Wow.  

Chizzy: He's being waiting for the right time. And immediately the time was ripe, he came. 

Me: Miss philosopher.  

Chizzy: Call me that again. We all laughed and got busy with our phone. Some minutes later, Joseph called. 

Joseph: Hi bae 

Me: Hi dear.