
Is this God or man

I set out the next morning to create a bank account cause how else was I going to get paid when I get a Job.

"Good afternoon madam, what do you want to do?" the gateman asked

"I want to open a bank account sir"

"Aahhh, welcome madam, our bank is the best. Just go to the second floor you will meet a woman at the desk she'll help you"

"Okay thank you sir" I said as I walked to the door and went upstairs to the second floor as he instructed.

An hour later I was done, I now have a bank account, so i deposited about two hundred thousand naira out of the money and will use the rest to rent a house.

It was noon and I was getting hungry. I searched around with my eyes and I caught a small chops stand next to a supermarket. It was an industrial road so cars and bikes were passing there every second; such a great spot for any business! I waited for about a minute and the traffic light turned red, all pedestrians made their way across the road.

I got to the small chops stand and there were so many choices and they all looked so tasty.

"How much for the spring roll sir?" I asked pointing to the golden brown looking spring rolls

"Fifty naira per one" the vendor replied

"But its not so big na"

"Aunty, things don cost oh" he replied in pidgin.

"Sell am for me two fifty naira" I answered replying in pidgin too cause it was the language of the streets of Lagos and almost every state in Nigeria.

"Ah, noo" he disagreed

After I heard his reply, I pretended to leave; that was a tactic used by a lot of people who wanted to purchase something. If they call you back that means the product is more cheaper than you think it is, but if they don't that's the last price.

"Ahan aunty, oya come make I sell am for you, how much own you want buy?"

"Two hundred naira"

"Okay oh, na just because say you fine oh"

Another customer that was yet to get what she paid for gave a frown.

"Ohhh, so it's because I no fine na why you sell am cost for me abi?" the customer said.

The vendor laughed "No naa madam, you fine but you no fine reach this girl na"

" You no serious" she said and collected her small chops and left

"Tasting?" I asked the vendor, fearing he will refuse to give one for tasting

"Sure naa" he replied with a huge smile on his face

I picked one spring roll and took a bite, OMG it tasted so good. As I took another bite he gave me my small chops and I paid him and left. As I was walking past the supermarket market, I saw a board, on it was written "Sales girl needed". My eyes widen, this is it! I haven't even embarked on my journey for a job and God put one in front of me. I didn't waste anytime and went inside the Supermarket.

"Good afternoon ma" I said to a lady formally dressed and I think she works here.

"Good afternoon, how can I help you?"

"Can i speak to the manager please" I asked her

"I am the manager"

"Okay ma, I was passing by and I saw the vacancy for a sales girl, so I was hoping if I can apply for the job" I asked with a lot of politeness cause if I really needed this job I would have to sound as polite as I ever could

"Yeah sure"

"Really? Thank you ma" I was so excited

"So, we pay in wages here, if you're okay with that and we close by 7 in the evening"

"Even better. Can I start now?"

"You want to start now?"

"Yes ma, I really want to"

The manager laughed "Okay fine you can start now"

"Walk down you'll see a room with a female sign

"Go in there and change" The manager said as she handed me a staff polo.

"Okay ma, thank you ma" I said with joy filled in my heart

"You're welcome" She said and laughed again.

I went to the room she directed me to and I first called mama to inform her about my new job. She was excited as i was.

"We close by seven"

"Seven? isn't that late?"

"Lagos life starts at night mama, that's when everywhere tends to get more busy, so it'll be busy and it'll be safe"

"Hmm, just be careful"

"Yes i will mama, I'll see you in the evening"

"Take care" Mama said and ended the call

I sat down for a while and took a look at my phone.

"I really need to change this Nokia, I need an android or probably an iPhone that I used to have" After saying this I remembered my dad, the lavish life we used to live until his demise. A tear dropped from my eye and I wiped it off immediately. I stood and went outside to begin work.

The day was stressful, the supermarket didn't look like it had customers flooding in and out and it seemed as if most of them didn't know there way around the supermarket and it looked as if they were being intentional about it. I had to replace goods after goods almost every minute.

I was on my way home and I was right about Lagos being more busy at night. I could see bars, shops and clubs open and booming with music. A certain club caught my interest, it looked very fancy as if you could only go in with invitation or you are some big shot in the city. Lamborghini, Ferrari, Royce Roys were parked in front of the club. I was staring at the club, the cars, the people that came out of the cars so much that I tripped on a stone laying by the side of the road.

"Take it easy there sweetie, you don't want to hurt those beautiful legs"

I looked by my right and saw a group of young guys smoking.

"Aahh, this one go sweet for bed oh" said one of the smokers while licking his lower lip.

I ignored them and was about to continue walking when one of them grabbed my hand.

"Excuse me!" I yelled at him

"Where you dey go, we never finish with you na"

"Let me go mister man!" I yelled even louder

"As you fine reach?" he said and laughed. "You see that hotel?" he said while pointing at a local hotel across the street.

"Make we go...

I felt a sharp breeze on my right cheek, I closed my eyes cause i felt it came with a lot of force

When I opened my eyes the smoker had left my hand and I couldn't find him standing in front of me, but he was on the floor. I looked at the rest of the smokers and I saw fear on their faces, I was confused and I sensed a presence behind me. I closed my eyes and turned around slowly. I opened my eyes and I saw two huge men, big chests, big arms and a scary looking face. The one on my left, who I probably think gave the smoker a punch moved towards him and picked him up from the floor, his legs barely touching the floor.

"Don't ever do this again to her or any other Lady, don't even speak to her or that'll be your last day on earth" the huge man said and dropped him

"Yes sir, yes sir" the smoker said and nodded in fear

The huge man looked behind to get a better look at the other smokers and gave them a stern look and they all ran.

"U_u_uh Thank you sir, sirs" I said but they said nothing and left.

I frowned "Weird people" I said and hurriedly walked away from the crime scene and took a tricycle home.

I didn't tell mama about what happened earlier, it would just make her worry more about me coming late, but I did plan on asking the manager tomorrow if I could leave before seven.

I woke up early and prepared for work. When I left mama was still sleeping and I didn't want to wake her up. So I locked the house from outside and set off from work.

I got to the supermarket and the Manager was at the front of the door, she looked troubled.

"Good morning ma, can I speak to you for a minute?" I asked and was trying to make way inside but she blocked me with her hands.

I was confused

"Is anything wrong?" I asked

"No, its just that you can't come inside"

"But why ma"

"You can't be here"

"I would like to know why" I asked again cause I couldn't understand why she wouldn't let me in.

"Because you're fired!" she yelled

Fired? She fired me, early in the morning when I did nothing wrong.

"What did I do ma? Do you have any complaints? Tell me I will change and work better"

"No just go, I don't want any trouble"

"You don't want any trouble? from who? What's going on?" I was confused, my hands on my head. I began moving back slowly and I ran away cause I felt embarrassed and I was also confused cause I did nothing wrong.

Walking home slowly after the tricycle had dropped me at the bustop. I didn't realize mama was outside at the hotels reception, waiting for her food at the mini restaurant downstairs.

"Sandra? What are you doing home so early?

"Mama, let's go upstairs first" I said and walked her upstairs and shut the door behind me

"She fired me"

"Ehn?! She fired you ke? What did you do"mama asked with her hands on her chest

"Nothing oh, nothing. I did nothing but she fired me"

"Ah, just like that? Are you sure you didn't pull one of your pranks again or fought with a customer"

"No mama, in fact..." I was trying to tell her I did nothing wrong, she even praised me yesterday but she fired me. Before I could complete my statement my phone vibrated. I brought it out of my bag and my eye couldn't believe it. It was an alert of two hundred thousand Naira.