
finally got to a wealthy place

Alia and Amelia went to the party on their way the bump into Angelo Alia and amila who I both of you you don't look familiar Angelo said.

We should be having you amila answered the rudely,

Alia the side said Amelia you have to have some respect for strangers we don't even know him and since we were invited to this party he might be invited to so we should stay calm and respect him because you know our situation and we can't deal with this such of people.

By the way I'm Danny's Smith friend you might know Danny he's my best friend and my childhood friend we both grew up together because of a business that is started and little by little companies started growing and growing until he became a filthy

billionaire Angelo said.

Oh I see but you don't look wealthy amila said cheesily.

Amina you don't need to act like that we all know that he's not poor Alia said angrily.

But he just asking stupid question we all know that we are invited to here so why is it asking us all this questions I don't understand him just come and let us get inside and look at the wonderful view before us Alia added.

When they went inside the living room was decorated with so many expensive and worry things that does couldn't afford with their five years salary they looked and how and their mouth was slightly ajah.

Alia look how beautiful this place is amila said.

I know is beautiful but we should head inside we are just on the doorside we should head inside it will look even more beautiful Alia said.

When there were heading inside Alia bumped into Danny she then said hey look are you blind or something can't you see I'm walking here Alia said.

when she looked up she saw Danny looking down on her .