
The Beautiful and uGly

Kiishi, a young girl starts this story and we follow her life through a rollercoaster of events; from her not so much of a relationship with handsome head boy, Joshua to her cousin's sudden pregnancy to her walking down the aisle with you know who! Then there is Elizabeth, the oldest child of four siblings who grew up a bit too soon due to a father who is never around and her mother, who is too busy working. The story would not be complete without Joshua who travels to the state after high school to continue with his education. However, oceans cannot stop his heart from longing after his love interest back in Nigeria. This must be a love triangle of some sorts, but is it really?

temOye · Masa Muda
Peringkat tidak cukup
14 Chs

Chapter 8

When Saturday came Kiishi reminded her mom that she and Bisola were attending a party. The previous day Bisola had informed her that she will be coming to her house so they could go together. The problem with Bisola was that she could not leave home with the outfit she intended to wear because her parents were strict about what she wore.

Bisola would most times wear Kiishi's clothes and it helped they were the same size except in bust. Where Bisola had a full chest at age fourteen already, Kiishi did not even need a bra and she did without it most times.

" Whose party? " Her mother asked her adjusting her reading glasses.

" Dare's, it's his eighteenth birthday. " Kiishi replied rummaging her mother's shoe rack, her mother had the best of everything, shoes, clothes, perfume, makeup and most times she would doll herself up with her mother's things.

" Ah, Dare? His father is the one that impregnated that actress abi? What's her name again? " Her mother, a lover of gossip looked up from the punch newspaper she was reading.

" Bukola Gold. " Kiishi replied her mother.

" Ah yes. Poor boy, what about his mom will she be in attendance? Or are his parents no longer on talking terms? " Her mother quizzed.

" I don't know mum. Last I heard about them they were going through a nasty divorce. " Kiishi shrugged her shoulders as she eyes her mom's gladiator sandals.

" Eeyah, thank God your father knows how to keep it in his pants. " Her mum shook her head.

" Mum! You are not supposed to be telling me such things. " Kiishi squealed.

" Not that one Kiishi, I haven't even worn it yet. " Her mother said pointing at the sandal in Kiishi's hand.

" Mummy now. You know I'm your favourite daughter. " Kiishi said trying to sound cute.

" That is not true. Everybody knows I am mom's favourite. " Her twelve year old younger sister Busayo said as she walked into her mother's room.

" Nobody asked for your input. Mummy tell me and you have to be honest. If you were to pick between me or Busayo who will you choose? " Kiishi asked, her hands akimbo.

" I will pick your dad. Now where were we? Eh ehn, you can wear the gold one, it is the same design. " Kiishi's mother, Mrs Adeoti said pointing to another sandal.

" Mummy, I am wearing silver accessories, I need a silver shoe to match it. " Kiishi argued.

" Okay, okay. Take it and let me be in peace. "Her mother said with a frustrated sigh.

" Thanks mum. " Kiishi said running out of the room, silver sandal in hand at the speed of lightning lest her mother should change her mind.

Few minutes later the sound of the doorbell took her outside where she ushered in Bisola.

" What lie did you tell your mother this time? " Kiishi quizzed her friend.

" I told her I was going to a birthday party. " Bisola shrugged.

" And she allowed you? "

" Yes. My dad is in Abuja. " Biosla explained.

" Okay, I see. Come on let's get you dolled up. The goal today is to make Kayode jealous, very very jealous.

Two hours later they arrived at Dare's house fashionably late as always.

" There's candy floss! " Bisola who was a sweet tooth squealed.

" Ola behave, there will be plenty of time for that. " Kiishi said looking around for a place to seat.

" That will be perfect. Let's have our sit first then I'll get ice-cream for both of us. " Kiishi said dragging her friend who was still eyeing the candy floss machine.

" How dare him? " Bisola suddenly shouted out.

" Ola you have to calm down. What's the problem? " Kiishi who was startled by her friend's outburst tried to keep her calm. Biosola was a timid person but when she was angry she could be really scary.

" Look. Just take a look. We had an argument yesterday and he has a new girl. " Kiishi could see Bisola's hands shaking.

" Ola, this is what we're going to do. You are going to sit down and look pretty and you are going to get a new boo someone way better than Kayode and you are going to flirt with this new guy and make Kayode jealous, very jealous. You know you are the most beautiful girl in the school, it's time you act like it. " Kiishi told her friend in a low tone.

" You are right. He's an idiot, I can certainly do better. " Bisola said as she walked to the sit Kiishi had picked out for them.

" That's my best bitch. " Kiishi smiled as she followed her friend.

As the party progressed it was time for the celebrant to pick a dance partner with whom to open the dance floor and his eyes were on Bisola but it was clear he feared Kayode so he was hesitant until Kiishi shouted.

" She's now single o. No worries. " The boys laughed nervously, the girls eyed Bisola because they now had to worry about competition and Dare who had been eyeing Bisola since she entered JS 1 gave a bright smile.

" Can I have this dance? " He asked Bisola as he took her hand.

Kiishi was watching Kayode's reaction the whole time and he was angry, very much so she could tell by the way he was staring at Dare's hands that held Bisola's slim waist. She could see Aina the girl he had been using to make her friend jealous struggling to get his attention. She also locked eyes with Joshua who happened to be a friend to Kayode and had been watching her every moment since she came in. He was smiling at her and she had thought he would have been angry but he was actually smiling and he was walking towards her.

" Can I have this dance? " He asked her not in a loud voice but loud enough for everyone around to hear him. How was she to say no? She could though and everyone would attribute it to her bitchy attitude.

" Of course. " She smiled as she took his hand.

" I will personally ensure your assassination after this. " Kiishi whispered into Joshua's ear as their bodies moved in sync with the music.

" Dare has lots of rooms in this house. Nobody will miss us. " Joshua whispered in her ear.

" Ola would miss me. " She replied.

" She's pretty occupied at the moment. " Joshua whispered back and it was true she could see Bisola laughing hard to whatever it was Dare was saying and she is knew her friend well, she was genuinely laughing.

" Fine we'll leave in five minutes. I need to be sure my friend is alright. " Kiishi said disentangling herself from Joshua.

" Alright ma. I shall be waiting at the front door. "