
The Beast Summoning Gaming System

A man, having fantasies by commanding a thousand of Beasts creatures that you often see in video games, transmigrated in a body of a young man from another world that lost everything because of a friend. He lost his Family, Friends, and especially his Harem from their so-called "Hero" friend. Join Ryze, as he travels to a new world and commands a thousand of Beasts from different Video games.

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18 Chs

Chapter 3 - One of the Pack

A shroud of light appeared in front of Ryze, it multiplied to 12 until a few seconds later, the glimmering light stopped and 12 Dire wolves appeared in front of him.

The Direwolf is a relative of the modern wolf and the coyote. It has been modified for the dangerous environment of the world, therefore making it a very large species. The Direwolf ranges anywhere from white to black, with mixed grays and blacks. The Direwolf is large and muscular.

While observing them one by one, Ryze realized one of them was different it is two times bigger than the rest.

"Congratulations Ryze! You have successfully summoned one Pseudo-Alpha in your first try!"

Hellena's cheerful voice made Ryze smile and excited. The normal Dire wolf is the same as the size of a full-grown horse but the Pseudo-Alpha is two times bigger, what more the Alpha?

The Dire wolves lowered there heads in front of Ryze.

"Hellena? What are they doing?"

"It means they recognize you as their Alpha. You will be the pack leader."

"So do I need to howl like them?"

"If you act like them, the closer your bond will become. Just act as one of their family and your good to go."

Ryze nodded and approaches the Dire wolves caressing their heads one by one.

"How about their strength? Can you tell me how strong they are?"

"Yes, in this world, there are 8 total rankings, Humans or monsters alike. Starting from Herald, Guardian, Crusader, Archon, Legend, Ancient, Divine, Immortal. Also in every rank, there are so-called stars like Herald-3 star until 7 stars before they can go to the next rank."

The rankings from the end sounded scary but Hellena assured him.

"Don't worry Ryze, the strongest in this world is only Ancient rank. You can still catch up. In fact, the young man's body is already at the peak of the Crusader class plus you have 12 wolves right now, I calculated and your strength is now Archon-1 star."

"So all I need is to summon as many beasts as I can right? Can I revive them?" Ryze asked curiously.

"Yes, You can revive them by using Genetic points. Also, the strength of your Dire wolves are mostly at Guardian-4 while the Pseudo-Alpha is Crusader-5. They can still get stronger. The more you hunt, the stronger they get."

Understanding Hellena's advice, Ryze then stood up and look for an opponent that can be found, but walking with this kind of numbers might make a stronger monster locate them easily.

Hellena ensured Ryze that in this part of the forest, monsters are only Crusade and Guardian but the deepest parts have a Legendary Class.

Also, Hellena told him about the monsters in Fantasy are common in this world, Hellena then told Ryze.

"Ryze, this might be a fantasy world and a game-like but remember that the people here are real if they die they die including you. Okay?"

Surprised by her tone, Ryze thought 'why did you become an older sister type suddenly?' where is the cheerful Hellena? It's as if she is not a robot but a person with feelings, this made Ryze at comfort.

Walking for several minutes, they finally found a monster and began to move stealthily, their group might be strong but Ryze wanted to play safe.

'About 6 monsters, often tall, lanky, and muscular. They have both eleven and orcish characteristics with their fierce fangs and long ears. Their long arms, strong legs and quick reflexes make them adept hunters. They are called Trolls, they have only two fingers and a thumb on their hands, and they have only two toes on each foot. Some trolls have a toenail on their heels. Mostly Crusader 2, good for a first fight." Hellena explained.

All Ryze needs to do is to act like a team and fight like a team. Ryze signaled the Pseudo-Alpha and it started to Howl. It might be awkward but Ryze also Howled as well but it sounded perfect!

A few seconds later, the wolves started to get shrouded by a color red mist, as if their aura is visible including Ryze.

"The Pack buff is activated, all your capabilities are increased by 30%, attack now!"

Given the signal, Ryze run towards one of the trolls, he doesn't have any experience when it comes to fighting but with the memory sync and the speed and strength, he decided to attack like a berserker,

The Dire wolves followed suit as well.


Two wolves counties to Howl to maintain the buff, while the others attacked. Ryze punched one of the surprised Troll and the Troll is tossed a few meters away, it decided to stand up but three wolves lunch towards it tearing its body apart.

The wolves we're larger than the trolls. Looking at one of their brothers died instantly, the trolls rushed at Ryze and the three wolves but 2 of the trolls were jumped at by 3 wolves each. Tearing their brother's body apart like a tissue paper.

In this situation, two Trolls left standing but the Pseudo-Alpha approached them. The trolls were intimidated by the size and the way how the Pseudo-Alpha looking down at them. Even Ryze felt Awe looking at them.

The Pseudo-Alpha opened its mouth and immediately tear one of the Troll's heads while the other one was directed in half just by using its paws.

The power difference was too much. Ryze's first battle was easy than what he thought. This may save time to get to Rose even though Ryze and her did not meet, but the memory Sync made him remember.

Ryze collected the remained items from the Trolls like blunt weapons, leather, and so forth.

And in this battle, Ryze collected 60 Genetic points. So ten points each. Hellena also told him that he can buy armors for his summons in the future.

But his goal right now is to assemble as many summons as he can to get stronger faster. Because in this world, power can control everything.


The battle finished and the wolves howled by their very first and easy victory in this world.