
The beast and his little mate

“I’ll never be yours, I’ll never accept you as my mate, i Ashina Wolfe rejects ……………” Zion slams her against the wall and kissed her passionately, he dipped his hands inside her pants and curled his fingers inside her while smirking and taunting her to reject him…………but she couldn’t even form a coherent sentence because of her lips quivering from the intense amount of pleasure she’s feeling. What happens when Zion finds out that Ashina is the three year old girl that snuck into his meeting fifteen years ago to give him the satisfaction of momentarily finding his mate before disappearing without a trace. Continue on this journey with me as I unravel the mystery behind this story.

Adesewa_writes · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
13 Chs

Are we going to see mate?

/Zion's POV/

"When will we get to see mate? I'm restless" Fenrir admits.

"I miss mate also, but she's of age so we'll just wait till we get a message from her father." I console him.

"Knock, knock." I hear my beta footsteps before even hearing his voice.

"Come in Alexander." I inform him.

"Lycan King." My Beta says and bare his neck to me and I sigh.

"Drop the formalities Alexander what is the problem this time? You should know that I don't want to be disturbed unless the situation is critical." I tell him.

"Zion, there's problem..... we had a report that the same incident that happened fifteen years ago reoccurred." He complains.

"You mean a trace of aconitine was found? There's finally a trace we can connect to the incident that happened fifteen years ago." I smile victoriously.

"Yeah, a trace was found but just like last time....there's a dead end, the suspects slumped after killing the Alpha and his Luna. " he drops the bad news.

"Fuck….." I throw the flower vase that was beside me to the nearest window and everything shattered.

"Zion, don't worry we'll find the people behind this, at least there's another occurrence which gives us a chance to catch them." Alexander consoles me.

"Where did it happen?" I inquire because I need to go and see for myself...i might be able to pick up an evidence.

"It happened at the Blue Zircon pack, close to the white crescent pack." Alexander replies.

"Okay, I'll be taking a trip to the pack...I might be able to pick up some loose ends or maybe a trail to lead us to them." I inform him.

"What about the pack? Who will be in charge if we leave together?" He inquire and I pause and look at him.

"We? You're not going anywhere with me....I'll be going alone or maybe with one gamma and you'll be in charge of the pack.....nothing is strange to you since you're the one basically handling the pack." I inform him.

"For how long will you be staying there, do you need Adeleide to go with you?" He rambles and I nod my head

"No I won't be needing Adelaide, I'll be picking Victor George to go with me to the pack." I clarify him.

"I assume that's all you want to talk to me about, please do tell Adelaide to come and see me on your way out." I end the conversation and tell him to invite his mate in.

"Another trip without our mate." Fenrir whines and I'm always surprise at how soft he gets whenever our mate is mentioned.

"Fenrir, soon we'll meet our mate and have all the whole time in the world to spend with her." I persuade him.

"Adelaide, you were taught how to knock…..what the hell happened to your manners?" I chastise my sister for the hundredth time of barging into my chambers without knocking.

"It's not as if you did not know I was coming, I bet the moment my mate notified me of your request you could smell me coming so I do not see any reason why you're complaining brother." She replies and slumps on my couch.

"I never said you could sit." I scold her.

"Well I'm sitting already, thank you for your hospitality." She says sarcastically.

"Let's cut the bullshit, I need you to do the usual aging spell for me…. I'll be going on a trip…..a trace of aconitine was found and I have no doubt that it's the same killers who killed dad and mom did the same work." I reveal to her.

"Then why will you be needing the aging spell since you're going to a pack and I think you'll need the suppressing spell, so as not to reveal yourself to the world or you want to do so?" She inquires.

"I'm going to need the aging spell because I'll be going to my hotel, that's where I'll be lodging instead of the pack house. I'll just find some where to stay near the pack...…and Zina getaway Haven is closer to the pack and you definitely do not want the staffs that have seen me last in twelve years to see me the same way again." I say to her.

"Oh so what I need to do is prepare a suppressant potion...…ughhhhhhh it's hard being a witch." She complains.

"Common it's not that bad, it's something you've been doing for years now." I encourage her.

"You know how powerful I need to prepare the suppressant potion, and I may have to do more so you'll use it whenever it wears off because apparently nothing is capable of holding Fenrir for long." She whines and I actually agree with her on that one but I feel it's because of our mate's absence he's always riled up easily.

"Adelaide, I'll be leaving tomorrow so make it happen on time." I command.

"Tomorrow???? Fucking hell....why the fuck did you not inform me earlier, you know how hard it is to get the ingredients for the potion." She screams.

"Adelaide, you can start now...instead of reprimanding me you should get to work...….I need it tomorrow unfailingly." I declare.

"Oh well, it was nice talking to you brother....finally I'll get to leave your dominating presence and get fresh air ….I feel suffocated." She mutters.

"Adelaide, tomorrow…..get to work not fresh air only if it includes working." I warn her.

"Aye,aye captain." She salutes then leaves, I just shake my head because this witchy brat doesn't not act like her age.

"Victor George, report to my chamber now." I mindlink one of my trusted gamma.

"Do you think we'll find mate on this trip?" Fenrir whimpers and for the second time today I feel his pain.

"Fenrir, there's a possibility but the chances of us meeting her is low, moreover her pack is not close to the pack we're going to survey." I console and from far I can smell Victor coming.

"Lycan King." He knocks.