
chapter 1

Daniel Simmons was an exceptional kid. He was blessed with good looks, a healthy and athletic body, a witty mind and incredible charisma. He was born to the richest family on earth, his father being the head of simmons group which controlled world's biggest companies. He was a man who could have everything he wanted, yet his greed just kept asking for more.


It was a few days after my 18th birthday that my father died. Today was his funeral,my father was an exceptional man who I know loved me dearly as his only son. Still I didn't feel any grief, I am grateful for what my father has done as he is the man who raised me into who I am today, however my only thoughts are about what changes I am gonna make to my new company.


(7 years later)

"sir, I have received a message,the project is finished"

"Excellent I will quickly depart for it, call my driver"

my assistant had given me great news, even though I had accomplished most of what there was to accomplish in this world. I still wanted more so I had created a portal to another dimension using whatever information was found using legends, stories and in mythologies.

A new era was about to start in this world, one with magic, different creatures and extraordinary weapons.


The portal was about to start a thousand scientists moved hurriedly. My years of hard work had finally given fruit. The portal started and soon the room was filled with a blue light.This wasn't supposed to happen.


I found myself in a mid of a desert. I looked around and only saw more desert. Those idiots, I paid them so much only for them to mess up. This didn't feel like earth, the sand felt weird and the air was thinner. I decided to wander around in hope for a town or any humans


it had been many days since I had came here.Yet I found no evidence of life, could it be possible this world had no live.


my stomach is making wierd noises due to hunger, I don't think I go much longer,is this how I meet my end? is this how I die? no, didn't want to die, save me, somebody, anybody.


I woke up in a moving cart. Had somebody found me and saved me, was I even alive now. I looked at who was driving the cart. It was a girl that looked in her early twenties. She was blonde and was wearing weird clothes. She suddenly looked at me.

" are you finally awake"

She was a beauty.More than that she was a human. This world did have intelligent life, what a relief. But she wasn't speaking any language I knew, yet I could still understand her.

"ah yes, are you the one who saved me"

"what were you even doing in the middle of a desert."

"It is a long story. also, what is your name. "


"Mine's Daniel"

"alright Daniel, we are just approaching the capital so tell me your story there."


and that's how my adventure started in the land of magic , Anelia

hello everyone I am a new author, just writing a story to gain some experience in writing,if you please have any advice or critism, please tell me and tank you for reading the first chapter. I hope you will continue reading this story.The story is definitely gonna become more interesting

Bhavil_Bansalcreators' thoughts