
The Kiss: Part 2

It was Saturday, the day of Myla's party.

I dreaded about the night to come.

" Eva, are you still sleeping? " Ava chortled as she knocked on my door

" I'll be down in a sec " I mumbled, standing up from the bed

I yawned as I went into the bathroom, I brushed my teeth and took a quick warm bath. I got dressed in a blue top and black midi skirt.

I head for Ava's room

" Are you there? " I knocked on her door

" Yeah, come inside " she mumbled

I entered the disorganized room and saw her on the bed, eyes closed.

Different types of clothes were sprawled out on the floor, shoes visible in every nook and crannies of her room.

" What's wrong? " I questioned, taking a seat next to her

" I'm confused on what to wear to Myla's party tonight " she groaned

" Are you going because of someone " I teased

" No! Myla invited all the cheerleaders to her party " the colour of her face changing to red when she spoke

" I'll help you " I smiled at her

" You will! " she exclaimed, standing up

I ran back to my room, and pulled out a black box from under my bed.

I opened it and brought out a black off shoulder dress. I rushed back to Ava's room with the dress at my back.

" Ta da " I showed her the dress

" Oh my gosh! Eva it's beautiful " she screamed

" Put it on " I pushed her into the bathroom

She ran out of the bathroom, twirling elegantly.

" Wow! You look awesome " I said, checking her from head to toe. The dress ended below her knee, bringing out her curvy shape.

" I will braid your hair " I assured her

" Thank you so much, Eva. Are you also coming? "

" Yes, invited by the host " I chuckled

I left her room to prepare our breakfast.


" Hi, Mum " I opened the door, greeting her as she entered

" Eva, how are you baby " she ruffled my hair as she sat on the couch

" Mum, are you okay " I touched her

" Just tired. Work has been so hectic today. There was an accident, and a lot of people were injured "

" That's sad to hear "

" Mum! " Ava shrieked as she came downstairs

" Ava dear " Mum hugged her

" I missed you " Ava cooed

" Where are you girls going to " Mum whispered jokingly

" There's a party at a friend's house and we were invited " I replied

" Okay. Be home before 11pm " Mum warned, using a face she thought was scary at us

I wore a short sleeved t-shirt with jeans and sneakers while Ava wore the black dress and paired it with red sandals.

" Bye, Mum " we waved at her before entering Tracy's car.

Tracy was dressed in a yellow dress and brown boots

After a long drive, we arrived Myla's address. The house was a big one, it has a large garden dressed with different flowers and a swimming pool. I love it

I could see a lot of faces from school, Tracy and Ava were dragged away by their fellow cheerleaders, leaving me alone all by myself.

" You came! " Myla's voice startled me as I turned

" Yes " I smiled at her

" Let's get a seat for you " she gestured at me to follow her

We arrived at a table, occupied by most of the rangers.

I took a seat beside James, who was seated beside Peter and Tony.

" Hi, James "

" You made it!, is Ava here also? " he blushed slightly

" Yes, she is. Look! Over there " I pointed at a direction where Tracy and Ava were having a discussion

" A drink for you " a waiter tapped me

" Thanks " I collected the glass from his hand

I tasted the drink, it was sour at first but the after taste was sweet. I don't know what type of drink it is.

It's so sweet, I thought while taking another gulp from the glass.

I took a quick glance at everyone in the garden, some were kissing and some were dancing.

I returned my gaze to Tony, who was smoking

Hell! I didn't know that he smokes.

Smoking is not good, didn't he know that.

I finished the rest of my drink, before standing up to search for Ava. I pushed my way through the crowd, almost getting lost, as I looked around.

Ava will come and find me when she is ready to go home, I thought as I saw a staircase.

There was a opened room at the end of the hallway. I entered the room and headed straight for the bathroom. I closed the door behind me as I urinated.

After cleaning myself up, I got out of the bathroom. As I opened the door to get out of the room, I bumped into someone. I looked up and saw Tony

Why I'm I always bumping into him every time. This is bad news.

I tried to walk away but was held back by Tony. He blocked my way, resting his hands on the wall behind me.

" What do you want " I asked frowning at him

" Why are you avoiding me " He sighed

" I'm not. I just don't want to talk to you " I retorted

" Are you okay? " he breathed in my ear, tickling my earlobe

" I'm okay! Nothing is wrong with me" I panicked

" Cool down. I was just wondering because you left the locker room before I came out and I haven't seen you after that day "

I stared at him before replying, " I'm fine thanks "

" Okay, that's better " he chuckled

" Can I ask you a question? "

" Yeah, go on "

" What happened to your brothers " I muttered quietly

" Nothing! " he shouted, raising his head quickly, hitting my forehead in the process

" Ouch! That hurts " I cried out

" I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to hurt you " he panicked, touching my forehead with his fingers, as he brushed my hair away

" I'm okay " I said blushing

" I don't like talking about my brothers " he replied as sad emotions flickered around his face

" I'm sorry, I won't talk about them again " I patted his back

" it's fine "

" Can we go back now "

" No " he smirked

" Why will you say that, Ava might be searching for me and I know how she does when she is drunk or afraid. I also think it's almost 11pm, Mum would start calling me to get back home and I hate it how she wants me to protect Ava.................. "

" Can't you keep quiet and stop rambling " Tony cursed

I ignored him and kept on talking

" Take care of Ava, Watch out for Ava, Do this for Ava, Do that for Ava. That sucks, we are twins not sis...... "

I was cut short by someone's lips on mine. Tony was kissing me

It tasted good. He tasted like strawberries. His Kiss was heavenly. He wrapped his hands around my waist and drew me closer to him.

I melted under his touch.

I snapped out of my thoughts when I remembered that I was in the arms of a boy. Tony kissed me

Anthony Cassidy fucking kissed me.