
9: Distance Makes The Heart...

Verna stood just inside the gym and watched Travis, eyes wide, until he disappeared around a corner.

She walked out dumbfounded. Sitting in the car, she tried to think of why he had ignored her. Okay, she conceded, he hadn’t ignored her. He had smiled and greeted her… he just hadn’t touched her.

“Oh gosh.” She couldn’t believe that that was all that was bothering her. “Verna León Cacchya, get a grip.”

The first week went on without any major disruptions. It was okay. Every time Verna thought of Zane or his father she was able to push them to the back of her mind. Then on the third day of the second week apart, they called her.

Her cell phone rang just as she was about to get into a conversation with an editor from a smaller publishing house.



“Zane? Hi, sweetie.” Her face lit up momentarily until a thought occurred to her. “Is anything the matter? Is daddy okay?”

“Uh-huh. Daddy’s ok. I miss you.”