
The Ballad of a Dove

Being as gentle as possible, Elijah gripped the dark handle and began pulling it from her chest. The sound of the dagger being released sent a sliding echo through the cavern. It was time for his little Eve to awaken.

little_miss_writer · Televisi
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28 Chs

She's No Damsel

To be sure, it was an appalling, gruesome sight to be seen. One that belonged in the scene of a horror movie, one of those Rated R films Elijah had so keenly warned her about. She stood above the still figure of Ian, her gown stained in crimson red that dripped carelessly to the dull cement floor. Her mouth and exposed fangs held the same vivid shade, eyes daringly near the darkest of blacks. Evangeline's face was contorted into a most terrifying appearance; turning from angel to demon in an instant. She stared down at Ian, eyes on the horrifying gushing gash along his throat.

A door slammed open, responding to the shrieks of horror that had crescendoed through the echoing halls only moments ago. Eve stayed still, eyes locked on the scene she'd created. Ignoring the footsteps walking towards her followed by the sharp click of heels. Then came the voice that made Eve's skin crawl and her blood boil with an anger she'd never felt before.

"I knew she couldn't resist the amount of blood," Sarah said, speaking as though she'd just sucked on a sour lemon, "It's no surprise to me. All vampires are the same. Easy to crack when blood is involved..." Her face grew closer to Eve's, a slow, wicked smirk spreading easily across her features "Lovely" she pulled away suddenly "Take her away then," her eyes cast a glance towards Ian's body eyes as cold and hard as emeralds, "Dispose of the body as well. It can be taken out with the rest" she said before exiting the room.

Hands were laid upon Eve's frail shoulders as men she did not recognize forced her away and out of the room, taking a different route than Sarah. Much different. They were headed for a door that she could only assume would lead to a basement cellar underneath the barely standing structure. As they descended, the air grew mustier, with damp plant life stretching their ghastly finger-like vines wildly along the disheveled ramparts.

As they entered the expansive space she quickly clued into what this room was used as by Sarah and her assailants. It was an execution room. It was very evident that this is where Sarah intended for her to draw her final breath. Well, then she was going to be in for the struggle of her life because Evangeline would never again be a damsel in distress. Not if she had a say.

Walking with the men towards the center of the rectangular room which held a strange pungent odor, one she couldn't quite place. Her eyes gazed upwards, downwards, side to side. She took in her surroundings in search of anything that might aid her in her escape, but to no avail, the room was utterly empty. It was impeccably clean. Although, something puzzled her. If the place was so clean where was that horrible scent coming from? It was a strange...fish-like smell. That's what it was, it distinctly smelled of the rotting trout her family used frequently in her past to keep the soil rich for their growing crops. Were they perhaps near a water source of some sort?

She closed her eyes for a moment and listened past the breathing body's in the room, listening for something distinct, and she found it. The splash of a fish in shallow water. So, they were somewhere out near the bayou. That was certainly interesting information and something she could try to use to her advantage somehow. Unfortunately, "somehow" was the only plan she had at the moment. All she could hope for as of now was that Ian had been able to uphold his side of the arrangement. That is if they hadn't realized the trick they'd played. If they did catch onto their scheme...they would both surely perish.