
The Ballad of a Dove

Being as gentle as possible, Elijah gripped the dark handle and began pulling it from her chest. The sound of the dagger being released sent a sliding echo through the cavern. It was time for his little Eve to awaken.

little_miss_writer · Televisi
Peringkat tidak cukup
28 Chs


A poof of flour dusted into the air as Evangeline clapped her powdery hands in front of an oscillating fan in the freshly renovated kitchen to her new bakery. It had taken a couple of weeks for the entire building to be stripped of its old flesh and be set with new insolation and walls. The space no longer reeked of mold and mildew, which was a relief because Eve certainly couldn't bake in those conditions.

She'd only just recently opened the doors to the public, after having let the place sit over the course of the week to allow the fresh lavender painted walls to dry completely. Eve had been grateful for that time to keep her mind off everything to do and related to Ian Young. She'd done well, ignoring his texts and phone calls, and never being home when he would come to her. She felt as though she were trying to avoid the devil himself.

It was a pretty place, one she was proud of. With deep brown hardwood floors, white trim surrounding the base eloquently, bistro tables and chairs sat in various locations. A massive mural of New Orleans city scene had been painted directly on the wall by her brother, Niklaus', skillful hand. It had not become the bakery she'd intended. It was better. Yes, she would sell baked goods, as well as fresh espresso and provide a place for people to unwind in a stress-free environment.

Eve kneaded the dough that would soon become a delicious flaky pastry after some time in a scorching oven. Just then, the oven dinged, signaling a batch of croissants she'd put in not long ago had finished baking. As she slipped her cupcake designed oven mitt on, took the tray out and set them on a table mat she glanced to the time. It was almost 7:00 a.m., almost opening time. She'd gotten here a little past 5:30 this morning to prep the front with fresh pastries. It seemed despite having only just opened the doors a few days ago she already had a couple of loyal customers. One business man who seemed to come in every morning always complimented her muffins… though she was rather certain he wasn't referring to her baking.

Stepping into the front room, she loaded the pastries into the last open spot of the display. Cookies, cupcakes, Danish pastries all took up the trays. With a smile, she made sure the espresso and hot chocolate machines were up and running, she'd had a little training with Elijah how to make a nice brew, and grabbed her keys to unlock the front door and turned the sign over to open. The entire place smelled of warm sugary pastries. Oh, it was a heavenly aroma.

Just as Evangeline put the key in the lock to open the door, something caught her eye out in the street. There, standing next to a familiar sleek black Jaguar, stood Ian. He was leaned against this hood, arms folded, brows furrowed, staring straight ahead at her. Her breath caught in her throat and immediately she reached for her phone that she kept in her back pocket. Only to remember that she'd left it at home, purposefully, so she wouldn't be tempted to answer one of Ian's calls. Now she was beginning to regret it… he looked awful angry.

She simply stood there, watching him walk from his car, across the walk, and to the door. And there they stood, staring at each other on either side of the glass. Then he said in a soft, careful voice "We need to talk." They certainly did, she thought to herself, but she was positive he wouldn't want to hear what she had to say.

Evangeline was an original vampire, she could take care of herself. She would be fine, but she knew if Ian tried anything even remotely undignified, he'd be facing her brothers. They would not be as kind to hold back their anger as she was. Eve had always been the non-violent type, but was she going to allow a possible murderer of an innocent woman into her life? She already knew the answer as she pulled the door open and stepped aside for him to enter.

"You've been ignoring my calls… I was worried," Ian said as he stepped inside, looking around the shop, his lips turning into an upward smile, "It looks fantastic here. I did tell you I'd help you, didn't I?"

Eve paused, silent for a long minute before answering "You did…" she trailed off. How was she to bring this up? She had no true proof of what he had done to his ex-girlfriend, but the proof she did have was that he lied to her. Lied into her face as easily as breathing. How could she forgive him for such a thing and still hold her head high? She held her arms, suddenly feeling a cold sensation wash over her, eyes on the ground.

She flinched, feeling his fingers touch her cheek and looked up at him, her eyes watered with tears threatening to spill. "Do not touch me…" she warned in a low, steady voice "You do not deserve to touch me."

Ian frowned shaking his head in confusion "I don't understand what I did wrong, Eve. One moment you can't get enough of me, and the next you completely ignore me… and now you can't bare for me to touch you. You can't even look at me" he said in slight exasperation.

"Would you like to know, Ian? Would you like to know what you did that makes me no longer be able to trust a word you say?" she shook her head and pulled away from him "You lied to me. You told me Sarah broke up with you unexpectedly and then left New Orleans. You did not tell me she died in this city in a house fire. An unexplained housefire where you were one of the main suspects. You could not have left that detail out by accident." She slipped the diamond tennis bracelet off her wrist then and shoved it into his hands "I don't have proof of what happened, nor do I intend to dig further, because I'm afraid of the answer I might find. I do know that I will not be a part of an untrusting relationship."

Ian looked down at the bracelet up at her, his blue eyes the saddest she'd ever seen them "Eve…" he began softly "I never meant for any of this to happen. I know you have no reason to trust me. I did lie…" he swallowed hard "I lied because I didn't want you to come to the same thoughts that NOLA did. I lied to you, yes, but I swear to you I did not kill Sarah."

Shaking her head, she pointed to the door "I want you to leave. You're not to be around me. I have enough respect for myself to know not to make the same mistake twice."

Ian took hold of her hand "Tell me what I can do… please, Evangeline, please don't push me away. For once in my life I've felt true and honest love. I don't want to lose that…"

"There's nothing you can do," Eve murmured, tears stinging her eyes yet again, "The damage has been done, and I won't stand to pick up the remaining shattered pieces. Goodbye, Ian." She knew in her heart what she was doing was right, but then why did it feel like her heart had just been torn into two jagged pieces.

Ian stood there, and for once, his shoulders hunched slightly in defeat. He gave a slow nod and she watched him swallow the bile in his throat. "If that's what you want, then that's what I'll do," he knitted his brows together and took her hand in his one last time, "I truly only want you to be happy, Evangeline…" he then looked around as though he was afraid someone might be listening in. He then looked at her, eyes focused and serious "Which is why you need to go home right now. You need to go home and be in the safety of your siblings. I'm being serious. Lock up and leave now…"

"I don't understand…" Eve started, lost in confusion. Just then, the glass windows to the front store shattered unexpectedly. With a gasp, all Eve could see was the back of Ian's shirt, he'd grabbed her and quickly hid her behind him protectively. "What's happening?!" Eve exclaimed, clinging to his shoulders fearfully.

Then, all at once, she felt an awful pain to her head. No, in her head, under her skull and on her brain. It was as though the blood vessels on her brain were popping, all at once, causing such immense pain that she fell to the floor, holding her head in her hands as she cried out in pain. "Stop!" she cried "Please, it hurts!" she sobbed, pinching her eyes shut. There was a prick to the side of her neck then and a horrible, sickly feeling overwhelmed her senses. She instantly knew she'd been injected with Vervain. Eve opened her eyes then, just long enough to see who her attacker was.

"Sarah?" she breathed, before darkness took her under.