
The Ballad of a Dove

Being as gentle as possible, Elijah gripped the dark handle and began pulling it from her chest. The sound of the dagger being released sent a sliding echo through the cavern. It was time for his little Eve to awaken.

little_miss_writer · Televisi
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28 Chs

From Past to Present

The sleek black car sitting outside, quite a ways from the mountain under the cover of trees seemed so foreign to Evangeline. She'd expected a horse-drawn carriage, not this which looked to be made out of a type of metal. So much had changed, how would she ever catch up with the times?

"This is the new form of transportation?" she asked, her fingers gliding over the smooth surface. It seemed to sparkle in the sunlight, making it appeal more mystical than it really was.

Elijah smirked slightly "Yes. It's an automobile, known better now as a car. It's mechanical and runs on fossil fuel. Most anyways. Some can run on solar power or battery" he explained as he pressed a button on a small plastic object in his hand that unlocked the doors.

They both slipped inside and shut the doors with a light thud. Evangeline was mesmerized by the inside even more so than by the outside. The blue lights glowing along the dashboard seemed so alluring, almost like magic. She looked down at her bare feet, underneath them was a little scruffy rug that tickled her feet when she fidgeted them. She bit her lip to keep from giggling.

Glancing over at Elijah curiously "It seems more like magic to me, dear brother." She looked back to the glow and leaned forward to press a button. A gust of cold air came, moving her hair and creating goose bumps over her exposed skin.

"It's air conditioning" Elijah spoke up "It's helpful during the hot weather." He watched, trying to hide a smile as she continued to press random buttons. One sprayed a jet of water on the windshield wipers and another turned on the radio. Music blasted in the car and Evangeline jumped, quickly turning it off.

"Music. Well, it does save time from going to the opera" she said thoughtfully.

"Ah, the opera. I miss the opera. They still have it, of course, but it just isn't the same" Elijah murmured, his eyes on the road.

Evangeline bit her lip as she continued to look around her surroundings, her eyes settling on a small round hole in front of what Elijah called the gear shift. She stuck her finger in, as a girl with a child-like mind would do. There was a spark and she gasped, pulling back her finger in a hurry. Her eyes widened looking at the tip of her finger where the skin was burned slightly. She watched as it healed and frowned "I think I've angered the.. car" she said looking over at him with wide eyes.

Elijah chuckled, making sure her skin had healed before smiling "It's a cigarette lighter, or cigar, whatever the preference."

"Cigars. I remember those. I always thought they smelt so sweet" she said as she recalled the memory "I had picked one up you know, I wasn't even going to try and light it, though I was curious. Nik caught me and snatched it so fast my little finger broke" she pouted, bending her pinkie "Do you remember that? Oh, you were so angry with him. I've never seen you so upset" she sighed "Is he still like that?" she asked, her voice turning to a whisper "Every action laced with blunt fury."

Elijah frowned nodding "I'm afraid so, but I have hope that he will change.. one day" he offered a small smile "One day something will happen and he'll change."

Evangeline grinned "Yes," she agreed, "He will."

"It's wonderful to have you back, Eve," Elijah said in a soft tone, his eyes soft as he held her tiny hand in his. The long drive from West Virginia to New Orleans wouldn't seem very long at all.