
The Ballad of a Dove

Being as gentle as possible, Elijah gripped the dark handle and began pulling it from her chest. The sound of the dagger being released sent a sliding echo through the cavern. It was time for his little Eve to awaken.

little_miss_writer · Televisi
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28 Chs

Bakers Choice

The Mikaelson's kitchen smelled like a dream. Hazy with heat from the oven and warm from the sun shining through the sliding glass doors. Evangeline had grown fond of the kitchen, and with the help of her siblings learned the ways of new technology. Lately she'd been spending her time baking. Some of her own recipes, and many new ones from a book called "A Baking Book for Beginners." A gift from Rebekah. Eve baked cookies, tarts, doughy pastries, cupcakes, and of course cakes. As much as she enjoyed the baking process – it was calm and serene – she enjoyed decorating the cakes she made most of all. While Rebekah taught her about mascara and blush, she was teaching herself about dirty icing and elegant piping.

"Well, something smells extraordinary" Klaus' voice came through the kitchen. He was quiet, talking as low as the heat wave that enveloped them, for fear he'd make her cake in the oven fall before it had time to breathe cool air. "I could swear you had a bed of your own, but perhaps you prefer the kitchen floor?" a smirk graced his lips as his eyebrows raised.

Evangeline smiled over at him "Hard work will eventually lead to good work. Wasn't it you who told me that?" or perhaps it had been Elijah, it certainly seemed more something he'd say to her.

He leaned up against the counter "I don't recall. Words of wisdom from our brother, I'm going to assume. Either way. You truly enjoy this, don't you?" to see anything make his sister to content made him happy, and the stress seemed to alleviate when he knew his little Eve was in here having no harm come to her. Aside from an occasional hot pan on sensitive skin.

With a nod, she began mixing her ingredients together. She'd found a recipe for buttercream icing and was experimenting to create her own twist. Right now, it consisted of powdered sugar, butter, vanilla, milk, and an herb she'd collected as a child that had a distinct honey-suckle flavor that she'd bought in the city while out with Rebekah during a shopping spree. She spooned a bit from the bowl and handed it to him, "What do you think?" she asked, watching him place the spoon on the tip of his tongue. Seeing that smile of approval appear made her grin.

"Distinct. It's exceptional" he smiled lightly. With Eve, he could be the man before father turned them. The man that sat with his sisters during storms and hushed them to sleep in the safety of his presence. He didn't feel the need to hide under the cover of devilish wolf, and even if that's who he was on the inside, she brought out a lighter man in him. Someone who could smile in sincerity without the trace of sarcasm that usually hid beneath.

Grinning, Eve turned to the oven, which had dinged. She slipped an oven mitt over her hand and took the two cake pans out setting them side by side on a rack to cool. "I remember baking bread with mother. It was a hot business, and by the end of the day I was scorched to near bone from the heat. I always went back though. I remember being so fascinated how yeast alone could make a dough rise," she looked over at him and smiled kindly, "Only one ingredient. It still bewilders me to this day."

"Oh, I think everything bewilders you, Evangeline," he smirked slightly as he removed a silver object from his wrangler jean pocket and handed the sleek device to her, "It's a cell-phone. In there are the names and numbers of Elijah, Rebekah, and myself. If you were to ever be in any sort of trouble you'd simply press the name and we will answer. No matter what."

Eve's face fell as she looked at the object. Yes, it was pretty, and a perfectly usable gift, but she didn't like the message it came with. "Do you think I will be in some sort of trouble, Nik?" she asked looking up at him, her eyes searching his for comfort. Did he truly think her to be a lost cause that any form of trouble she'd need to call for help? "I am a vampire too, you know," she murmured putting the phone into her apron pocket, "I'm just as strong as you and just as fast."

"I am not doubting your physical capabilities, sister. What I do doubt is your gullible nature that might lead you to danger in the first place. This world is cruel. It's why I kept you away from it until all our enemies would be dead."

"Then you never planned to rescue me in the first place, did you?" she felt herself becoming distressed, "You'll always have enemies, because you never stop trying to take what isn't yours. No man should have the kind of power you have. It goes against nature and you know that. Still you play me the sap who cannot fend for herself in any situation."

His voice grew tense as his anger started to boil, "You are not understanding my concept..."

"What is your concept, then, Nik? That I should run into the pit of danger and dare you to come to my aid? I am not the girl, Niklaus. I am smart. I know when to run away and I know when to fight."

"The issue is, sweetheart, sometimes you get the two confused. That is all I'm saying. You fight when you should run."

"Should I always be running then? Like you've been? I will not run, nor be lured in like a fish by a shiny object. If you want me safe, then teach me to protect myself. In some cases, if I were to be in danger, what if I cannot run and I cannot call for help?" she asked him "What then? Am I to be a damsel and fall at the hands of a vengeful enemy? I do not like fighting. I despise it, but I am willing to learn if someone is willing to teach." She frowned deeply, her forehead creasing in distraught.

With a soft sigh, he walked towards her and nodded, "You're right," he frowned "Though I hate to admit it. You're right. You do need to be taught. Tomorrow morning. Elijah will teach you, and I'm sure Rebekah will have her say in the event."

"And you?" she asked.

A small smirk tugged at the corner of his mouth again, "I have business to attend to tomorrow."