
The encounter

It was a pretty normal day running for my life other than that it is a normal day but it all changed when I bumped into a wall. Well is was more a wall of flesh and that flesh belonged to none other then Mister bad boy himself to say that I was scared was putting it mild, I was terrified because not only was I being chased by my bullies but I mange to bump into Mister bad boy himself at that moment, I knew I was a goner but luckily for me Mister bad boy didn't seem to care.He just kept on walk as if I didn't just bumped into him.I was relieved but at the same time scared because he just left me alone to face my other nightmare my two bullies.

"So you thought that you could run from then you are prepared to get punished because nobody gets away from us without getting punish"

As the words left his mouth I went pale. Maybe there someway I can escape but luck was never on my side,I was pulled out of my thoughts by a pain full kick to my stomach.The kicking and punishing was endless it was if they didn't need time to breath.I thought at that moment that maybe today is the day I die.

But someone that I never could have thought saved me .It was none other then Mister bad boy himself that saved me I was happy he saved me but I knew deep down he didn't do it for me maybe he wanted something from but I couldn't think clearly all the abuse that was done to body left me in a lot of pain the pain was overwhelming that I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer. Just before I closed my eyes I left someone lifting me in their strong arms before I blacked out completely.

When I came to was laying on a comfy bed but then I recalled what happened and shot out of bed only fall down again in pain.My pain was all but forgotten when I heard laughter.That's when I came face to face with Mister bad boy ,he just kept starring at me with a amusing expression.That was the first time that I saw him in a different light Because I never would have thought that Mister bad boy was capable of emotions he always had a cold look on his face like he didn't care about anything not even himself.At that time I forgot about my pain and just starred into his blue eyes that showed so many emotions but when he caught me starring his eyes suddenly became darker.

He approached me so fast that then knew what was happening all know that I suddenly pinned to the bed with his face close to mine.My faced became red no one has ever been so close to me physically I was scared but for a unknown reason also excited.I couldn't control my body I felt so hot as if I am yearning for his touch.I was so confused because I barely knew him and yet my body reacts to him as if it belonged to him and him only.

He just kept starring at me it's like he is making shore that his property, the look in his eyes show he is happy and proud of me that I didn't let anybody touch me.I was pulled out my thoughts by a mind blowing kiss his lips where soft yet raft at the same time.This was not how I imagined my first kiss but I couldn't help but moaned at the feeling of being claimed.The kissed end when we both try to catch our breath at that moment I looked in his eyes again and saw the desire to claim me to make me his I let out a moan his eyes became much more darker.

"Kitten you better stop if you want to be able to walk tomorrow."

I don't know what came over me as he finished that sentence I moaned only to feel his lips on me again this time more harder and with more passion as if he wants to eat me alive and leave nothing behind.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

louise_camphercreators' thoughts