

"Pretend to by my son's wife and I will give you a million dollar or any amount you want " Rose said. "But your son isn't a fool, even if I were to pretend to be his wife, he will surely know that am a fake" Whitney replied. "He's currently suffering from Amnesia, he doesn't remember the things he did a year ago, so fitting you into his life won't be a problem" **** Whitney Archer is just a first year Psychiatric doctor. She's poor, humble, crazy and a debtor. She live in debt all her life but everything change for her when she meet Rose Graham. Mother to Logan Graham who is a rich handsome bachelor, he's the typical male crush and every girl's dream but he's someone who is suffering from Philophobia. His fear to love has hardened his heart which makes him cold and distant with the opposite s£x. Not wanting her son to be single for the rest of his life, Mrs Graham decides to hire Whitney as his personal doctor and fake wife. But all that got bursted when Logan memories return and he realizes that apart from lying to be his wife, she's also a doctor whose goal is to make him fall in love. What do you think will be the fate and destiny of this two?

Daoistl476bw · perkotaan
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22 Chs


As soon as Logan made it to the hospital, Ben was waiting for him at the entrance.

"Why are you here? After all you said you aren't interested" Ben mock slightly.

"Am not in the mood for your jokes" Logan warned.

"I am too. They are in there conversing with the devils and just as that nurse told me they are all freaking hot" Ben said really hating the fact that those kids are all hot.

"Now, hang on a sec. I understand that am here for Whitney but what are you here for ?" Logan asked.

"Whitney's friend" Ben replied.

"I don't know how it happen but I think she's the girl have been waiting for my whole life" Ben answered and that got Logan laughing.

"Weren't you the one who told me weeks ago that you will never ever fall for any one. How words change" Logan mock before going into the hospital.

Ben led him to where the programme was being held and Logan wouldn't deny that the guys with them are exactly how Ben described them.