
Chapter 4: Enemy to friend

Cybertron, Kaon: Showdown's personal holding cell

Waking up all Oden felt was pain all over his body.

'Damn this feels as bad as the time when Whitebeard first fought me.'

With his thought finished Oden looked around to see that he was in some kind of futuristic holding cell. He was dangling from chains and shackles holding his feet together in the air. He then surveyed the room, seeing it devoid of any signs of life he started to try and make his escape.

He swung his body multiple times and flipped himself onto the chain. Sliding down the chain he grabbed onto his shackles and tried to brake them but failed. While he continued to try and break the shackles the doors opened abruptly.

The figure making his way into the room was none other than Showdown, with two subordinates behind him. As he entered he saw the sight of Oden trying to break himself free. This surprised both him and his subordinates, who instantly rushed passed Showdown to stop Oden. Oden seeing the two approaching dropped himself down onto one of them and started choking him.

Showdown walked up and started trying to defuse the situtation.

"Alright Calm down now and let go of him."

Oden decided to try and negotiate with him.

"I will put him down if you take these shackles off, if not then I will kill him."

Showdown stared at him for a minute then began to laugh. Turning towards his other subordinate he instructed him to unshackle Oden. Then he addressed Oden.

"You know after our fight I had to find out who you were, your fighting skills were amazing. The only thing that came to my mind was that you were an assassin sent to kill me. So you could understand that I was shocked to find out that you are just a newly constructed bot. With talent like yours D1472, I can expand my influence more. So what do you say, do you wanna work for me."

Oden looked at this bot in shock. He could never guess that showdown would try and recruit him into his crew. He thought for a moment then decided to push his luck more and grinned.

"The name is Oden."


"I said the name is Oden not D1472, that's the name I have chosen for myself. And say if I were to join you what would I gain."

Showdown too began to grin.

'This kid didn't act like a newly created bot, he behaved like a season warrior that has been in the slums for years.'

Showdown then broke out of his thought and responded to Oden.

"Okay then Oden, follow me to my office and we'll talk business there."