
the author in marvel

hey this is the author this about a mc he gets recarnated as a author and yes he will get a system he mainly does his own thing but he will be in parts of the the marvel story but he will also be doing his thing characters will be coming to his book store bye

TimmyTheroux · perkotaan
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the beginning part 2

Arthur got back to his apartment luckily he had a computer he scrolls through the computer he sees stark industries oscorps oh shit and x men is here to sigh it can't be helped today was stressful I guess I will go to sleep and see what books I can write I remember a lot but I can't remember all of them because he was a reader but he mainly reads fanfics in his last life so he decided to start with batman he read some of the comics and his friend was a batman fan so he knows a lot if he is gonna be a author he wants to go big and be powerful just imagine that the lizard who i said will bite me in my ass and pulled some goku shit and teleport it to the sun hahahaha so system you haven't said any thing in a while I was just busy analyzing all your memory's most are funny just imagine looking at a boy and you forgot you had a hotdog halfway to your mouth and the boy saw you looking and ask are you gay hey what the fuck system you suppose to be on my side and I am not gay and I just looking why can't another man appreciate another man's beauty I'm going to sleep I'm tired at five clock in morning the system made a sound like a bomb Arthur got up fast and said this is the army don't come near I got gas and yes I mean my ass the system said calm down it's just the system oh why the he'll did you wake me up this early the system replied you got to wake up and get ready oh and you have a newbies package okay open the system prompts rings out you you have gotten 3 packs of paper you have gotten writing tools you have gotten a printer you gotten a book store you gotten a gun were are all the items system they are in the book store I guess I will go to the book store I been walking for a hour hey system can you give directions sure god dammit you could do this the whole time well I guess lead the way 30 minutes later hey system are we there yet I need to get rich fast and go back to college and learn to build flying armor nah fuck that shit that is ironmans shit one second later system are we there yet we will be there in 3 minutes okay finally we are there oh crap the store is big I guess I will go in start writing let's start it's starts with a kids mom and dad got shot and so on and done