
The Author's POV: Invincible from the start

Travel through the world of The Author's POV and start with the Solo Leveling system. Currently, I'm just learning to write fanfiction, if there's anything wrong, please give me more opinions.

DaoistViyIkE · Komik
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16 Chs

Chapter 4

The Lycan that had just jumped over his head was now looking at him fearfully. Its tail lowered, the wolf was slowly backing away.

"What's up…?"

So this is the result of putting all the points into "Strength"?

When he looked at the head of the Lycan that he was holding in his hand, and its body had also stopped convulsing and was dead, a familiar sound resounded.


[You have defeated the Steel Fang Lycan.]

[You have leveled up!]

"Level up... level up????"

To make sure he didn't mishear, Sirius quickly opened his status window.


Name: Sirius

Level: 2

Class: None

Title: None

HP: 205

MP: 22

Tiredness: 0


Strength: 32

Stamina: 11

Agility: 11

Intelligence: 11

Perception: 11

(Available points to distribute: 0)


Passive skills:

– (Unknown) Lv. Max

– Tenacity Lv. 1

Active skills:

– Dash Lv. 1


It really leveled up. As Sirius levels up, all stats are added to one point. He suddenly realized that there was another way to increase his stats, not just quest rewards.

"Mom, you can really level up..."

What he dreamed and thought about every day was now a reality.

His heart beat fast again with excitement

"Even if it's calculated, the number of points gained is more than the Daily Quest."

The number of points you got from the quest was 3 points

The points received from leveling up are 5 points.

Even though he couldn't divide these 5 points at will, but overall he was still more profitable than the reward from the quest.

"Wow, I've only leveled up two by killing two..."

In RPG games, characters with low levels will be able to level up faster.

Sirius is at level 2. People might say he's weak, but the truth is that his level doesn't reflect his true strength.

After all, he had raised his "strength" to over 30; think about it, 1 level equals 1 strength point, then Sirius already has the strength of a character above level 20. And when a level 1 character goes hunting with the strength of a level 20 character, it will be fast. how big?

Perhaps this is the "superior strength" that people often talk about?.

His punch with unexpected destructive power was a testament to his progress.

Working out, his "strength" stat was three times his current level, but he felt he was three times stronger.

The strength at level 1 was 10, but he was 30. The difference between the "strength" stat of 10 and the "strength" stat of 30 was three times, but he felt his strength was even more formidable. .

Or is…

If he kept increasing to this point of "strength" then… On top of that, his movements would also be faster. If it were yesterday's uncle, u u oooo, he wouldn't be able to imagine himself dodging a monster's attack, or his fists being so fast that he could make the sound of the wind...

"Or does increasing the 'strength' point make me faster..."

It seems that increasing the "strength" stat is increasing both "strength" and "speed". The battle with the Lycan was a pretty clear example.

But also the agility stat? If not speed, then what does it increase?

Sirius knew he couldn't satisfy his curiosity if he didn't have more stat points.

"Wow, if there were a few more points..."

It feels a bit wasteful to use up the stat points from the quest rewards to increase the 'flexibility' stat. If he could increase both his strength and speed through the "strength" stat, then what the hell was he putting all his points into "flexibility" for?

If that's the case, then it has an answer.

"Must level up as quickly as possible"

Stat points will increase steadily if you level up, if you are heavy, you will be cut. When the stat points are high enough, it will make a difference, and then you will have the answer.

"Okay, let's play, shall we?"

He suddenly remembered the other Lycan.

"Wow, where's that crazy dog?"

The Lycan who had just crouched before him had disappeared. Sirius looked around but there was no trace of it. It seems, it ran away while he was concentrating on his status.


He clicked his tongue, frustrated that his exp had run away, he started moving forward.

When Sirius wiped his hands, and got up to leave, then


He saw something bright in the Lycan's mouth. Sirius pry open its jaw, one of the Lycan's teeth glistening. When he reached out his hand, the message board appeared.

[You have found "Lycan's fangs"]

[Do you want to take?]


[Lycan's fangs

Rank: No

Type: Garbage

The large, sharp canine of the Lycan.]

[You can keep items in the inventory.]

[You can sell items to the Shop.]

Sirius read the information about the fang in his hand, then suddenly he clenched his fist,

There are even stores???

Who invented this "The system doesn't help"? Do not instruct anything, force users to figure things out on their own.


Sirius seemed to have believed that there would be a sales NPC that would appear like a poppy, but no. He was disappointed to see that the last store was exactly like a bulletin board floating in the air. As if it hadn't poked him enough, the bulletin board only showed two functions with green text.



"Wow, what a 'wonderful' looking shop..."

Sirius chooses to "buy" first. Although he didn't have any silver coins in his pocket, he was curious about what kind of items would be found in this "store". Of course, the "System" wasn't very nice either.

You are not qualified to use the "buy" function.

But he was also used to being looked down on when he had no money.

"Yes, yes, it's not even level enough."

Ignore it, if you don't, there's nothing you can do about this "System". He turned his eyes towards the other function

[Do you want to sell "Lycan's Fangs"?]


With the sound of coins falling, his inventory appeared. In the last row of the crate, the place where the word "Gold" is written is showing 20, and yesterday, it was 0.

"The 20 gold?"

It sounded like a lot, but Sirius couldn't use that gold in the real world. So really, you don't know how valuable it is.

"I doubt there's anything in this E-rank Dungeon that's useful… haiz..."

Even though he couldn't use it in real life, Sirius still wanted to pick up the other Lycan teeth, but…

"Oh yeah, I blew its head away mommy…my god~..."

Disappointed, he turned and left. He was disappointed that he had lost 20 gold, which he wasn't sure if it was worth anything. But in the end, he didn't want to waste time, looking for those pretty little teeth where it was in the corner. When he turned to leave, his disappointment melted away like snowflakes.




Grrrrrrrrrr ~~

The damn Lycan that ran away just now was standing in front of him, with its "club". It turned out that he went to call the guild to beat him.

Sirius's face had a happy smile. In the blink of an eye, there were more than 20 animals standing in front of him, smiling with fangs, and snoring cuter than ever.

"It's too big of a trick to hit the auntie!!"

"But wait, that doesn't sound like me at all... but never mind".

This is definitely something that brings you happiness. Still smiling like a flower in the morning sun, he slowly clenched the sword in his hand.

"God! Thank you for the meal, oh no, for the fangs."

In front of his clearly greedy eyes, the Lycans cowered in fear.

Sirius leapt towards the monsters.

[You have leveled up!]

[You have leveled up!]

[You have leveled up!]

As expected, his level increased rapidly. As compensation for running around on the 1st floor looking for the rest of the Lycans, his level had gone up to level 7. A pretty big leap at 5 levels.

Uhhh -!

When he defeated the last Lycan, the message board popped up.


[You have acquired the 'Title: Slaughterer of Wolves'.]

"A Title?"

[Title: Slaughterer of Wolves]

All stats increase by 40% against beast-type monsters.

The title is given to hunters with experience in hunting wolves.

His status panel also shows his new title immediately:


Name: Sirius

Level: 7

Class: None

Title: Slaughterer of Wolves

HP: 766

MP: 81

Tiredness: 3


Strength: 37

Stamina: 16

Agility: 16

Intelligence: 16

Perception: 16

(Available points to distribute: 0)


Passive skills:

– (Unknown) Lv. Max

– Tenacity Lv. 1

Active skills:

– Dash Lv. 1


Increases stats against beast-type monsters. Although the effect is also a bit limited as it only works on beast type, the increase in stats up to 40% is nothing to be upset about.

"This is only the 1st floor, there are probably quite a few monster type monsters, does this title really work?"

If so, it will be of great help to you. All in all, though, the spoils so far have been pretty disappointing.

"34 fangs, 2 rusty daggers, 1 adventure suit, including the Regression Stone… haiz, soooo daebak."

Occasionally, items will be found in the wolf's stomach, however, most are not particularly useful. The rusted daggers needless to say that it has much weaker attack power than his steel sword, and there's also the adventurer's suit, I don't know what it's for. However, after selling all three of those miscellaneous items, Sirius earned more than 1 thousand gold .

[Gold Current: 1,060]

"It looks like a lot, but I don't know if it's really a lot..."

No matter how much he earned, there was practically no place for him to spend that gold.

Leaving aside the gold for now, the only item he had left was the Regression Stone. He recalled the invisible barrier that prevented him from getting out, the "System" had informed him that this was needed to get out. So he knew he could leave at any time.

Sirius is at a crossroads.

In front is the stairs going down to the 2nd floor.

In his hand, was the jelly regression tablets.

"Should we keep going or stop?"

This was the time when he had to practice facing the danger ahead if he was negligent he would risk his life there. After making up his mind, he put the Regression Jelly in his pocket.

His footsteps went down the stairs, the only place that was lit.