
The Author’s Paradox

The center of the universe. The undisputed victor. The one who ultimately wins hearts and undoes enemies with a triumphant smile. That is the role of the protagonist. And all in their orbit are merely supporting characters in the epic that is their life. As for me? I was just a writer, whose words seldom echoed beyond the silence of my own mind. And when they did, it was in the form of a novel – my sole outcry in the vastness of literary oblivion. Until the day the thread of my life snapped… and in the blink of an eye, I was reborn. Inside my own work. With clenched fist and resolute soul, I faced the new reality. Reincarnating into one's own story seems promising, right? To be the immortal hero, the aura of invincibility, the inevitable romances. Except no. The plot twisted and I returned not as the hero, but as an extra – an NPC in the affable terminology of gaming. Away from the spotlight, on the fringes of adventures and loves, I am just a figure that completes the backdrop for others to shine. And honestly? What a relief! Why, you might ask, do I not wish to be the chosen one? Simple – protagonists are magnets for mishaps. Living on the edge of calamity? No, thank you. Death and I have already crossed paths; dramatic pretexts can keep their distance. Thus, I summon to the heavens my heartfelt thanks for this second anonymous chance. “Let me enjoy a stable life away from the limelight,” I plead fervently among tears of joy and resigned smiles. Yet, stifle that laughter. Know that these words, uttered in the innocence of a fresh start, would soon prove to be the prelude to an involuntary comedy. Because, it seems, even an extra can find themselves face to face with destiny. And so begins the most unexpected of journeys – one where the smallest of pawns may, somehow, change the game.

Superfabinho · Fantasi
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64 Chs

Artificial dungeon


Ah, what a hellish noise… I hate having to wake up early. What did teacher Lizy tell us to wake up early for again? I didn't pay attention, since I was busy…sleeping.

It's been a few days since the confrontation against the monsters. In this time span, we had some theoretical and practical classes, but only the basics. We learned how to circulate our mana through our body, a technique of … meditation very useful that, besides creating dexterity in the manipulation of mana, helps to increase the user's mana. Well, I didn't have any results because my potential is E. Apparently, even mana rejects me.

Anyway, today there will be another practice of skills. But seriously, does it have to be at 6 in the morning? The sun is still rising. It seems that teacher Lizy is a big fan of the morning time. Is she secretly a vampire?


Suddenly, an alarm clock flew through the windows of my room…


I get up from my bed with a lot of determination, because laziness was beating me up. It was there, ready for another round, but I wasn't willing to lose to it today.

I do the basics, which is brushing my teeth, washing my face and taking a shower. After all, I can't arrive at the academy with dragon breath and sleepy face, right?

After finishing the morning routine, I dress up with the beautiful academy uniform, ready to parade my charm and elegance through the corridors. After all, if I'm going to face the day at Pentagon Academy, let it be with style and attitude.

It was 5:34 in the morning, and even at that time, the academy was buzzing like a beehive. As I walked through the corridors, I reflected: "The main cast started to bond".

Sam and Diana were training together, forming a dynamic duo. Ellie and Blake were also training, but it seemed that Ellie was the driving force there. Blake seemed a bit limited, even though Ellie was someone strong. And, well, Chloe seemed to be spending her days borrowing money from someone. Life at the academy certainly has its own interesting dynamics.

After a long walk of boredom and reflections, I arrived at classroom A-1 and sat in my usual place, in the last desk next to the window. With a huge yawn of sleepiness and boredom, I admired the campus landscape looking through the window.

"My life has been crazy since I came here…" I murmured with the weight of someone who just found out that life is not just memes and cold pizza. "Ah, is this the anguished contemplation of existence or just hunger?"

The truth is that I catch myself in deep thoughts as often as a gnome in a basketball contest. I have been sailing through this new life with the tranquility of a duck on a zip line. Who needs answers or meaning, when you can have a schedule full of… sleeping?

Did I fantasize about this abduction to a world of authorial chaos? Ah, the charm of danger, the dramatic consequences… It sounds like the most dangerous amusement park in the world, and I forgot to read the terms and conditions - classic Dean.

Honestly? I have no idea. But who knows? Maybe I'm just rummaging through the cosmic trash can for clues of my ultimate purpose. Or maybe, just maybe, I'm looking for a place to call my own. Because, apparently, becoming a hero in training doesn't come with an instruction manual or an existential treasure map.

And what about the adventure… if my moment of unexpected heroism seems to be late, know that it probably took the wrong bus and ended up on the other side of town. As for loneliness, it has the company of my sarcasm - and he doesn't stop talking. And the uncertainty? Well, it's the only sure thing in this soap opera of my life. Literally.


The students started to enter the room, and the main cast showed up together, except for Chloe. The classroom was spacious and modern, with white walls and glass windows that allowed the sunlight to enter. The desks were equipped with touch screens and wireless headphones, which facilitated interactive learning. At the back of the room, there was a large holographic board, where teacher Lizy projected her classes. "You were a bit slow yesterday, Ellie. Any problem?" Blake asked, the concern clear in his tone.

Blake and Ellie's parents are good friends, and on Blake's birthday, when he was 7 years old, he met Ellie for the first time. It wasn't just her beauty that captivated him, but her determination. Even at 7, she had an uncommon willpower, fueled by the desire to become strong after losing her brother to a demon. Blake admired that determination and understood her pain.

Scratching her head, Ellie replied: "Teacher Lizy's test left me a bit rusty. But I'm 100% today!" in a friendly tone.

"Let's see that in today's training", Blake replied, in a sporty manner.

Sam listened to their conversation and went to sit down, and Diana followed him. Ellie, about to follow them, hesitated. She felt she needed to clear something up with Blake.

"Blake… I'm going to train with Sam today", she said, in a guilty tone, aware of how that could affect him.

Blake's face fell, and he tried to hide his disappointment. He had been looking forward to training with Ellie, as he always did. He felt a connection with her, beyond friendship. He wanted to protect her, to make her happy, to be by her side. But he knew she didn't feel the same way. She only saw him as a friend, a childhood companion. And he respected that. He didn't want to ruin their relationship by confessing his feelings.

He forced a smile and said: "Oh, I see. Well, that's fine. I'm sure you'll do great with Sam. He's a good partner." He hoped his voice didn't betray his emotions.

Ellie smiled back, relieved. She was glad Blake didn't take it the wrong way. She cared for him, as a friend.

Ellie remembered when she saw Sam and Diana training together. They seemed to improve each other, exploring the weaknesses and strengths of each one. They communicated with ease, supported each other with confidence, challenged each other with respect. Ellie felt a twinge of envy, and also of curiosity. She wanted to try that kind of training, which seemed more effective and fun than hers with Blake.

With Blake, it was always the same thing. He treated her as a student, not as a partner. He instructed her, corrected her, praised her, but never questioned her, teased her, surprised her. He was kind, attentive, loyal, but also predictable, monotonous, limited. Ellie liked him, as a friend. But she felt nothing more for him. She didn't feel that spark, that butterflies in the stomach, that glow in the eyes.

She felt that for Sam. The mysterious boy. The boy who had an incredible potential, but who hid behind a mask of indifference. The boy who had a dark past, but who seemed to have a kind heart. Ellie wanted to know him better, understand him, help him. She wanted to train with him, fight with him, laugh with him. She wanted to be with him.

She thanked Blake and said: "You're a good partner too, Blake. Don't worry, we'll train together again soon. I promise." She hoped he wasn't hurt by her decision.

She then joined Sam and Diana, who were waiting for her. Blake watched her go, feeling a pang in his chest. He sighed and looked away, trying to focus on the class. He wondered if Ellie would ever see him as more than a friend. He wondered if he should give up on her. He wondered if he could.


Ah, the daily drama at Pentagon Academy. Blake and Ellie always cause some drama, but behind all that arrogant pose, Blake has a weak spot called Ellie.

Professor Lizy entered the room with a tired expression, greeting everyone: "Good morning." A yawn escaped her lips. "Today we will have a special class."

Her students became instantly more attentive and curious. A special class? That sounded interesting and exciting.

Lizy, noticing that she had captured everyone's attention, smiled as she revealed what that class would be: "Today's test will probably be the most challenging so far. But, considering your preparation in the last few weeks, I believe you are ready."

She pressed a button on the desk and, suddenly, a hologram appeared, revealing the map of a dungeon. "Today's test will be in an artificial dungeon, category F. With monsters, rewards and, of course, the boss…"

A murmur of surprise and excitement ran through the room. An artificial dungeon? That was something rare and valuable. Artificial dungeons were created by specialized mages, who simulated the conditions of real dungeons, but with more control over the factors involved. They were used to train, test and evaluate adventurers, without exposing them to the real dangers of natural dungeons.

But that didn't mean that artificial dungeons were easy or safe. They still had monsters, traps, puzzles and, of course, the boss. The boss was the strongest and smartest monster in the dungeon, who guarded the exit and the reward. The reward was a random magical item, which could be a weapon, an armor, an accessory, a consumable, etc. Magical items were enchanted objects with special properties, which could increase power, defense, speed, healing, etc. They were very coveted and rare, and could make the difference between life and death in an adventure.

Lizy continued to explain the rules of the test: "You will have two hours to complete the dungeon. You can enter alone or in groups, but the reward will be divided equally among the group members. You can use any skill, item or strategy you want, but you can't interfere with other groups. If you are defeated by the monsters, you will be teleported out of the dungeon, without any reward. If you manage to defeat the boss and exit the dungeon, you will receive the reward and a grade based on your performance. Any questions?"

The students looked at each other, thinking about their options. Some were confident, others nervous, others excited. Some preferred to go alone, others wanted to form groups. Some had friends, others rivals, others allies. Some wanted the reward, others the grade, others the experience.


Her scrutinizing gaze swept the room, studying each of us individually. There was a brief moment when our eyes met.

I could still feel the expectation vibrating in the air, that pre-battle anxiety that seems to fill every fiber of the body. Lizy encouraged us once again with a smile and the words that always triggered immediate action: "So, let's get started. Good luck to everyone. And may the best team win."

[...] [...] [...]

Author's note:

hi, hi 👋 I hope you are enjoying the story

What do you think of the story so far? Leave me some feedback so I can know what I need to add and improve.