
The Auction Will Return 10,000 Times I Am Invincible

After crossing the Dou Qi Continent, Liu Yun became the young master of the Mittel family. He applied to go to Wutan City for training, and successfully took over the Mitel auction house in Wutan City, becoming Ya Fei's immediate boss. At the same time, Liu Yun awakened the auction 10,000-fold return system, and any item auctioned can be randomly returned. "Ding, the auction of the second-grade elixirs was successful, congratulations to the host for triggering the 10,000-fold return, and obtaining the sixth-grade elixirs of the Life-Changing Pill! "Lian Shengyan!" "Ding, Xiao Yan's ring auction was successful, congratulations to the host for triggering the ten thousand-fold return, obtaining the Jiuyang Burning Tiangong, an advanced technique of the heavens, the inheritance of the ancient Dan emperor, the Taiyin Shenyan..." "This is too perverted, isn't it? ..." Looking at the things returned by the system, Liu Yun was instantly stunned!

Devil_Prince_Asura · Fantasi
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100 Chs

Chapter 64 Come with me!

Seeing that Xiaoyixian was so impatient, Liu Yun smiled slightly, and then directly lifted the lid of the treasure chest.

Immediately, a colored scroll was revealed.

Liu Yun stretched out his hand and slowly took out the colored scroll. When he opened it, he saw the words "Colorful Poison Sutra" written on it.

"What kind of baby is this?" Xiao Yixian also came up curiously, her beautiful eyes full of curiosity.

"Let's take a look." There was a hint of hesitation in his mind, and Liu Yun finally handed the colored scroll in his hand to the little medical fairy.

With the physique of a small medical fairy, sooner or later, he will also embark on the road of a poison master.

Moreover, Liu Yun didn't want to see such a heaven-defying physique buried in the Eun Poison Body.

As for the drawbacks of the Evil Poison Body in the future, Liu Yun also has the confidence to obtain the poison pill method from Yao Lao.

"What?" Taking the colored scroll in Liu Yun's hand, the little medical fairy looked at it curiously, and then a bitter surprise appeared on the pretty face.

"This is actually a poison scripture that specifically records how to prepare poisons!" Xiaoyixian couldn't put it down, looking at the colorful poison scriptures in her hands, and her beautiful eyes showed excitement.

If she can't become a pharmacist, she can only rely on dispensing poison.

In fact, what she hopes most in her heart is to become a pharmacist, not a poisoner who is annoying and fearful.

"This Poison Sutra belongs to me, and the rest of the two treasure chests belong to you." The little doctor Xianyu just dragged the Colorful Poison Sutra, as if he had regarded it as his own.

"This thing is of no use to me, you can take it if you want." Liu Yun originally prepared it for the little medical fairy, and immediately said.

"Thank you." Xiao Yixian thanked Liu Yun holding the Colorful Poison Sutra.

"We are both so close, so don't be polite to me." Liu Yun said with a teasing expression on the corner of his mouth.

"Bah, who is familiar with you!" Hearing this, Xiao Yixian's face flashed a blush, and Liu Yun gave Liu Yun an angry look.

Liu Yun smiled slightly, then picked up the second key and started to open the second treasure chest.

Although the remaining two treasure chests have already returned to Liuyun, Xiaoyixian couldn't bear the curiosity in his heart, and he followed suit.


With an abnormal sound, the second treasure chest was quickly opened by Liu Yun.

Under the illumination of the moonstone in the stone room, the contents of the stone box can be seen at a glance under the gaze of Liu Yun and the Little Doctor Immortal.

"A scroll again?" Looking at the black scroll placed in the box, the little doctor Xian Dai raised her eyebrows.

Liu Yun knew what this scroll was for a long time, and immediately stretched out his hand and took the black scroll out of the box.

Liu Yun looked at it carefully, and finally his eyes stayed on the small characters on the side of the scroll: "Advanced flying fighting skills of the Xuan Rank: Eagle Wings."

Looking at the scroll in his hand, a smile appeared on Liu Yun's face.

The flying fighting skills that he had been thinking about, finally got his hands.

I don't know what kind of treasure I will get after I auction off this flying fighting skill.

Thinking of this, there was a hint of anticipation in Liu Yun's eyes.

"Liuyun, what is this?" Seeing Liuyun's excitement, the little doctor became more curious about the scroll in his hand.

"This is a flying fighting skill." Liu Yun explained with a slight smile on the corner of his mouth, looking at the curious look in the little medical fairy's beautiful eyes.

"Flying fighting skills? What is this?"

It was also the first time that she heard this name, and Xiaoyixian blinked in confusion. She had heard of attacking attacks, defensive fighting skills, body fighting skills, etc., but this was the first time she had heard flying fighting skills.

"As the name suggests, this fighting skill can make people fly in the sky." Liu Yun continued to explain.

"Flying? Isn't that a talent that at least requires a Douwang strong person?" Hearing this, Xiaoyixian was startled at first, and then his face was full of confusion.

"This world is full of wonders, little medical fairy, when you become stronger in the future, you won't be surprised." Liu Yun looked at the little medical fairy in front of her. Compared with her physique, this flying fighting skill was nothing. what.

After saying that, Liu Yun directly put the flying fighting skills in his eyes into the ring.

"There is the last one, we'll go out when we're done." With that, Liu Yun took out the last key and inserted it into the keyhole.


With an abnormal sound, the last treasure chest was also opened by Liu Yun.

"A scroll again?" Looking at the exposed red scroll, Little Doctor Immortal was surprised.

Liu Yun took out the red scroll inside and opened it to take a look.

"Crazy lion chant, advanced profound fighting skills."

Looking at the scroll in his hand, Liu Yun smiled slightly, very satisfied.

There is one more Xuan-order auction item in his hand.

However, Liu Yun thought of another question.

With so many profound fighting skills in his hands, even a single Wutan city could not eat it.

"Perhaps, it's time to return to the imperial capital." Liu Yun secretly decided that after going back to take care of Xiao Yan this time, he would go directly to the imperial capital.

With the power of the imperial capital of the Gamma Empire, it should be enough to eat this batch of goods in their hands.

"Okay, the treasure exploration is over, we should go out." Liu Yun put away the scroll and said to the little medical fairy beside him.

"Yeah." Hearing this, the little doctor nodded.

After coming to the platform outside the cave, Liu Yun opened his hands directly to the little medical fairy.

"bring it on."

Looking at Liu Yun's movements, the little doctor gave him a white look, and then walked over slowly: "Don't do anything wrong, otherwise...



Before Xiaoyixian finished speaking, he was directly pulled over by Liu Yun.

The next moment, a gust of fragrant wind rushed towards Liu Yun, and immediately a soft and fragrant body crashed into Liu Yun's arms.

"Otherwise what are you going to do?" Looking at the little medical fairy in his arms, a wicked smile appeared on the corner of Liu Yun's mouth.

Feeling Xiaoyixian's soft body slammed into Liu Yun's arms, it was like hitting the apex of Liu Yun's heart, which made his heart tremble fiercely.

A scorching masculine breath sprayed on Xiaoyixian's delicate cheeks, Xiaoyixian couldn't help but look at Liu Yun, only to see his eyes staring straight, making Xiaoyixian feel a little flustered in his heart and said: " Liu Yun, what do you want to do?"

"What do you think?" Liu Yun smiled evilly, and then kissed him directly in the stunned eyes of Xiao Yixian.


Xiao Yixian made a humming sound, but she couldn't push away Liu Yun who was holding her tightly in her arms.

After struggling for a while, Xiaoyixian's body gradually softened, allowing Liu Yun to take advantage of it.

After a long time, their lips slowly separated.




Little Doctor Immortal's beautiful eyes were red, with a touch of tears, and her pink fist kept beating Liuyun.

"Little Doctor Immortal, come with me!" Liu Yun let the Little Doctor Immortal beat himself and looked at the girl with a smile on his face.

Hearing this, the movements in Xiaoyixian's hands stopped and fell into silence.

Seeing this, a trace of disappointment flashed in Liu Yun's eyes, but he also knew that this matter should not be rushed.

"Let's go up first."

Afterwards, Liu Yun hugged the little medical fairy and headed towards the top of the cliff.