
The Auction Will Return 10,000 Times I Am Invincible

After crossing the Dou Qi Continent, Liu Yun became the young master of the Mittel family. He applied to go to Wutan City for training, and successfully took over the Mitel auction house in Wutan City, becoming Ya Fei's immediate boss. At the same time, Liu Yun awakened the auction 10,000-fold return system, and any item auctioned can be randomly returned. "Ding, the auction of the second-grade elixirs was successful, congratulations to the host for triggering the 10,000-fold return, and obtaining the sixth-grade elixirs of the Life-Changing Pill! "Lian Shengyan!" "Ding, Xiao Yan's ring auction was successful, congratulations to the host for triggering the ten thousand-fold return, obtaining the Jiuyang Burning Tiangong, an advanced technique of the heavens, the inheritance of the ancient Dan emperor, the Taiyin Shenyan..." "This is too perverted, isn't it? ..." Looking at the things returned by the system, Liu Yun was instantly stunned!

Devil_Prince_Asura · Fantasi
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100 Chs

Chapter 59 Qinglian!

"Yeah." Hearing this, the little medical fairy replied in a low voice, and then her beautiful eyes suddenly lit up: "Will you come to the Warcraft Mountains again?"

As soon as the words came out, Xiaoyixian also noticed that her reaction was a little intense, and quickly lowered her head, a rosy flush on her pretty face.

Seeing the shy look on the girl's face, Liu Yun still didn't understand what she was thinking, and suddenly felt a little smug in his heart. He leaned forward and said, "Of course, with your little beauty here, of course I can't bear it."

Hearing this, Xiao Yixian was stunned for a while, and after seeing Liu Yun's bad expression, she said angrily, "Aiya, you hate... you rascal..."

"Rogue, this is what you said..." After Liu Yun finished speaking, while the little medical fairy didn't respond, he directly leaned towards the delicate cheek.


With a successful strike, Liu Yun quickly moved away with lightning speed.

"Liuyun...you bastard..."

In the dark cave, the angry voice of the little doctor was heard.


the next day.

In order to quickly condense the body of the beast, Liu Yun went out of the cave early in the morning and went out to hunt the beast.

In the past, when Liu Yun hunted monsters, he would not go too far, but just searched around the cave.

Even though there was the aura of a violent giant ape in the cave, Liu Yun was still a little worried.

If there is a monster stronger than the violent giant ape invading, wouldn't the little medical fairy be in danger.

However, after a night of hard work, the little medical fairy has extracted the poison in the blood-colored python.

With her poisoning methods, and with the poison of the third-order scarlet python, the idle beasts should not be able to help her.

Liu Yun had personally experienced the toxicity of that bloody python.

Even if the third-order Warcraft is unfortunately poisoned, I am afraid it will be a dead end.

Because of this, Liu Yun finally felt relieved this time, and he could continue his hunting in the Monster Beast Mountains.

Now he has condensed nine blood orifices, and there is still one blood orifice to condense the body of a beast.

This last blood orifice is very important and requires stronger magical beasts.

With his current strength as a Seven Star Dou Shi, he can only deal with the third-tier advanced monsters when he has all his cards.

Therefore, Liu Yun sneaked into the depths of the third-order Warcraft area early in the morning.

The people who haunt here are almost third-order high-level magical beasts, which are equivalent to the existence of high-level human fighting masters.


In the vast mountains and seas, Liu Yun shuttles through the dark forest sea alone.

The towering trees cover the sky and the sun.

Liu Yun looked cautious, carefully sensing the situation around him.

As more and more blood orifices condensed in Liu Yun's body, Liu Yun felt that his perception became more and more acute, especially in this dangerous mountain range of beasts.

Liu Yun guessed that this was related to the fact that he was about to condense the body of a beast.

At this moment, he has already possessed a lot of abilities that belong to Warcraft.

Liu Yun called it the touch of monsters!

This feeling is even more obvious when Liu Yun stimulates the blood orifice power in the body.

Suddenly, Liu Yun seemed to notice something and stopped immediately.

"I always feel that something is wrong..." Liu Yun glanced around, his sword brows slightly wrinkled.

The next moment, Liu Yun slowly closed his eyes, his mind condensed.

Focusing on his attention, Liu Yun maximized the touch of the monster, and his mind sensed the world within a radius of 500 meters.

Strange, why can't I sense it again?

After a while, Liu Yun was slightly surprised.

In this world, he could not detect any aura fluctuations, and the silence was terrifying.

"Huh... This volatility is..."

Suddenly, as if he had sensed something, Liu Yun's expression moved slightly, and he suddenly opened his eyes and looked towards the left.

"It came from this direction..."

Liu Yun could feel that there was a very special energy fluctuation at a position about 500 meters away from him.

"Could it be a Tier 3 monster?" After thinking, a thought flashed in Liu Yun's heart.

"It doesn't matter what it is, go and see it first."

Immediately, Liu Yun opened his eyes, cast a shadow of his clone, and disappeared as an afterimage.

A mere five-hundred-meter distance, at Liu Yun's current speed, but he reached his destination in an instant.

Passing through the dense virgin forest, Liu Yun quickly approached the place where the energy fluctuations surged.

Soon, he came to a waterfall at the end of a mountain stream.

Below the waterfall is a pool, and the water is black and bottomless. Obviously, the pool is very deep.

"It smells so good!"

At this time, his nose moved, and Liu Yun found that the air was filled with a unique fragrance of grass and trees.

The fragrance came from behind the waterfall, and the flowing clouds could be seen vaguely. There seemed to be a green plant growing behind the waterfall.

The aroma seems to be emanating from that plant.

"Could it be some kind of genius treasure?"

Liu Yun's heart moved, and the thing growing behind the waterfall seemed to be a treasured herb.

The smell of that faint fragrance, if you smell it, will immediately lift your spirits, and your thoughts will be much clearer.

As Liu Yun continued to approach, he finally saw where the fragrance came from.

I saw a green lotus swaying in the wind at the cut-off place behind the waterfall, and the refreshing floral fragrance permeated the whole place.

Piece of heaven and earth.


A hint of surprise flashed in his eyes, and Liu Yun's eyes stayed on this green lotus.

I saw that this green lotus was about ten feet long, and the hazy blue light surged on the lotus petals.

From a distance, this green lotus looks like it was carved.

At the same time, a wave of terrifying fluctuations flashed across these petals, and finally converged in the center of Qinglian.


Liu Yun's pupils shrank suddenly, only to see that in the center of Qinglian, there was a group of cyan rays of light surging, and there was actually a lotus seed about the size of a thumb.

Circles of cyan halo emanated from the lotus seeds, filled with vitality.

The energy fluctuations that Liu Yun sensed earlier came from this green lotus and the lotus seeds within it.

"So rich in vitality..."

"This is at least a third-grade elixir, right?"

Liu Yun swallowed hard, although he didn't know what the green lotus and lotus seeds were in front of him.

But he also knew that this green lotus was definitely a treasure of heaven and earth.

Otherwise, lotus seeds with such a strong vitality would never be born.

"I didn't expect that my luck was not bad. When I came out to hunt down a monster, I could meet such a treasure!"

Looking at Qinglian below the waterfall, Liu Yun's mouth unconsciously revealed a bright smile.

He didn't expect to meet such a treasure when entering the Warcraft Mountains. It seems that this visit to the Warcraft Mountains is really worth it.

Lifting a step, Liu Yun ran towards the lake as fast as lightning.

However, when Liu Yun's figure was about to swept over the waterfall, his figure suddenly stopped and he stared solemnly at the water below.

At this moment, a mutation suddenly occurred!