
The Auction Will Return 10,000 Times I Am Invincible

After crossing the Dou Qi Continent, Liu Yun became the young master of the Mittel family. He applied to go to Wutan City for training, and successfully took over the Mitel auction house in Wutan City, becoming Ya Fei's immediate boss. At the same time, Liu Yun awakened the auction 10,000-fold return system, and any item auctioned can be randomly returned. "Ding, the auction of the second-grade elixirs was successful, congratulations to the host for triggering the 10,000-fold return, and obtaining the sixth-grade elixirs of the Life-Changing Pill! "Lian Shengyan!" "Ding, Xiao Yan's ring auction was successful, congratulations to the host for triggering the ten thousand-fold return, obtaining the Jiuyang Burning Tiangong, an advanced technique of the heavens, the inheritance of the ancient Dan emperor, the Taiyin Shenyan..." "This is too perverted, isn't it? ..." Looking at the things returned by the system, Liu Yun was instantly stunned!

Devil_Prince_Asura · Fantasi
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100 Chs

Chapter 54 Living together!

At night, darkness enveloped the entire Warcraft Mountain Range, pitch black and silent.

A little bit of stars shone down on the sky, and the vast forest in the dark night looked even more eerie, with terrifying beasts lurking in the middle, opening their big mouths at any time.

In a dark cave, lit lights flickered in the dark night, like fireflies.


A flickering bonfire adds a touch of warmth to a chilly night.

In the corner, Liu Yun held a second-order magic core in his hand, which was running the Devouring Divine Ability, constantly devouring the energy in it.

Beside the bonfire, a huge blue eagle body was lying on the ground, its breath was a little sluggish.

Little Doctor Immortal is holding some unknown medicinal herbs in his hands, smearing on Lan Ying's wounds.

After a while, the second-order magic core in Liu Yun's hand turned into a pile of powder, and the energy inside was completely absorbed by Liu Yun.


He exhaled a mouthful of turbid air, and the breath on Liu Yun's body gradually slowed down.

Slowly opening his eyes, Liu Yun looked towards the bonfire.

"It really made her live..." Watching Lan Ying's aura gradually calming down, Liu Yun looked at the busy figure in white, with a hint of admiration on the corner of his mouth.

As expected of a small medical fairy, this medical skill is well-deserved.

Slowly got up, took out some dry food from Na Jie, and Liu Yun walked towards Xiao Yixian.

"Let's eat something, we have to stay for a while, it's not a problem to be hungry." Liu Yun divided the dry food in his hand and handed it to the little medical fairy.

After being stunned for a while, Xiao Yixian looked at Liu Yun with a smile on her pretty face: "Thank you, Liu Yun."

Saying that, Xiaoyixian took the dry food from Liu Yun's hand.

She hadn't eaten for a few days, and she was almost hungry and unconscious.

Suddenly, Xiao Yixian seemed to think of something, looked at Lan Ying on the side, then turned to look at Liu Yun, and said, "Liu Yun... Do you have any flesh on your body?"

She suddenly thought that Xiaolan, like herself, hadn't eaten for several days.

Now it must be in a state of extreme hunger, which is extremely detrimental to the recovery of its injuries.

Liu Yun bit the dry food in his hand, looked at the half-dead Blue Eagle, shook his head and said, "No."

"Let it endure, tomorrow I will go out to kill the monster and come back to open meat." Seeing the disappointed look on Xiaoyixian's face, Liu Yun comforted.

To be honest, Liu Yun himself was a little greedy.

After entering the Demonic Beast Mountains, the dry food he had been eating felt like he was about to vomit.

Looking at the little medical fairy in front of him, Liu Yun's eyes also lit up.

He remembered that in the original book, Xiaoyixian's cooking skills were very good.

In this deep mountain and old forest, if you can enjoy a delicious barbecue, it will be a special taste.

Hearing Liu Yun's remarks, the little doctor immediately gave Liu Yun a grateful glance.

She also knows that this is the third-order Warcraft area.

Going out to slaughter a demon beast, Liu Yun said it lightly, but Xiaoyi Xian knew that this must be a bloody battle.

"It's a big deal, I won't take any of the treasure left by the senior, and give it all to him." Xiaoyixian thought secretly in his heart.


Qingshan Town.

Wolf Head Mercenary Group headquarters.

In the hall, Mu She, the head of the wolf head mercenary regiment, sat in the first place with a gloomy face, listening to the reports of his subordinates.

"Captain, I have already checked it out."

In the middle of the hall, Gan Mu, the second head of the wolf head mercenary regiment, stood up and said, "Before the young regiment leader died, he was trying to figure out a boy in white."

"The boy in white?"

"who is it?"

Hearing this, Mu She's face showed a cold color, and his whole body revealed murderous intent.

"Find him out for me, I must smash his corpse into ten thousand pieces and avenge Xuehen for my Li'er!" In the hall, Mu She roared furiously like a madman.

The pain of bereavement has made him completely lose his mind.

"Leader, after my investigation, the boy in white doesn't seem to be from Qingshan Town."

"Not from Qingshan Town?"

Mu She frowned, and then his eyes flashed with cold light: "Whoever he is, killing my son, there is only one way to die!"

Hearing this, Gan Mu said with an embarrassed expression: "The boy in white has not come out since he entered the Demonic Beast Mountains."

"Then send someone to find me in the Mountains of Demonic Beasts, guard the exits of the Mountains of Demons of Beasts, you want to see people, but you want to see corpses!" Mu She smashed the table in front of him with a palm and roared with a gloomy face.

"Yes, head!" Facing the angry and irrational Mu She, Gan Mu naturally did not dare to raise any objections, so he could only follow his orders and walk out of the hall slowly.

"What a bunch of trash!"

In the hall, only Mu She was still kept yelling.


Monster Mountains.


The roar of a demon beast suddenly sounded, deafening, causing a turmoil in the void.

Amidst the turbulent dust, Liu Yun's figure suddenly appeared.

Stepping on the foot, Liu Yun's figure is extremely elegant and landed on an ancient tree, and his eyes are looking towards the back.


I saw that not far away, the dust was flying, and a large forest collapsed, and then a huge figure rushed towards this side.

Even if it is dusty,

The trees were dense, but Liu Yun could still see the appearance of this beast.

His brows were slightly wrinkled, a chill flashed in his dark eyes, and Liu Yun muttered to himself, "Purple Electric Leopard!"

The beast seemed to have also discovered the aura of Liu Yun, and then a violent aura spread out between the trees in an instant, sweeping towards Liu Yun overwhelmingly.

Suddenly, Liu Yun felt a chill in his heart, with a face on the side, he directly cast the shadow of the clone, quickly left the ancient tree, and retreated towards the rear.

Just at the next moment, a huge figure fell directly into the void, like a meteorite, and slammed into the position where Liu Yun was before.


Liu Yun's pupils shrank sharply, and vaguely only saw a lightning-like phantom rushing towards him, with a violent aura, enough to tear everything in front of him.

"Purple Electric Leopard, a rare beast with thunder attributes, the single horn on its body can release the power of thunder and lightning, even in the realm of intermediate master fighting masters, it cannot resist this power of lightning head-on."

"In addition, the speed of the purple electric leopard is also as fast as lightning, and its shadow cannot be seen at the same level."

For a moment, information about the Purple Leopard flashed in Liu Yun's mind.

Facing the attack of the purple electric leopard, Liu Yun appeared to be calm and unhurried.

At the moment of passing by, Liu Yun caught a glimpse of the unicorn on Zidian Leopard's body out of the corner of his eye, and secretly took a breath.

Not to mention the lingering thunder on this single horn, in terms of sharpness alone, this single horn is no less than the wolf claws of the bloodthirsty demon wolf.


The body of the purple electric leopard is directly mounted on a few ancient trees.

In an instant, the fallen leaves were flying and the dust was flying, and then the Zidian Leopard turned around, and a roar resounded in the jungle, which was deafening.

The purple pupils stared at Liu Yun, with a cold and cold glow.

For this kind of eyes, Liu Yun has seen it many times.

The purple electric leopard sees itself as its prey.

Facing the gaze of Zidian Leopard, Liu Yun's expression did not change in the slightest, and there was a hint of fighting intent on his body.

In terms of speed, he mastered the earth-level movement technique and the magic shadow, but he was not worth the purple electric leopard at all.


The next moment, Liu Yun exuded an incomparably fierce aura, and the whole person looked like a sharp sword unsheathed, with a sharp edge.

Afterwards, Liu Yun stepped out, his body like lightning, turned into a dozen phantoms and shot towards the purple electric leopard.


Earthshattering Palm!

At the same time, a fierce palm print condensed out of Liu Yun's hand.

The next moment, a dull sound suddenly sounded, accompanied by the heart-piercing scream of Zidian Leopard.

I saw that the purple electric leopard that was swept in has not reacted, and was hit by Liuyun's palm, and then abandoned like a kite with a broken string.

The scarlet blood surged like a water column, and even cracks appeared on the horn of the Purple Electric Leopard, and the lingering purple electricity also dissipated.


The huge body slammed into the forest, and the forest trees collapsed, and the roar rose.