
The Auction Will Return 10,000 Times I Am Invincible

After crossing the Dou Qi Continent, Liu Yun became the young master of the Mittel family. He applied to go to Wutan City for training, and successfully took over the Mitel auction house in Wutan City, becoming Ya Fei's immediate boss. At the same time, Liu Yun awakened the auction 10,000-fold return system, and any item auctioned can be randomly returned. "Ding, the auction of the second-grade elixirs was successful, congratulations to the host for triggering the 10,000-fold return, and obtaining the sixth-grade elixirs of the Life-Changing Pill! "Lian Shengyan!" "Ding, Xiao Yan's ring auction was successful, congratulations to the host for triggering the ten thousand-fold return, obtaining the Jiuyang Burning Tiangong, an advanced technique of the heavens, the inheritance of the ancient Dan emperor, the Taiyin Shenyan..." "This is too perverted, isn't it? ..." Looking at the things returned by the system, Liu Yun was instantly stunned!

Devil_Prince_Asura · Fantasi
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100 Chs

Chapter 47 Little Doctor Immortal is Dead

"I'm from Wanyaozhai..."

Hearing the cry for help from the figure, Liu Yun was slightly taken aback.

People of Wanyaozhai!

Xiaoyixian is a person from Wanyaozhai.

Isn't the person you are looking for from Wanyaozhai?

With a shocked expression, Liu Yun quickly approached the figure.

Soon, Liu Yun could clearly see the appearance of the figure.

This is a handsome young man, but at this moment, this handsome face is covered with dirt and looks very embarrassed.


At this time, the young man who claimed to be Wan Yaozhai finally came to Liu Yun with a look of panic on his face.

"This brother, what happened?" Liu Yun looked behind the young man, but did not see any danger, and suddenly looked at the young man with some doubts.


The young man came to Liu Yun, panting and hush, with panic and anxiety in his eyes.

"I am the clerk of Wanyaozhai who went into the mountains to collect herbs this time. On the way, we encountered a pack of bloodthirsty wolves..." The young man didn't hesitate, and told the situation in one breath.

"Brother, can you help go out and call someone to save them, I will be grateful to Wanyao Zhai!" The young man pleaded slightly.


"Encountered the bloodthirsty wolves? What about the little medical fairy?" Liu Yun was shocked when he heard this, and quickly asked.

Liu Yun didn't care about the lives of other people, but Xiaoyi Xian must not be in trouble.

"Little Doctor Immortal is also inside, and she is in danger too!" Seeing Liu Yun mentioning Little Doctor Immortal, the young man was stunned for a moment, and immediately said.

Hearing this, Liu Yun was shocked.

According to what this person said, isn't that little doctor immortal now alive and dead?

Xiaoyixian can't have an accident, or who will he ask for the cave treasure?

Thinking of this, Liu Yun hurriedly asked, "Come on, where is Xiaoyixian?"

At this moment, he can't care that the vindictive energy in his body has not fully recovered.

The top priority is to save the life of Xiaoyixian.

"About a kilometer from here..." The young man pointed behind him.

"Brother, hurry up and call for help, the more the better, I will definitely be grateful to Wanyao Zhai..."

As soon as the youth's voice fell, Liu Yun's figure disappeared directly in place, turning into an afterimage and heading straight for the direction pointed by the youth.

The young man stared blankly at the place where Liu Yun disappeared, and it took a while to react.

"I hope you can save the little doctor fairy!"

The figure of Xiaoyixian flashed in his mind, and a trace of guilt rose in the young man's heart.

The moment he encountered the bloodthirsty demon wolves, he took advantage of the opportunity when the other mercenaries swore to resist, and secretly escaped backwards, only to get his life back.

Although he was ashamed, the young man did not regret it.

If he did it all over again, he would still do it.

After all, it is human nature to do nothing for oneself, and the world will be punished.


In the jungle, Liu Yun's figure flashed quickly, and soon crossed about 500 meters.

"Wuming, you go and see first, you must save a girl in white named Xiaoyixian!"

Thinking that the little medical fairy may be buried in the hands of the bloodthirsty demon wolves at any time, Liu Yun no longer ignores the plan he made before, and directly faces the nameless road hidden in the dark.

In Liu Yun's memory, the little medical fairy was always dressed in white, so it should be easy to identify.

"Yes, Master!" Wuming's indifferent voice came from the void, and then Liu Yun saw an afterimage flashing past him at a high speed, and instantly reached a hundred meters away.

"Damn bloodthirsty demon wolves, if this young master's plan is ruined, you will have to exterminate your clan." With a ruthless heart, Liu Yun no longer retains the fighting spirit in his body, and moves towards the target position with all his strength.

After a while, Liu Yun, who was advancing at a high speed, suddenly smelled a pungent bloody smell, and his heart was shocked.

"Looks like it's ahead!"

Following the direction of the smell of blood, Liu Yun accelerated again and soon arrived at his destination.

"Oops, it's late!"

When Liu Yun arrived at the destination, looking at the scene in front of him, his expression changed greatly.

What caught Liu Yun's eyes was a piece of broken limbs, some human, some bloodthirsty wolves, and the scene looked extremely bloody.

"Isn't the little doctor immortal already poisoned!" He glanced around, Liu Yun didn't find any trace of a living person, and suddenly felt a chill in his heart.

"No, no..."

"Little Doctor Immortal is a very important character in the original book, and he will never die like this."

Liu Yun's expression was a little dazed, and he muttered to himself.

However, Liu Yun also had a worry in his heart.

That is because of his arrival, the butterfly effect was produced, which led to the unfortunate fall of the little medical fairy.

"It won't be so unlucky!" Liu Yun secretly prayed in his heart.

If Xiaoyixian really fell early because of himself, Liuyun would really want to cry without tears.

"Well, what about Anonymous?"

Suddenly, Liu Yun thought of Wuming who rushed over ahead of time. Why didn't he see Wuming's figure now?

"Wuming, where are you? Come out to me!" Thinking of this, Liu Yun immediately called Wuming directly.

"Master!" As Liu Yun's voice came out, a nameless figure quickly appeared in front of Liu Yun.

"Wuming, where have you been? Have you found the little medical fairy?" Liu Yun asked anxiously.

"Reporting to the master, when the subordinates arrived, there was no one alive here, and the remaining bloodthirsty demon wolves were all killed by the subordinates."

Wuming bowed and said: "The subordinate has just searched it again, and I didn't find the girl in white that the master mentioned. It is estimated that... something happened."

"What!" Hearing Wuming's words, a hint of disbelief flashed in Liu Yun's eyes.

Glancing at the broken limbs on the scene, Liu Yun tried to find out some traces of the little medical fairy, but in the end he found nothing.


"how so..."

Liu Yun couldn't accept this result.

Such an important character in the original book died like this?

Is it really because of his arrival that the butterfly effect has occurred?

Liu Yun rummaged through the scene a little unwillingly, but in the end he found nothing, so he could only shake his head in disappointment.

"Master, the smell of blood is too strong here, and the subordinates have already sensed that many monsters are approaching. In my opinion, it is better for us to leave first." At this time, Wuming suddenly said.


Hearing this, Liu Yun was stunned for a while, looked at the broken limbs in the ground, and finally could only sigh, and then slowly left the bloody place.

When he came to Qingshan Town this time, Liu Yun had infinite expectations in his heart.

He wants to get the cave treasure in the Warcraft Mountains.

I also want to see the goddess style of the little medical fairy.

But I never thought that it was such a scene in the end.