
The Auction Will Return 10,000 Times I Am Invincible

After crossing the Dou Qi Continent, Liu Yun became the young master of the Mittel family. He applied to go to Wutan City for training, and successfully took over the Mitel auction house in Wutan City, becoming Ya Fei's immediate boss. At the same time, Liu Yun awakened the auction 10,000-fold return system, and any item auctioned can be randomly returned. "Ding, the auction of the second-grade elixirs was successful, congratulations to the host for triggering the 10,000-fold return, and obtaining the sixth-grade elixirs of the Life-Changing Pill! "Lian Shengyan!" "Ding, Xiao Yan's ring auction was successful, congratulations to the host for triggering the ten thousand-fold return, obtaining the Jiuyang Burning Tiangong, an advanced technique of the heavens, the inheritance of the ancient Dan emperor, the Taiyin Shenyan..." "This is too perverted, isn't it? ..." Looking at the things returned by the system, Liu Yun was instantly stunned!

Devil_Prince_Asura · Fantasi
Peringkat tidak cukup
100 Chs

Chapter 46 Fighting the Bloodthirsty Demon Wolf!

In the dark jungle, a figure flashed quickly.

After killing Mu Li and other people from the wolf head mercenary group, Liu Yun did not stop, and continued to head towards the Monster Beast Mountains.

Along the way, Liu Yun carefully paid attention to the situation around him, looking for the traces of Xiaoyixian's people.

Suddenly, Liu Yun stopped in his footsteps, and looked at a jungle ahead vigilantly.


I saw an abnormal sound from the jungle ahead, and then a pair of blood-colored eyes slowly revealed.

There were bursts of trembling roars in the dimly lit emptiness.

After a short while, a blood-colored figure broke through the wind.

This is a blood-colored giant wolf, standing in the jungle, its tall and slender body is covered with dazzling scales.

"Bloodthirsty Demon Wolf!"

Looking at the bloodthirsty wolf that suddenly appeared, Liu Yun's eyes narrowed.

The blood-colored giant wolf in front of him is a bloodthirsty devil wolf, with a strength of the second-order primary level, equivalent to the strength of a primary human fighting master.

Looking at the bloodthirsty light in the eyes of the bloodthirsty devil wolf, Liu Yun knew that he had been taken as prey by him.

"Alright, just to try how monsters fight differently from humans."

Looking at the bloodthirsty demon wolf in front of him, a smile appeared on Liu Yun's mouth.

With his current strength, the mere second-order primary strength will naturally not be regarded by him.

Thinking of this, Liu Yun chose to take the initiative and stomped his feet.

In an instant, Liu Yun displayed a ghostly shadow, and his body shot towards the bloodthirsty wolf like lightning, and an incomparably fierce aura burst out of his body.

In the cold wind, a sense of chilling suddenly pervaded.


A wolf howl soared into the sky.

This bloodthirsty devil wolf seemed to possess spirituality, and seemed to sense the aura emanating from Liu Yun's body. His vigorous limbs were slightly bowed, and a violent aura emanated.

Just when Liu Yun's figure was less than a few meters away from the giant wolf, the wailing sound of the giant wolf suddenly became extremely high-pitched.

The blood-colored pupils were full of fierce light, the scales around the limbs swayed slightly, and the strong body galloped towards Liuyun, rampant and violent.

The fierce fishy wind swept over, Liu Yun's face was expressionless and his expression was dull.

"As expected of a monster, the fighting style is indeed savage!"

The next moment, Liu Yun's whole body of vindictive energy gathered towards his right palm, and then a sharp palm print quickly condensed out.

Meeting the bloodthirsty giant wolf that swooped in, Liu Yun raised a smile at the corner of his mouth.

I don't know, can the giant wolf in front of him bear his palm?

Just as the two were about to collide, the palm print in Liu Yun's hand swiped like a stream of water, hitting the giant wolf's waist neatly.

The next moment, the sharp palm print slammed into the waist of the giant wolf with the momentum of splitting mountains and breaking mountains.

Even though the body of the bloodthirsty devil wolf in front of him was extremely huge and strong, after Liu Yun's palm fell, the fragile tofu-like tofu was immediately smashed, and the scales and armor were shattered.

After doing all of this, Liu Yun immediately retreated a few meters away.

Looking back at the tragically dead giant wolf, his brows suddenly wrinkled.

"I almost forgot, this bloodthirsty wolf is a group of monsters."

Ow! Ow!

The next moment, Liu Yun raised his head and looked at the somewhat gloomy Mang Mang. The blood-red eyes in it were straight to the heart, fierce and fierce, and the sharp white teeth were colder than the cold wind.

However, compared to the snow-white teeth in front of him, Liu Yun's eyes were even more icy and biting, and he calmly looked at the gathering bloodthirsty wolves.

A gust of icy cold wind blew past, and Liu Yun's figure remained motionless.

"In terms of individual strength, this bloodthirsty wolf is nothing."

"However, if you encounter the bloodthirsty demon wolves, I am afraid that even high-level fighting masters will flee in embarrassment."

A pungent blood spread in the jungle.


Smelling this bloody smell, the blood in the blood-colored pupils of these bloodthirsty demon wolves is even more attractive.

Licking his sharp teeth like a knife, with the advantage of speed, he swept straight from all directions, with a terrifying momentum.

Liu Yun glanced at it and found that more than two dozen bloodthirsty demon wolves were already attacking here.

"Wolf monsters are indeed one of the most difficult monsters to deal with. They actually know how to cooperate with each other."

Looking at the bloodthirsty demon wolves surrounding him, Liu Yun stomped on the ground.

With the sound of the sharp wind breaking gradually, Liu Yun's figure turned into several phantoms and scattered, at the same time, condensing his fighting spirit and legs.


In an instant, without mercy, Liu Yun directly kicked a bloodthirsty devil wolf on the abdomen.

Liu Yun's fleshly body has been tempered by the blood of demon beasts and is extremely powerful.

A majestic and unimaginable force erupted in Liu Yun's legs, and the bloodthirsty devil wolf suddenly hurled backwards as fast as it had suffered a heavy blow.

With this kick, Liu Yun didn't even use his fighting skills!


The figure of Liu Yun dragged the phantoms like a glimpse of light, and the legs kicked out like lightning, leaving behind afterimages.

A bloodthirsty devil wolf didn't have time to let out any wailing sound, and the entire head was directly kicked away by Liu Yun.

After that, the strength entrained in it forcibly threw the heavy body dozens of meters away, and scarlet blood splattered the entire jungle.

"Twenty bloodthirsty wolves are a bit of a challenge."

Licking his lips, Liu Yun rushed into the bloodthirsty demon wolves,

With one move and one move, everything was swept away, causing a bloody storm.

"Especially the body has become more agile, as light as nothing." Liu Yun stepped on a strange pace, his figure was like a ghost.

The magic shadow fascination is an earth-level movement technique, which makes Liu Yun more able to deal with the bloodthirsty wolves in front of him.

As the phantoms flashed, bloodthirsty wolves died in Liu Yun's hands.

The wolves of the wolves were accompanied by bursts of roars, shaking the sky, and the entire forest was soaked in blood and extremely scarlet.

After a while, the jungle gradually returned to calm.

At this moment, more than twenty bloodthirsty demon wolves all died in Liu Yun's hands.


Taking a deep breath, Liu Yun looked at the corpses of bloodthirsty demon wolves all over the ground, and suddenly felt a hearty feeling in his heart.

"Sure enough, the Warcraft Mountains are the best place to practice."

There was a touch of excitement in Liu Yun's eyes, and in the battle just now, he felt that his ghost shadow had made great progress.

Feeling the pungent bloody smell in the air, Liu Yun frowned slightly and was about to leave here.

The smell of blood can easily attract other vicious beasts, and he is no longer fit to fight at this moment.

In the battle just now, he frequently used earth-level fighting skills, which consumed a lot of fighting qi. He needed time to recover.

Da da da!

At this moment, Liu Yun's ears moved, and suddenly he heard the sound of hurried footsteps.

this sound...

It's human!

Liu Yun's spirit was shocked, and he finally saw a human being, just in time to ask about the whereabouts of the little medical fairy.

Liu Yun slowly approached in the direction of the footsteps, but there was a look of alertness on his face.

In the Warcraft Mountains, it is not only the beasts that are dangerous, the human beings may be even more terrifying.

The former Mu Li and other members of the wolf head mercenary group are examples.

If Liu Yun's strength is not good, I am afraid that at this moment he has become a corpse in the mountain range of beasts.

Soon, Liu Yun saw the source of the sound, and a panicked figure was running away in the jungle.

At this moment, this figure also discovered the existence of Liu Yun, and immediately flew directly towards Liu Yun.


"I'm from Wanyaozhai..."