
"Would you like to get your hands dirty?"

"Which method would you prefer? Death by a thousand cuts, blood eagle or boiling?" asked Zi Xingxi while staring at the woman drenched in water with a pained expression on her face. Her chest was rising and falling weakly but she didn't open her mouth to beg for mercy. It seemed her spirit wasn't broken yet. She still had her pride and refused to bow to these criminals and murderers.

But when she heard Zi Xingxi's question her back trembled subconsciously. She tugged at her restraints as fear rose in her heart. She understood the first two methods of torture but the blood eagle wasn't familiar to her.

Zi Han, who was sitting with his feet propped up on her second chair his legs crossed at the ankles said, "Why not let her pick between the three? Since she is the mastermind she deserves a fate worse than death." After saying this Zi Han took a long drag of his cigarette which was glowing underneath the dim light seeming very relaxed.