
The Aspect of Twilight's Mischief

Zoe has had enough of waiting. Her Space Puppy (Aurelion Sol) said they would play after the fall of Targon, but she has been waiting for centuries already! Boredom as the main reason, she decides to make the fall of Targon happen faster, and if it did alleviate both of their boredom as a bonus? Then what’s holding her back?

IAmGuavaFruit · Komik
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4 Chs

The Darkin Descends

A/N: Welp... I did say in Souls Hero Academia I would write this next. That said, a little short since this are just introductory chapters. Once we get into the first arc, will the chapters be longer.


Nobody moved. Silence permeated through the air as the huge figure loomed above all. AFO and All Might looked flabbergasted at the sight.

In no one's mind did they ever predict this happening.

"A gigantification quirk?" Izuku shakily murmured as his eyes dilated at the sight, while Bakugo was having an existential crisis at having his idol being reduced to such a state.

He was All Might, right? The Hero that never lost, right?"

It was at that moment, the giant figure moved. Its pulsing blade swept through the battlefield, causing the two powerhouses, AFO and All Might to dodge in their pitiful and reduced state.

It did not go well.

All Might's left leg got cut off by the huge blade. The same could be said for AFO's malformed arm.

"FUCKING SHIIITT!" All Might roared, blood pooling from the dismembered limb. AFO had a couple of quirks to stop the bleeding, and with enough time, he could regrow his right arm, so not all is lost for the villain.

Those watching the broadcast were horrified at the sight. Their number 1 Hero, reduced to such a horrendous state. Bakugo's world was crumbling down, while Izuku was hyperventilating at the sight. The same could be said for the other students and people watching the broadcast, either from home or nearby.

"No way."

"It can't be."

"All Might…"

The giant figure raised its sword high, its blade pulsing even more from the destruction.


"It seems our match will have to be put on hold for the moment due to unforeseen circumstances," AFO grinned menacingly towards All Might, who was now at death's door. "I will see you next time, All Might. That is if you survive."

'My plan may have been altered, but in the long run, this is actually better,' AFO mused to himself as he saw the future. One For All, back in his rightful hands. It didn't matter if All Might died. No, it was imperative that the CURRENT holder of One For All didn't die, and if All Might did pass the torch to Izuku Midoriya, then all he has to do is change targets.

It was such a shame though, not ending All Might personally, but that was just a personal want. True, All Might needed to die, but it didn't matter who did the deed.

AFO activated one of his quirks, the teleportation quirk revolving around black tentacle sludge. The huge figure saw this occurring, so it threw a giant chain at AFO, but due to the quick cast time of the quirk, the chain missed and hit a building on the other end of the area, demolishing it into bits of debris and rubble.

Meanwhile, All Might was trying his best to reduce the bleeding from his dismembered limb lest he dies from blood loss.

'This is worse than when I lost my stomach!' All Might grunted from the pain, his jaw tightened into the extremes it could shatter his teeth. A giant shadow covered his visage and he directed his gaze towards the accused.

Its huge body, dark as the night and solid as steel. Thick, red veins pulsed all over his body, all the way to his two, giant wings. Its head is adorned by a natural crown, and a sneer on its face.

"Pathetic mortal. I felt battle and destruction, and this what I see. Disappointing."

All Might snarled as he looked up at the giant. It was no use. He was weakened, in a critical state, and undoubtedly, dying.

He accepted death and hoped that the next generation of heroes could combat the incoming age of darkness.

'Young Midoriya, forgive me,' All Might closed his eyes after he saw the giant figure raising its sword.


All Might brace himself for death, the huge sword a guillotine dropping to his head a sign of the impending doom about to hit the entirety of Japan.

"ALL MIGHT!" Izuku yelled with tears in his eyes. He couldn't watch his mentor die in front of him, Bakugo, however, was shell-shocked, to say the least.

It couldn't end like this, right? He was All Might. The undefeated Hero who wouldn't bow against Villains and Evil.

"ALL MIGHT! GET UP!" Bakugo roared to the skies alongside Izuku, as well as the rest of pro-hero Japan who was watching the broadcast.

If this was a novel, there would be a deus ex machina moment where everything would turn out all right.

Not this time.

The giant sword landed, rendering the area devastated beyond belief. Where All Might once was, only bloody, tattered cloth remained.


Giant, black wings unfurled behind the giant's back, red, pulsing energy flowing through the entirety of its wingspan. The giant then turned around, ready to turn the rest of humanity into blood splatters.

Until a glowing shooting star descended from the heavens, hitting the giant figure dead center. Light exploded from the area, blinding every camera and person who was watching the heartbreaking scene.

The result was a giant, gold statue of the giant in all of its horrifying glory.


Bard looked from its perching spot. The spirit energy was just a temporary measure to make sure the Darkin's continued rampage of destruction wouldn't continue.

Now, Bard had to find a permanent solution to the crisis. From what it could see, another world has merged with Runeterra. It didn't know why or how it happened, but it had a guess it was the Aspect of Twilight's doing.

For now, the only way for balance to restore itself was to introduce various inhabitants of Runeterra to the new-worlders. The reason being that coexistence and harmony are the most important components in a balanced world, and with these new variables, Bard's job became incredibly difficult.

The Wandering Caretaker jumped off from its perch and began to travel at speeds surpassing sound.


Lucian was on his way out of the Shadow Isles after freeing his wife, Senna, from the eternal torture of The Chain Warden's lantern. Behind them, the mist continued to coagulate and spread, its ruler alive and ready to find his wife.



A/N: So... What do you think?