
The Ascetic Doctor Is Addicted To Me

Kaylee: "I... I'm selling myself. Do you want me?" Lucas: "Sure, strip. Let's check the goods first." Kaylee: "...” Lucas: "Kaylee, after you've slept with me three times, you won't have a say in this anymore." Kaylee: "What?" Lucas: "You've provoked me, Kaylee. You won't escape easily unless I get bored." Kaylee: "Why?" Lucas: "Maybe it's because you're clean, obedient, and feel good in bed. I'm getting addicted." --- Coming from a poor family, college student Kaylee is forced by her mother to earn money for her disabled father's treatment and her idle brother's marriage. With no other options, she decides to sell herself. She thought her parents simply loved her brother more, but it turned out she was just a tool they picked up to make money. The handsome and wealthy doctor Lucas buys her first night and warns her that if she needs money, she can only come to him and no one else. Domineering and affluent, with a prestigious family background, Lucas initially intended to pay for a bed companion without any emotional involvement. However, he unknowingly became addicted. Stubborn Kaylee, repeatedly pressured by her adoptive mother, has no choice but to submit and become Lucas's exclusive kept woman. Though it was supposed to be just a transaction, emotions have become entangled, complicating their arrangement. Kaylee's mother continuously demands money; Lucas faces family pressures for an arranged marriage; An overseas crime lord covets Kaylee; And Lucas's family's political enemies are watching closely. Kaylee says: "It's really hard to make money these days." Lucas says: "Marriage is fine, but the bride must be the true heiress. By the way, I've found your daughter for you."

August_Witch · perkotaan
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10 Chs

Deleted from His Friends List

"Don't run, I know you need money. I have plenty of it. How about this? Be with me, and I'll give you ten thousand yuan a night. How does that sound?" Kaylee never expected Henry to be so blunt.

Her face instantly turned pale, feeling a surge of humiliation and degradation. She yanked her hand away from Henry's grip. "I don't need money anymore. Stop bothering me." With that, she hurriedly fled to the dormitory building.

From behind, she could faintly hear his taunting voice, "Running won't help. I'll wait for you to come to me obediently." Kaylee clutched the medicine bag tighter and quickened her pace.

Even after she returned to the dorm, her heart was still racing, unable to calm down for a long time.

Her roommates were in the dorm today. Kaylee placed her bag on the bed and then sneaked into the bathroom with the medicine box in hand. Henry's words echoed in her mind, making her anxious.

The news had leaked. How did this happen? She thought about it for a long time but couldn't figure out any reason. The only person who knew about this was Lucas. Could it be him? Remembering Lucas's cold, indifferent face, Kaylee bit her lip.

Could it be because she took more money from him, so he sold her privacy? She took out her phone, opened the chat with Lucas, and sent a message asking, "Are you there?" The next second, a red exclamation mark popped up on the screen.

She had been blocked! Kaylee stared at the screen for a full minute, trying to process this fact.

It seemed he really didn't want anything to do with her. He must have thought she went to the hospital today just to cling to him. That's why he gave her double the money, to sever their ties.

Kaylee pursed her lips and silently exited the WeChat app.

"Knock knock!" Someone was knocking on the door outside. "Kaylee, are you done? I need to use the bathroom, hurry up." Kaylee snapped back to reality, quickly put away her phone, and then hurriedly opened the medicine box, swallowing two pills according to the instructions. She flushed the water, hid the box, and opened the door.

Her roommate,Clara, was waiting outside. She looked at Kaylee curiously. "Hey, it's rare to see you here. Didn't you go to work at the supermarket today?"

Kaylee usually worked part-time at the supermarket during holidays and free periods, so she was seldom seen in the dorm during the day.

"I had something to do today, so I took a leave," Kaylee made up an excuse casually and then dove into the tent under her bed.

With only a month left until her internship, she was busy with her final design project and part-time work with her advisor in engineering surveying, earning some internship experience and living expenses.

She couldn't afford to idle; she immersed herself in her studies.


For the next week, Kaylee was busy, running back and forth between the dormitory and the teaching building. She deliberately avoided Henry and hadn't seen him for a whole week.

The trouble she feared didn't materialize. Everything proceeded normally, and the tension she had held onto for days finally relaxed.

Maybe Henry had lost interest in her. That would be for the best.

Her father's surgery was over, and he was now in the recovery phase, which required three months of hospitalization. The surgery was expensive, and the post-operative medication wasn't cheap either. Kaylee thought it over and gritted her teeth, transferring another ten thousand yuan to ensure her father could get the best treatment.

As long as her father could stand up again, she felt it was worth any effort.


On the weekend evening, her roommate Clara came over, asking mysteriously, "Kaylee, want to make some big money?"

"What big money?" Kaylee perked up at the mention of money.

"There's a temporary job tonight at a club. It has a night shift, and all you need to do is serve and sell drinks. You'll get one thousand yuan for the night, plus commissions. Interested?"

Selling drinks? Kaylee hesitated. She had never done this kind of work but knew those clubs were often not simple places. However, the one thousand yuan for a night was very tempting. She usually made a little over a hundred yuan a day working as a cashier at the supermarket, which was nothing compared to her father's medical bills.

She needed to keep earning money to feel secure.

"Don't worry, it's a high-end club. My friend has worked there several times without any problems, that's why I'm bringing you along. You're in need of money, right? I saw you eating instant noodles again at lunch," Clara explained, seeing her hesitation. She had recommended many reliable part-time jobs to Kaylee during their four years of college.

"Alright, I'll finish this drawing and then go with you," Kaylee nodded and quickened her pace.

At seven in the evening, Kaylee went to the club with Clara and her friend.

Thanks to the internal referral, the manager treated them well. Kaylee was assigned to a relatively harmonious private room, and the work went smoothly.

She was not good at selling drinks, so she focused on pouring drinks for the guests. For her, even without the commission, the base salary of one thousand yuan was already high.

Fortunately, the guests were easy-going. She stayed in the private room for three hours until the guests were about to leave, and then she excused herself to go to the bathroom.

As soon as she entered, she almost bumped into a man. She instinctively tried to avoid him, but he blocked her way.

"Hey, Kaylee, what are you doing here? Serving drinks?" It was Henry. What a small world!

He seemed quite drunk, his face flushed red, and he reeked of alcohol. Seeing Kaylee, he lunged at her with ill intentions.

"Serve drinks? Why serve them when you can serve me?"

"We're not familiar. Please move," Kaylee tried to evade, but he grabbed her, holding her tightly.

"We'll get familiar soon enough. Honestly, your pure face and clean body really make me want you. Stop pretending and just be with me," Henry pressed her against the door, leaning in close.

"Henry, let go of me!" Kaylee was getting desperate, struggling to push him away, but it was futile.

"Hmph, I couldn't get you in school. Do you think you can escape in my territory? Stop struggling," Henry gripped her wrists, ignoring her resistance.

Kaylee was on the verge of tears, her clothes disheveled from his rough handling. The noisy environment drowned out her cries for help.

Just as he was about to kiss her, the bathroom door was kicked open, interrupting their struggle.

Henry turned irritably, only to freeze upon seeing the man standing there.


Lucas stood at the door, clad in a tailored black suit, exuding an aura of cold elegance. Hands in his pockets, he glanced indifferently at Henry and the woman behind him, his brows furrowing slightly.

"What are you doing?"

Kaylee instinctively looked up upon hearing the voice, meeting Lucas's calm, indifferent gaze. Her heart skipped a beat. It was him! And he was Henry's... uncle?

Henry, feeling guilty, tightened his grip on Kaylee's shoulder and forced a smile. "Nothing, she's my girlfriend. We're just playing around."

"Girlfriend?" Lucas repeated the word, his eyes flickering towards Kaylee.

Tonight, she had makeup on, her skin pale and smooth, cheeks slightly flushed, long eyelashes curled delicately, and her big, watery eyes filled with fear, looking like a wronged rabbit.

Kaylee continued to struggle against Henry, quickly refuting, "I'm not his girlfriend..."

Before she could finish, Henry cut her off. "Do I have to spell it out, Uncle? I haven't played around for a while. I'm just having some fun with a classmate. I'm paying her."

Henry then tried to drag Kaylee away, confident his uncle wouldn't interfere. He had seen Lucas at the club several times, each time minding his own business.

As Kaylee stumbled past Lucas, he suddenly grabbed her wrist.

"Uncle, what are you doing?" Henry didn't understand his intentions.