A random dude goes to a Fantasy world, as the one and only, Dracula! Well, kind of... A/N : My second novel. This is just a try, might fail, might succeed, who knows. I sometimes get creative and sometimes just straight up lazy, so expect some strange and inconsistent chapters, that is if I run out of "creative" ideas. P.S. Chapters upload or update or whatever aren't really "scheduled", when I feel like it I'll upload. One more thing, you will see minor, almost no grammatical mistakes. Although, some minor spelling mistakes will most likely be there.
{A/N : This chapter not be what you expected it to be. So it might be bad or average to your standards. I just really want to get done with this Volume, so I can start with Volume Two.}
From the borders of the confederation to the shores of it, rages a storm, a powerful one. As thunder shatters and rain crashes with such vigor, as if indicating a calamity. People scatter, running back towards their respective homes.
Whispering and spreading rumors of a disaster coming. One that is to punish them and their actions, for this is the first time in the history of Zarza that such a storm is raging like this.
[Vlad's POV]
I walk towards the makeshift fort on the borders of one of the kingdoms of the federation, the kingdom of Ibesudel. I eventually reach the small room, meeting some of my advisors… and family. Hendriksen, Esmeralda, Remus, Meredith, and Jotmonn are here. Surprisingly Maya and Jason. As well as Dragan, he is also here, seems he is done with training those guys. As for the rest, Volrais is doing the task I have given him. Lucian, Brendan, Helena, and Zelgarth are dealing with the Werewolf tribes.
"How are you all doing?" I ask as I walk towards the chair at the end of the long table and sit down.
They bow, smile and reply saying they are fine and so on. I gesture for them to sit, and they do so. I look towards Maya and ask, "How are the other vampires and the children?", she replies by saying "I have taken them back to Transylvania. They are now safe and a lot of them have found work to do around."
I nod happily and then look towards Jason, gesturing for him to talk. He bows his lightly, with a serious look. He is always like that, serious and stoic.
"Before your arrival to Fort Halker, there was no issues. Only that the leaders of the Northern Alliance have met at the fort, to discuss what has transpired in Zarza." Says Jason.
I nod and say "Good. Now, I am sure you have read the reports of what will happen accordingly after our conquest of the confederation."
They all nod and I continue "After we finish with the confederation we will go to the south and peacefully deal with the Qahila's two kingdoms, and then I, by myself will go to the Magus Academy in the North."
Helena, Jason, Maya, and Jotmonn object to me going alone, asking why should I go alone. While the rest stay quiet, makes sense, they are wiser. True Elders.
"This is not up for discussion." I say seriously and continue "Yes, they are very powerful, but they are Wizards, Mages, and Scholars of Magic. Not Warlocks and Dark Mages." I can see them reluctantly agree and accept what I have said.
"Now, each on of you knows which Kingdom they will attack, I will personally deal with Abalon." I say and pause as the atmosphere gets a little bit cold and continue "Even though I have said this before, I will repeat it again. You are I may not like it, but I don't need unnecessary revengeful enemies in the future. The Royal Families are to be completely exterminated. If any Noble Families are to have any blood ties with the Royal Family, they are also to be delt with accordingly."
Even though it is not what we wish to do, but anything for the Emperor and The Empire, they won't hesitate. We might not be morally or ethically good as the others, but we are not savages. Our people shall prosper, and our enemies shall fall. It is that simple.
[Confederation's Kingdoms POV]
As dawn comes, the streets are practically all empty. The citizens of all the Kingdoms have hidden in their respective homes to hide from what's to come.
Soon, a great amount of vampires, both assassins and soldiers appear within the city, and each Elder is there to lead them to the complete annihilation and reformation of this place.
Back at the borders of the confederation, a huge army of vampires appear. Wyverns flying above, as well as night creatures and gargoyles. The border patrol has lost all faith seeing this unified and strong army. The ground forces, with each synced step, they cause a shattering sound sending shivers down their spines.
[Vlad's POV]
I am currently levitating above Abalon. It has been an hour since the invasion. I take out a dark orb from my spatial dimension, which contains many artifacts and items. I use magic to activate the orb, and a whisps of magic levitate above the orb, showing five faces. Hendriksen, Esmeralds, Remus, Meredith, Helena.
"I am sure you are done with your tasks." I ask, and they reply by saying yes, and are waiting for further orders. "Clean up the place, I am going to go now and deal with Abalon."
Their faces disappear and I put back the Dark Orb. I look down and see that the armies have completely wiped anyone that tried to stand in our way. And now Dragan and the rest of the army have surrounded the Palace.
I push myself forwards and reach near Dragan in seconds. Cracking the ground from my rough landing. I look at him and say "Stay by me Dragan.", he bows his head and proceeds to follow me, not before motioning for 6 of the Vanguards to follows us, three on each side of us.
As we finally reach the Palace Hall. I see only two people, the King of Abalon standing underneath the Throne Chair while holding a young adult female. Who I know to be the eldest daughter of the King of Ithigia. He is holding his short sword at her throat is if it's going to do anything.
"I don't see your family." I say. "They are long gone Dracula, my family will avenge me. The Holy Church will not stay silent." He says, then looks at Elya, the eldest princess of Ithigia and continues "This what you were looking for."
I grin and say "You think your family has escaped?" I start laughing and continue "There is no where to escape! The borders are completely closed off, the streets have been searched, and the oceans are monitored. There is no escape." He gulps as I can see him sweat hearing what I've said.
"Come out shadows." I say, as my personal guards appear, Dracula's Wraths. "Find them and kill them all. Every. Single. One." I say the last part looking at the King directly in his eyes.
As he angrily shouts and is about to slit Elya's throat, the world slows down, using every fiber of my being I rush and appear behind the both.
You can hear the weapon drop, as Elya is bathed in blood. She slowly turns to look at the King, only to find him headless. She gasps and fall down, tears coming from her eyes. I turn towards her, the King's head in my right hand, looking at it I chuckle as I throw it towards his body and say "I guess it's done now."
I walk towards her, she starts to slowly back away while still on the ground. I stop and say "Princess. No need to fear. I am not here to kill you or your family." She looks stupefied, I motion for her to stand up, and she does. She starts slowly backing herself into a pillar.
"Your father and I are allies, we have made a deal. You need not fear me or worry. Your father and family are waiting for you in Ithigia." I say and she still hesitates. I sigh and think 'What a nuisances.' I walk towards her as she says "S-stay away!" and touch her forehead with my right index finger and use magic. The shadows consume her as she gets teleported to her father.
I turn to Dragan and say "We are departing to the Qahila Desert. You are coming with me, alone. Notify the rest and tell them to start working on assimilating the kingdoms into the Empire." He nods and I walk out of the Palace Hall, as Dragan follows me, and notifies the rest of what is to transpire and of my orders.