A random dude goes to a Fantasy world, as the one and only, Dracula! Well, kind of... A/N : My second novel. This is just a try, might fail, might succeed, who knows. I sometimes get creative and sometimes just straight up lazy, so expect some strange and inconsistent chapters, that is if I run out of "creative" ideas. P.S. Chapters upload or update or whatever aren't really "scheduled", when I feel like it I'll upload. One more thing, you will see minor, almost no grammatical mistakes. Although, some minor spelling mistakes will most likely be there.
{A/N : Hello there, I hope you are all doing great and eating your vegetables. Anyways, I have an idea to add to Zarza, a college of magic... like the college of wi*terh*ld, in sk*rim. They are neutral, kind of. So what do you think? And what should they do... or what should Dracula do? One more thing, if you enjoyed the chapter, please do drop a review. Hope you all have a wonderful day. }
[Vlad POV]
As I remove my hands and step back, Dragan stands straight, radiating immense power. Pure strength. His muscles bulked up even more so than before, his aura defecating, as well as increase in his magic.
The poor maid, even through all the training and torture she went through, couldn't handle his pressure and aura, as she fell to her knees, sweating heavily.
I grin and say "Now I think you truly feel like you can crush mountains and take down dragons.", saying the last part I think about how Zul'Dryzûr's is doing, after the battle, I told him to go and search for a mate... preferably a lightning dragon, very rare, but powerful, immensely so.
Dragan looks at me and then kneels, strangely in an elegant but ruff way. "I thank you my emperor... I truly thank you with all that I have... from this day on... till the end of time, I will not disappoint you... I will be your sword to slash thy enemies, you spear to pierce them, and your shield to protect you and the empire to come." he says all this, with eyes blazing and radiating full of power and fury.
There was no hesitation when he spoke, it was just pure honesty. I grin and motion for him stand, he does and I look at him and say "Thank you, I truly do. But come now my friend, a shield? Barely anyone can do anything to me... still though your words are strong, and I appreciate that you show your true loyalty."
Dragan bows and shows a thankful smile.
"Now Dragan, I need you to be ready to go in for the training of the new unit, when you come back choose the 5,000 and telepathically communicate with me when you are ready." I say and he nods and vanishes.
I sit back down at my seat and look at the blood in the cup, I the start to control it and make random shapes as I think back to the battle 'That was stupid and childish of me to go into battle without preparing and training much... that transformation barely lasts and the lightning... it well... If I used that earlier in the battle, I would've been in quite the predicament.'
I stand up and look at the barely standing maid, who is sweating profusely and say "I am done, you can leave.", she does a bow and stays that way as I vanish and appear in the previous cave were I was trying to control my transformation.
Looking at the cave I think about something and use dark magic. I use... what you could say Dark Elemental Manipulation... a "Dark" Earth Magic, as the walls of the cave corrodes, increasing its size. Looking at the entrance of the cave, I use Earth/Metal Magic to make a metallic like vault gate. The gate is two meters thick. Approaching the gate, I start to put wards. I put wards on it so no one can teleport through it, wards for magical and physical protection and much more.
It worked, surprisingly, but not strong enough. So I remove them and do it three more times, till it finally works. Smiling, I walk back to the middle of the cave and transform the walls, ceiling, and floor to a metallic/rock like material. All sides are four meter thick and I add wards as well. The height of the area is 10 meters, the length of all sides are 60 meters.
Standing in the middle of the room I think about my power... specifically the Dark Arts. It is in pure definition; Dark Magic. There are many capabilities and application of Dark Magic. I just never explored them much... which was another stupid thing of me.
Sighing I try to think about what to try first. Thinking back to the corroding I did, that was Corrosion Manipulation/Inducement, a sub-power of Corruption Magic which is a sub-power of Dark Magic.
I extended my senses far out through the whole Caligo Forest and teleport a bunch of feral rabbits to me. As they appear I immediately use Earth Magic and cage them.
Approaching one of them, I let it out and it approaches me. As it approaches me I try something with Dark Magic. I try to use Fear Magic... and it works, as the rabbit whimpers and starts to back away. I release another three and put fear into them. I release a fifth one... this time I try to make him go mad.
And I did, through Madness Magic. The rabbit goes insane as it somehow manages to rip the other four to shreds... and rushes to me, interesting... it clouded its judgement, makes sense.
As it approaches me, I see how slow it is, from my perspective. Seeing this, I decide to play with it as I try something. Using the great Blood Magic that I have, I manage to stop it in a midair jump. I then start to control it's body through it's blood. Making it jump and run around, I stop it in front of me and reverse the flow of blood and it passes out on the floor, unconscious.
I then just stop the flow of blood completely and it dies. I conjure a chair and sit down and think 'If it can do that... it can do much more.', thinking that, I make a brick wall on my left and release one of them and increase their blood flow. I command it to run through the wall. It did make a dent on the wall... and now it is dying.
I dispel the brick wall and approach the feral rabbit. I crouch down and use my left hand index, extending a claw and give myself a small cut on my right wrist. The blood flows to its open skull, and it starts to regenerate. As it does regenerate completely... I feel nothing different from it. It didn't get stronger.
I reach to the rabbit and touch its head as I think and will myself to corrupt it through Dark Magic. It's body starts to deform and bulge in wrong places, It size increase to that of a wolf and it starts to grow claws and a sharp tail, as well as horns and other strange deformities.
Looking at it's pure red eyes, all I feel is rage and fury from it, it has no rationality anymore... Approaching it I touch it with my right index finger and walk away from it. It's body starts to corrode from the place I touched as it just completely corrodes away, leaving nothing behind.
This is just some of the things I am able to do with Dark Magic, but there is much more. And once I acquire the Grimoire of Death, the possibilities are endless. Magic that is... just out of this world, something so dark and vile that it just eludes the mind of the inhabitants of this world. It is practically useless in that Undead's hands.
Anyways, I kept on going with blood tests... especially on myself. I am able to manipulate it to a great extent, generate it, empower myself with it as well as more. Also, I can gain powers from others, through consuming their blood. As I did with the Nephilim's blood. I gained his strength, and much more.
I tried some curse magic. Finding out that is a mysterious and underestimated magic, yet weak. Certain curses can activate through certain actions, such as if you say a word, you would in example feel immense pain somewhere specific, like liver or heart. Other curses will be like defects or deformities and others are way more powerful, able to curse the very soul itself.
I will get more opportunities to test these powers once we go to battle in the future.
Standing in the middle of the room, once more. I put my right hand out, palm facing up. A space like crack appears, like a spatial rift. Then it just implodes and a big glowing light golden ball levitates on my right hand. It is the soul of the Nephilim... and now I am trying to figure if I am able to consume it and how.
[You can either consume it like you would food or shove the soul within your chest, smashing it with your soul. I would recommend the first method, as the latter is a bit unorthodox.] says Sebas.
I chuckle and say "Well... here goes nothing I guess.", as I grab the soul and consume it.