
The Art of Cultivation

Samuel, an unprecedented prodigy the world has never seen before, sets out on an epic journey of cultivation where he experiences life, death, and everything in between. No life is easy, as every up has its downs. An emperor may rule his subjects, but is also often lonely, unable to trust a single soul. Then what about the life of a genius? An intellect? An artist? ###### Warning! Although not it's main focus, this story does include violent and sexual content, hence the R18 tag. There will never be any extremes like rape or ntr though, please rest assured. ###### Planned release rate: Daily. See sticky review for more info and Q/A.

NinjasEverywhere · Fantasi
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26 Chs

Visiting the library

When Samuel saw her blushing face, he started teasing her a little further and slowly approached until he was standing right before her.

Sarah looked at his hard muscled chest and instinctively placed her hand and on it.

"It feels... so firm," she said excitedly without thinking, as she curiously felt how hard and robust his chest was.

He saw her blushing and excited face and couldn't deny that she really looked adorable. So he pulled her in and embraced her warmly, after which he gently pressed her face against his chest, where she started listening to the powerful drumming of his heartbeat...


"Hmm?" He mumbled.

"...I'm happy."

"Yeah... me too," He said in a soft and honest voice as he kept her tightly locked up in his arms.

They remained like that, silently glued into each other's arms, for as long as they possibly could, until it was eventually Samuel, who broke the silence first...

"I was thinking of visiting the library today, want to join me?"

"The library? Hmm sure, you want to go right now?" Sarah asked.

"Before I leave home, I wanted to take a nice and warm bath first and grab some food after that, I haven't washed or eaten for months after al. Haha sorry, I probably don't smell so good right now."

When Sarah heard him say that, she started smiling happily... "Did I just hear you use the word 'home'? And you smell delicious by the way, I think I might take a bite of you, hehe"

Taken aback, he realized he had indeed used the word 'home' just now. "Haha, you got me, I guess it already feels like home to me."

"Haha I'm really glad you feel that way. Go now, hurry up and take your bath, or I won't be able to let go of you anymore." Sarah joked.

"Sure, want to join me?" Samuel teased.

"Of course, I would love to join you hehe, if you marry me first that is." Sarah teased him back as she pushed him out of the room.

A little less than two hours later, the two of them took off from home and headed towards the library, where they arrived after a ten-minute journey, on the other side of the mountain.

A grand and majestic, heavily fortified castle awaited them, though time has taken its toll on the library, the majesty of its youth still stands. It was enclosed by forty feet high walls made of white marble blocks, used by groups of patrolling guards who clearly didn't bother to hide their presence.

"Wow, this is the academy's library? I can understand the reasons why, but It looks more like a fortress haha!" Samuel exclaimed.

"Pretty cool isn't it? It's one of the most well-guarded places in the entire academy and has stood here for thousands of years, ever since the academy was founded!

"Sarah! It's so good to finally see you again! The last time I saw you, was more than two years ago, at your family's estate was it not?" A dark-haired and slightly handsome, richly dressed skinny youth said, who appeared to be a few years older than they were. He was accompanied by four other boys his age, who, judging by their casual behavior in his presence, are probably his friends.

Sarah, who was in the middle of her talk with Samuel, was suddenly interrupted when she noticed someone spoke to her, and directly recognized the owner of the voice among the people who were currently approaching them...

"Isaac, I believe me and my family have made it perfectly clear that we are no longer on friendly terms, I'm sure you understand why after all that's happened. So what gives you the idea that I want to speak to you, and even dare to address me so nonchalantly?" Sarah said annoyed as she instinctively grabbed Samuel's hand.

When Isaac heard this, he realized that the passing of the years hadn't lessened her anger in the slightest, but when he saw her grab the hand of the boy she was with, something inside of him directly snapped!

A wave of almost uncontrollable anger began to rise deep within him, and despite that he could still hold back, he was no longer able to maintain his calm demeanor!

The first thing he did was observe the person who was holding her hand, something he soon regretted. The boy was otherwordly handsome and with body and all, carved into perfection by the heavens themselves. She even illuminated him in a faint and silver light, as if she was proudly claiming ownership of her creation, fearing that the whole world wouldn't know, that she was the one who carved this perfect sculpture!

He felt inferior, extremely inferior! The only negative point he could find was the simple linen clothes he wore, and although they were clean and tidy, clearly showed his poor and ordinary origins.

Sarah saw him looking angry at Samuel and started grinning, she hated this guy more than anything in the world and did not hesitate to rub some salt into his wounds!

"Samuel, meet Isaac, the loser who despite my constant rejections, and despite the laws forbidding it, still tried to force my father to make me his fiance, and was desperate enough to use his family's power to politically pressure mine while he was doing so!

Samuel was already observing the situation attentively from the start and had long since understood what was going on, but instead of feeling annoyed or angry, he was happy, excited, and above all, enjoying the challenge! He didn't do a things and an enemy presented himself on a silver platter! Giving himself away as a free gift for his enjoyment, to play with and break apart, to hold in his hands and crush it into tiny little pieces, to grind those tiny little pieces between his palms until nothing else but dust remains!

"Hi, I'm Sarah's boyfriend!" He said happily while waving his hand innocently.

"Don't worry, I'm not mad at you haha. As a fellow man and after sleeping at her place for the past few months, I can perfectly understand why you have done the things you did. What women always fail to understand is that boys our age are exploding with hormones. It takes a very strong mind to keep those urges at bay, believe me, I have tried just as hard as you did but also utterly failed to do so. I was just very lucky that her father wasn't around to protect her all these months, allowing me to be close to her and could vent all those pent-up emotions I was carrying around." Samuel innocently explained.

Sarah directly understood what Samuel was doing, and although she felt a little embarrassed to talk about it in the open, right now she couldn't care less and decided to act along.

She looked at Samuel and acted pissed. "Y-You bully, enjoy it while you still can, when my father finds out what you've been doing to his precious daughter all these months, you won't be so happy anymore!" Sarah said before she quickly left and ran inside the library.

Samuel acted surprised that he was left behind and quickly followed after her, and while doing so he left some last words to piss Isaac off some more.

"S-Sarah...! That's so unfair... Y-You can't blame me for what happened! You were the one that seduced me first remember!"

"Yes... Even so, instead of acting like a gentleman and controlling yourself, you couldn't wait for a single second and directly took advantage of me!" Sarah shouted back while hiding the big smile on her face.

Once out of sight, Isaac and his friends remained frozen and completely speechless on the spot, he couldn't believe what he was hearing! Since the very first day he met Sarah at some noble's banquet, when they were still kids and very young, he immediately fell in love with her and has been ever since. When she was that young he already found her extremely beautiful, but now that she was growing older and her body, although remaining slender and petite, started developing the curves belonging to a woman, he found her absolutely irresistible.

But despite all of his desperate attempts to court her through the years, she had always ruthlessly rejected him, and never even shown the slightest indication she was interested! It was the exact opposite, in fact, she was always trying very hard to avoid him! But despite all of that, he never lost hope and has always believed that there was still a chance to win her over. The reason for this was because she treated not only him like that, but all the other boys as well!

So he assumed she wasn't fond of relationships in particular, and would eventually develop such desires while she was growing older. But when she started getting more attention from others boys over the years, he suddenly felt afraid and started panicking, leading to his desperate attempt to force her family to make her his fiance! But to his complete surprise, instead of bending the knee and accepting the more than generously offered benefits they would receive, including the strong political alignment with his family, their reaction was the complete opposite!

Her family was furious and absolutely not afraid of theirs! Even though his family was of higher noble rank, they didn't give a damn and directly terminated all the contact and business arrangements between their families! They went so far even, that they publicly announced and declared every single person in his family persona non grata! A term commonly used by nobles and a status that is given to people who are unwelcome and no longer desired.

You can imagine the magnitude of his emotions and the pure and uncontrollable rage that he was feeling at this moment! The girl he loves so much, the girl he has been trying to get for his entire life, the girl that just ripped his heart apart when they were talking casually, and clearly hinted that they were in a relationship, and have even been living alone with each other for months! That poor fucking worthless peasant even dared to tell him that he tried but failed to control his urges, and was lucky that he could use her to vent all his pent-up emotions!! He couldn't stop thinking about it, he couldn't stop imagining what they have been doing all those months! He could no longer control himself! He could not stop himself from falling on his knees and loudly screaming out all of his frustrations!


Did you know sea otters hold hands when they sleep so they don’t drift away from each other?

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