
The Arrival of Naruto in the Marvel Universe

**This is a translation** ... Nick Fury: I have the Avengers. Charles Doyle: I also have an organization. Nick Fury: The Avengers are powerful. Charles Doyle: My organization is invincible! Nick Fury: We defend the Earth and show aliens that humans have the power to take revenge. Charles Doyle: In addition to defending against aliens, we also take the sacred tree to alien worlds for planting. Nick Fury: I am the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., overseeing all threatening beings on Earth. Charles Doyle: Hehe, Snake Shield Agency? ???? ????? Charles Doyle brings the Naruto mobile game to the Marvel world, causing the marvel world to go upside down. ... Support me and get early access to chapters: patreon.com/gfdsa

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361 Chs

Chapter 351: Completion of Base Construction

In the reception room-


At this moment, Orochimaru's figure manifested, slowly transitioning from virtual to real.


However, Charles Doyle sensed that something was amiss. During this process of Orochimaru's manifestation, his killing intent and chakra were also revealed.


Observing Orochimaru in combat attire, he furrowed his brows slightly. Was this Orochimaru had just been on the battlefield? Why was his killing intent so heavy, and why was his chakra in an eruptive state?


As Orochimaru's body fully manifested, his chakra burst forth entirely, causing the entire reception room to shake under the immense pressure.


Subsequently, the room's array was triggered, instantly stabilizing the environment.


In the medical laboratory, Tsunade, who was busy with experiments, suddenly felt a familiar chakra. She mumbled, "Orochimaru is here?"


She immediately put down her tools and, with a flash, exited the laboratory.





On the other side-


Triskelion Tower-


Chakra Monitoring Center-


"Ding, ding, ding!"


The piercing alarm sounded immediately. On the huge screen in the room, the three-dimensional map of Forrest Hills, Queen's Area, 71st Avenue appeared, with the Charles Agency at the center.


The energy level was displayed as well, and the Charles Agency's location was pointed with an indicator.


Hill, opened the doors to the monitoring center and asked, "Where is the indicator pointing, and what is the energy level?"


A technician, focusing on the console, replied as he saw Hill, "The detected location of the chakra outbreak is the Charles Agency, and the energy level is A-rank."


Upon hearing that the location was the Charles Agency, Hill sighed in relief. She then said, "Close the alarm; no need to pay attention there."


"Yes, Mam."


However, before the agent could close the alarm, the indicator point on the screen had already disappeared, and the room's alarm automatically canceled.


Seeing all this, Hill shook her head and left the Chakra Monitoring Center.






Charles Agency-


In the reception room, after Orochimaru manifested and absorbed some memories, the chakra and killing intent that erupted from him were controlled under his command, dissipating entirely.


Seeing Orochimaru stabilized, Charles nodded. Just as he was about to speak, the reception room's door was pushed open.




Seeing Tsunade appearing at the door, Orochimaru also visibly breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that Tsunade had arrived here, and for now, there didn't seem to be any danger.


Looking at Tsunade, who entered the room, Charles turned towards her and said, "Since you're here, Orochimaru is your responsibility now. Brief him on the situation here."


After speaking, Charles didn't stay in the reception room but walked directly to his room upstairs. Passing by the service desk, he instructed Selene to destroy all the suitcases in the reception room.


Back in his room, Charles entered the system's training ground and began mastering the new ninjutsu he had obtained.


Seeing Charles leave, Tsunade did not stand on ceremony. She sat directly on the sofa in the reception room and asked, "Orochimaru, what happened?"


"Has anything changed during the time I've been away?"


"Is the war with the Hidden Rain Village over?"


"Did you all miss me?"


Seeing Tsunade bombarding him with questions, Orochimaru glanced around and took in her appearance. His voice, slightly hoarse, responded, "How long have you been here?"


"Not even a year. Why?"


"Answer my questions quickly."


While speaking, Tsunade raised her fist, making it clear that if Orochimaru didn't answer her questions, he would face consequences.


Looking at Tsunade's large fist, Orochimaru swallowed hard. Tsunade is still as violent as before.


"In my eyes, you just disappeared from me and Jiraiya. Then it took me only a few seconds to come here."


Hearing Orochimaru's words, Tsunade blinked, instantly understanding. She knew that Charles could bring them from different timelines. Unexpectedly, this time, the Orochimaru brought over was from the exact moment she left.


"Oh, I thought I could get some different stories from you."


Orochimaru stretched his neck and asked, "How many ninjas are here?"


"Besides you and me, who else has been summoned?"


Tsunade began explaining the situation here and the various ninjas who arrived, as well as their different timelines.


Finding out that most were their juniors, ten to twenty years younger, Orochimaru licked his lips with his snake tongue. "Interesting."


"There are many interesting things here. After quickly understanding the basics, hurry up and come help me."


"Help? What for?"


While speaking, Tsunade brought Orochimaru to the medical laboratory and briefly explained her latest research topics.


In the laboratory, Shizune looked at the stranger Tsunade brought in and was stunned for a while. Then she finally reacted, saying, "Orochimaru sama"


Orochimaru looked up at the unfamiliar girl and, recalling Tsunade's words, smiled faintly. "Hello."


Shizune, now recovered from the shock, was surprised again when Orochimaru smiled. However, considering Orochimaru's appearance, she also understood that this was the Orochimaru-sama from the same period as Tsunade-sama.


After exchanging greetings with Shizune, Orochimaru started reviewing the research reports Tsunade handed him. "Interesting, interesting."


"Immortal lifespan, weak physique, and low strength"


"Are the enemies here all so weak?"


Tsunade then explained the enemies she had encountered over the past year and the Great War in the magical world, informing Orochimaru that there were still formidable enemies capable of destroying them.


Orochimaru pondered for a moment, and then, according to Tsunade's arrangement, began to learn the basic knowledge of this world.





On the other side-


In the base-


Ginny, upon receiving the message from Winston about Charles's return, showed a slight smile on her face. However, she didn't rush back immediately upon receiving the news. Instead, she was currently overseeing the inspection of the base's conditions here.


By now, the base had been mostly constructed, and the AI related equipment, as per Tony's request, had been moved into the base's server room today.


Standing at the entrance of the data center, a Stark Industries staff member spoke, "Hello, everything has been installed and debugged. The data center is now fully operational."


"Could you please sign here?"


Ginny looked at the document presented by the personnel and signed her name on it.


After all the Stark Industries staff had left, Ginny instructed her people to close the data center's door, then headed outside.


"John, the BOSS is back. Let's return to the Agency."






Meanwhile, Charles spent the afternoon training in the practice field, testing all the new ninjutsu he had acquired. Especially, when attempting Naruto's Tailed Beast Transformation, Charles discovered a significant issue.


He didn't have the Nine-Tails inside him. So, the cost of Tailed Beast Transformation was to use his own chakra as an energy source, and with his current chakra pool of 70 cards, attempting the One-Tail transformation consumed a considerable amount.


After trying it out, Charles found it not worth the effort. However, he recognized the power of Scarlet Rasengan and Howling Chidori, with the addition of Nine-Tails chakra boosting their effectiveness.


In just one afternoon, he kept experiencing the new abilities one by one, but he wasn't proficient in their use yet. Especially, the snake-skin techniques of Orochimaru gave Charles quite a headache.


It seemed it would take time to master them, particularly with chakra control requiring additional effort.


As Charles left the training field, the door was knocked.


"Boom, boom, boom!"


Hearing the knocking, Charles walked over and opened the door.


"BOSS, it's time for dinner."


Seeing Ginny, Charles smiled. "Okay, let's go downstairs for dinner."


Closing the door, Charles followed Ginny down to the dining area. While walking downstairs, he asked, "Did teacher Balthazar and David contribute to the restoration of the Agency?"


"Yes, they also brought four great mages. They not only restored the Agency but also set up many magic arrays, so we don't have to worry about sudden attacks."


Charles nodded. With the protection of magic arrays, most disasters could be withstood by the agency. However, thinking about the future New York battle and the frequent fights here, he still spoke:


"Then I have to thank them, especially teacher Balthazar and David. However, it would be good to trouble them to visit the base as well, to set up more magic arrays. It's better to be prepared."


"The base has already been arranged. The necessary thanks and formalities haven't been overlooked."


"But for the things mages need, I'm not very familiar. I just purchased some local specialties here and had David take them back to the magical world."


"Thank you."


"By the way, the base has been completed, and all the devices needed for Stark's artificial intelligence have been obtained and installed as well."


"One week later, we can arrange for everyone to move into the base."


"Additionally, the artificial intelligence program you need is still with Tony. He will come over later and needs to make some adjustments."


Charles nodded, "Alright, we'll move into the base one week later."


"Also, I have one more thing for you. Find a storefront for me, similar in size to the original Agency, not too big or too small. It doesn't have to be in Queens; you can choose another location."


"Get this done as soon as possible; I'll have another use for it later."




As they continued talking, they reached the dining area downstairs. At this time, Tsunade, Shizune, Orochimaru, Itachi Uchiha, Yamato, Iruka, Sakura, and others had all returned.


Seeing everyone, Charles sat in the main seat, looking at the dishes already set on the table, and said, "I announce a piece of news here: the base has been constructed, and we will move in one week later."


"For other teams outside, I will send them messages, asking them to complete their tasks within this week and return to participate in the base's move-in ceremony."


"Alright, everyone, let's eat."


After finishing his announcement, Charles didn't pay attention to the reactions of others and started eating with his chopsticks.


With Charles's announcement, Tsunade was the happiest. She was tired of the cramped laboratory, and now her laboratory would finally get a bigger space.


Others showed smiles on their faces as well. With the base ready, their training grounds would increase in size as well. Although the agency already occupied half of the street, it was still too small for the ninjas.


Only Iruka spoke up, "Lord Charles, after the relocation, will the Agency here still operate normally?"


"No changes here; it will still be in business as usual."


After getting Charles's answer, Iruka didn't say much and joined the others for the meal.


While eating, Orochimaru conversed with the ninja around him, gathering the information he wanted.


After dinner, everyone went about their business. Tsunade, accompanied by Shizune and Orochimaru, immersed themselves in the laboratory. Charles entered the training room to practice chakra control.






On the other side-


Kakashi, who was hunting vampires in Africa, glanced at the incoming text message on his phone. Then he spoke to the team members, "Speed up; we need to sweep all the vampire dens in this area within 5 days."




Sasuke, Naruto, and Lee shouted in unison.


Then Naruto asked, "Kakashi-sensei, are there other missions?"


"The base has been built; we're moving."




Naruto shouted excitedly.


Sasuke and Rock Lee also showed smiles on their faces. They were looking forward to the new base.


In Southeast Asia, Neji, Hinata, and Temari also received the information. During the past week, they hadn't found any human organ trafficking or large-scale fraud groups.


With the previous clean-up, some who learned about the plight of their colleagues directly closed and evacuated, thanks to the opportunity provided by the magical world.


When Neji and others returned to this land, the major criminal groups had already closed down and fled. Some smaller ones either were outdated with information or insisted on extorting money, all of which were dealt with by Neji and others.


As they received the message from the agency, the three discussed and decided to continue sweeping for five more days. After that, they would take High Table's jet back to New York.



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