
The Arrival of Naruto in the Marvel Universe

**This is a translation** ... Nick Fury: I have the Avengers. Charles Doyle: I also have an organization. Nick Fury: The Avengers are powerful. Charles Doyle: My organization is invincible! Nick Fury: We defend the Earth and show aliens that humans have the power to take revenge. Charles Doyle: In addition to defending against aliens, we also take the sacred tree to alien worlds for planting. Nick Fury: I am the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., overseeing all threatening beings on Earth. Charles Doyle: Hehe, Snake Shield Agency? ???? ????? Charles Doyle brings the Naruto mobile game to the Marvel world, causing the marvel world to go upside down. ... Support me and get early access to chapters: patreon.com/gfdsa

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Chapter 071: Big Leaping Monkey

As the Mark I armor successfully powered up, the circuits inside the cave immediately failed, plunging the detention chamber into darkness. 


Tony Stark, clad in the Mark I armor, activated the suit and took a step forward, each footstep carrying a heavy metallic weight.


With an air of confidence, Tony addressed his companions, "Ladies and gentlemen, behold the latest invention of the genius inventor, Tony Stark."


He then led the way out of the cave, each step heavy and imposing due to the suit's weight. Charles, followed by Parker, joined him, while Yinsen followed suit.


Outside the cave, they were met with the sight of a colossal snake, a hundred meters in length, with ice-cold and cruel eyes. Its head was the size of a house, sending shivers down their spines.


If it weren't for the armored suit, Tony's legs would have given way beneath him at the sight of the monstrous creature. 


Yinsen, on the other hand, was less fortunate, collapsing to the ground upon seeing the snake.


The Blue Snake, known as Aoda, saw Charles emerge and immediately greeted him, "Lord Charles, your assigned task has been completed, and no more enemies have appeared."


Clearly, Aoda understood that anyone emerging from the cave with Charles was not an enemy. Otherwise, it would have dealt with them as soon as the armored suit appeared.


Tony, hearing Aoda address Charles as 'Lord,' understood the situation. This enormous snake was not a creation of nature but one of Charles's subordinates.


After offering his gratitude to Aoda, Charles helped Yinsen to his feet. 


Tony, still inside the Mark I armor, raised the helmet's faceplate, revealing his face. He observed the massive snake before him and the ruined campsite. 


Then, he said, "Your blue snake is amazing, but now, it's time to show you all my latest invention. Could you ask your pet to clear some space for us?"


Charles didn't refuse, as he was also curious about the capabilities of the Mark I armor. He instructed Aoda, "Aoda, wait for us on the hill."


Aoda raised its head, glanced at everyone, and responded, "Of course, Lord Charles." 


Then, it burrowed underground and disappeared.


Tony was relieved to see that the colossal snake was under Charles's full control. However, he couldn't help but think that Charles was another eccentric biologist.


Charles watched with interest as Tony began to demonstrate the capabilities of the Mark I armor. He showcased the suit's capabilities, including the powerful punches, missile launchers in the arms, and even the built-in flamethrower.


Charles was captivated by the spectacle, enjoying the show even more than a 3D movie or even a 5D experience. The explosive sounds, the waves of heat from the flames, though lacking real enemies, still made for a thrilling display.


After demonstrating the suit's weaponry, Tony activated the flight system, and the Mark I armor rocketed into the sky. He exclaimed, "Did you see that? My armor can fly!"


However, his excitement was short-lived as the propulsion system abruptly shut down, causing the armor to disassemble in mid-air. It plummeted to the desert below.




With a cry of despair, Tony crashed into the sand. Fortunately, the armor's shock-absorbing mechanisms, combined with the soft desert sand, left him unharmed.

Tony removed his helmet, looked at the scattered parts, and chuckled, "Not bad."


Yinsen saw Tony shouting and plummeting downward, so he rushed towards him.


Charles glanced around. Observing the boxes marked "Stark Industries" nearby, Charles smirked.


He thought to himself, "Maybe these bombs will come in handy someday."


Charles walked over to the crates of ammunition and with a wave of his hand, stored them all in his system's inventory.


After securing the ammunition, Charles and Parker joined Tony Stark.


Watching Tony, who was still in the pit with Yinsen helping him climb out, Charles teased, "Tony, your last act as a 'big leaping monkey' was quite impressive."


Tony's face turned sour as he cursed, "You bastard, that was flight, not some 'big leaping monkey' show. Don't think I don't know what 'big leaping monkey' means."


Seeing Tony's exasperation, Charles couldn't help but laugh and said, "Well, it looked like a big leaping monkey to me."


He then approached Tony, reached down, and effortlessly pulled him out of the sand pit.


Tony was surprised by Charles's strength and gave him a look. 


This guy, with a well-proportioned physique, didn't look like someone who possessed the immense strength he had just displayed. Where were the bulging muscles that usually accompanied such feats of strength?


Unable to figure it out, Tony decided not to dwell on it and instead turned his attention to the desert ahead. He asked, "So, buddy, how are we getting out of here?"


Seeing Tony had removed his armor and was now looking at the scattered pieces, Charles grinned and said, "I'll take care of that. Do you want to pack any of this stuff?"


Tony shook his head at the sight of the scattered pieces on the ground and replied, "No need. I can build something better when I get back."


Charles nodded and said, "Well, if you don't mind, then it's mine."


Tony clapped his hands together and said, "It's all yours."


With Tony's consent, Charles nodded and instructed Parker, "Parker, collect all the armor parts."


Following Charles's command, Parker used his keen sense of smell to retrieve all the scattered parts, even those buried in the sand.


Charles took out a satellite phone, dialed a number, and ordered, "Prepare a private plane for a direct flight to New York. Have the car that brought me here yesterday meet me where I got off yesterday."


After ending the call, Parker had already retrieved all the parts and placed them in front of Charles.


Charles looked at the parts on the ground and then at the two of them. He didn't see any need to hide anything and simply waved his hand, making all the parts disappear.


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