
The Arrancar

Bleach told the Story of the Soul Reaper's perspective while the Arrancar and Hollows were always painted in a negative light! So let's have a Hollow main Character! I don't own the cover! the original link is:https://www.deviantart.com/dav-19/art/Neliel-Tu-205243320

DukeNeaffy · Komik
Peringkat tidak cukup
43 Chs

The Prowess of Octava

An insane amount of Spiritual Pressure rained down on Karakura Town as Espada's 4 and 8 stepped out of the Garganta. Zommari first looked up at the bright blue sky, momentarily it stunned him as he doesn't remember the sky from when he was human. "Interesting place, This is my first time in the world of the living. The air is so thin and it lacks reishi, I cannot fathom how there could be someone of interest here in the world of the living. Lord Aizen is an interesting man." Zommari said this as he looked down at the humans moving around.

"Lord Aizen is far different than I thought he would be now that he is permanently in Hueco Mundo. I feel more like a pawn than a Knight or Bishop that he claimed the Espada were, however, have you noticed that he orders every Espada with the exception of Lady Laylini, Lady Nel, and Lord Hexxius. For those three he asks questions or makes suggestions but it seems that they are Leagues above the rest of us in terms of power and Ability." Ulquiorra says this as his Pesquisa spreads throughout the area searching for powerful Spiritual Pressure.

"Espada 2 and above are in a completely different class, just lord Hexxius alone is a powerful being that anyone would like twice before crossing. His aspect of death is Time, Lord Hexxius can accelerate, slow, reverse, and stop time. Lady Nel's aspect of death is Lust, Her Vitality is so immense that her beauty is irresistible, even Director General Tosen cannot avoid her charms. Then there is Lady Laylini, her aspect of death is Insatiability, the word "More" describes her perfectly. You have felt it right? Each day her power grows, looking into her eyes has become a burden to the regular Arrancar, as such the Faccion of those three Espada have the power of Espada." Zommari feels a presence getting closer, not too powerful but noticeable.

"Their presence has given us a long leash, but I have a feeling that if those three didn't exist the surveillance within and outside of Los Noches would be much more intense. Lord Aizen is definitely extremely powerful, but at the end of the day, he isn't one of us so there will always be a disgruntled Hollow. Yet the Top three Espada have gone far beyond the limit Hollow originally thought was in place. They have become idolized by the many, if they were to revolt the Hollow and Many Arrancar wouldn't hesitate to join them, myself included." Ulquiorra paused as his eyes snapped in a direction, " I have found the one Lord Aizen sent us here to test, there is also one human approaching very quickly."Ulquiorra reports his findings to Zommari as he uses Sonido to arrive in an open field below.

Standing in the field the Duo waited for the human with High spiritual energy to arrive, as they noticed a few more entities began to spring into action as well.

"Zommari enemies of this level aren't enough to force me into action, you will be on your own."

"That's fine, there shouldn't be anyone here that would force me into an unfortunate position." When Zommari finishes this line the Human arrives.

A tall teenager of Mexican and Japanese descent. He is dark-skinned with pronounced cheek-bones and has wavy brown hair with bangs that generally hang over his brown eyes. Standing before the Two Arrancar, the small one looking disinterested standing off to the side with his eyes closed. While the other stood around the same height as he did.

"Did you think you could stop us, Child?" Zommari then let the entirety of his Spiritual Pressure fall down on the human. The crushing might of a true Arrancar made him regret everything, the poor child fell down to one knee as Zommari looked him in the eye.

"You humans no longer interest me, when I was an Adjucha I might have been inclined to attack you but now all I feel is pity when I look at you. So weak yet you believe that if you just keep pushing you will breakthrough, that isn't always the case child. Sometimes retreat is necessary and before you stand two opponents that even if you were two to four times stronger you wouldn't even make us draw our swords." While the spiritual pressure pressed down on Chad, the Espada looked deep into his eyes.

"The strength in your gaze is strong and the Hope you have in Your friend is great…"

"Bankai! Tenza Zangetsu!" Black Spirit energy erupted from the distance as the Target they were looking for arrived. "Getsuga Tensho!"

Looking up at the incoming attack Zommari used his left hand to deflect it launching the attack into the distance. "....But your friend is nothing more than a baby that allows his spirit energy to leak out of his body wildly. He doesn't even have control of the power he wields." Using Sonido, Zommari arrives in front of Ichigo. The Orange haired teen swings his Zanpakuto at full strength hoping to hit Zommari….he did but, not in the way he hoped.

Zommari held the Black Zanpakuto in his right hand. "This Black spirit energy is very similar to our power." whispering this softly Zommari glitches his fist around the blade and yanks Ichigo along with it towards the ground below. The impact of Ichigo hitting the ground below kicked up a small cloud of dust. Raising his left hand, Zommari charged his spirit energy in preparation for a Cero.

The Dark Purple energy changed the color of the sky as Zommari looked down at their Target. 'He's sloppy, he had the opportunity to land a deceive blow yet he announced his presence by screaming out the name of his Bankai. He has no knowledge of Spiritual Pressure regulation or spirit energy control, he pours a large amount of his power in flashy attacks that won't connect. His flaws are so obvious, an Espada wasn't necessary to send out on this mission. This child isn't even playing the same game as us.'

"Cero." The purple energy headed towards Ichigo with a swoosh threatening to end his short life.

The Cero made an impact with a large explosion, looking at the point of impact Zommari's eyes narrowed. "I expected you to arrive Kisuke, it was reckless for these children to just rush into battle like that but they will learn from this loss." When the dust cleared there was a transparent red shield defending Ichigo while a man in Clogs looked up at the Arrancar.

Kisuke went through a momentary shock as an Arrancar he had never seen before knew exactly who he was but that didn't show on his face.

"I didn't expect such a sensible Arrancar to arrive, you remind me of a special someone.'' When Kisuke said this Zommari and Ulquiorra had the same figure appear in their head. Understanding what Kisuke meant, Zommari nodded his head, as he looked at the man below.

"Interesting, I am known as Espada number 8, Zommari Rureaux." Using Sonido, Zommari arrived in the small space between Ichigo who was sprawled out on the ground attempting to catch his bearings and Kisuke. "I am here to test the boy."

"Cry Benihime!"


The two energies collided, throwing Ichigo further back as he started to lose control over his own body. Kisuke moved to attack Zommari who at this point had drawn his Zanpakuto.


The swords collided kicking up dust as the Soul Reaper and Arrancar looked into each other's eyes. "Espada number 8? So you are above 2 and below 7? Or the other way around?"

"I am actually the second weakest Espada, our Rankings are 0-9 with 0 being the most powerful. The gap between each Espada is significant as well, Take myself and Number 9 for example. Even in his released form, he may not be my match, and If I were to release my sword against the Number 4 Espada over there I would die before I saw how it happened." Breaking their clash the two stood an appropriate distance from each other and Zommari was attacked from another angle by a small woman.

Her left leg made contact with his left arm sending out a shock wave. "Yoruichi Shihōin the former Captain of Squad 2, Former Head of the Punishment force, and the 22nd Head of the Shihoin Clan. In the presence of you two, I feel quite small and weak."

'Says the man that blocked a sneak attack from this angle with one Arm while never losing eye contact with Kisuke.' Yoruichi complained in her head as she broke the clash between them.

"He's only the 9th Strongest." When Kisuke said this to Yoruichi her eyes widened a bit as she looked at the Arrancar in disbelief.

"But it would seem our mission is complete, I do not have the power to continue fighting you two. Also, I have determined that the Child you two are so vehemently protecting is nothing more than trash that can be ignored." Sheathing his Zanpakuto, Zommari walked towards Ulquiorra who opened the Garganta.

"Learn how to control that power of yours and then you may be worth killing, Ichigo." With the Garganta shutting behind them the two Arrancar left the world of the living as quickly as they came.

"The 9th Strongest was able to hold two captain class warriors back, they are strong Kisuke and the Soul Society would have been in grave danger if it wasn't for her." Looking at the space that the Garganta shut, Yoruichi thought about the Arrancar they met just a year prior.