
The Archivist's Ploy: A Tale of One Against The World

Far above the horizon, beyond the clouds and the apocalyptic storms under it, hovered a yellow-haired old-looking man. His yellow eyes gave off a bright radiance, and countless books floated around him. Throughout history, the man was known by many names, (The Watcher - The Chronicler - The Historian - The Custodian - The Recordkeeper) But during this Era, he was known as The Archivist. The Archivist's perception inspected thousands of kilometers far and wide, Yet 'Nothing interesting is happening' His frustration grew 'What's the point of a worldwide perception if there's no apposite change to perceive?' 'The world has become mundane' 'And no one is doing anything about it' Ergo, The Archivist will take matters into his own hands 'I'll orchestrate a worldwide, All-embracing scheme against an oblivious individual' With a sinister smile on his face, he devised his plan 'Turn the entire world into a person's antagonist, Then enjoy the show' And he had the perfect plot for it 'First, Utter Despair that would cause immense Pain' 'Then, More Despair that would turn the Pain to Loathe' 'Then, As the Loathe grows, The Despair will transform into Rage' 'The Rage will make the Being Crave Revenge, and the intense Crave will result in Devotion to his goal' 'Finally, The Despair, Pain, Loathe, Crave, and Devotion will all be used as fuel for the Rage, Transforming it into an even extremer emotion' "WRATH" How would a single person unleash his Wrath against the entire world? 'That's what I'm going to find out' "AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA" The Archivist's maniacal laughter echoed loudly 'The world is about to be entertaining' He looked up and asked with a reverberating, Bleak voice "Who will be the unlucky one?"

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The World, Kingdoms

Leus began reading the last chapter of the book


(The Kingdoms of the Middle Continent Are Two:

1- The Vice Kingdom: One of the World Powers, And rumored to have connections with The Echelon Dynasty.

It has been under the rule of the Vice Family for more than 600 years.

In the world of Magic Research, the Vice Kingdom stands out with its prestigious magic academies that are known to be the best in the world.

It has a staggering population that exceeds 800 million Mortal and is still on the rise.

The relationship between the Vice Kingdom and the Western Edge Kingdom is complicated, To say the least

It is characterized by complexity and tension. Yet, despite the complications, both kingdoms have managed to maintain a peaceful coexistence, refraining from taking any hostile actions.

It borders The Crimson Castle Kingdom from the east, With a Strife Zone between them,

The Draconic Domain from the north, the Western Edge Kingdom from the west, And the Deep Sea from the south.

The most common affinity in the Vice Kingdom is the Wind Affinity, And they *REDACTED* The Hurricane Lord)


Leus tilted his head 

'What's redacted? And who is the Hurricane Lord?' 

' ... Maybe it has something to do with the Strife Zone'

Leus continued reading, Hoping that he would find answers to his questions later

(The current King is Vincent Vi Vice The First, Also referred to as V.

V's aspiration is straightforward: to conquer the Crimson Castle Kingdom and establish dominance over the global trade routes connecting the Eastern Continent with the rest of the world. This would ultimately position V as the unrivaled economic powerhouse on a global scale


While such ambition has the potential to spark a world war someday, it's worth noting that for roughly 200 years, conflicts have been limited to minor skirmishes and have not escalated beyond a "Strife Zone."

Consequently, humans have grown complacent and dismissive of the possibility of it escalating into a full-blown war.)

' ... I see'

'It looks like the book has been edited for some reason'

'As far as I can tell, Looks like this Vice Kingdom is an evil Kingdom that wants to invade us'


Leus continued reading

(Western Edge Kingdom: Ruled by King Wester Edge A King who has no lineage.

His rise to power happened mysteriously around 220 years ago, And the first thing he did after ending the previous King's lineage was to destroy all his legacy.

At first, The Kingdom was losing its citizens to its neighboring Kingdom, The Vice Kingdom,

But after taking measures such as lowering taxes and offering free land, The migration rate dropped dramatically, And the number of citizens stabilized at around 300 Million Mortals, Their affinity leans toward Water and Ice.

It borders the Vice Kingdom from the east, The Endless Ocean from the west, and the Draconic Domain from the north.

From the south, It borders The Echelon Dynasty, With a Strife Zone between them.)

Leus flipped the page

(The Kingdoms of The Eastern Continent:

The Crimson Castle Kingdom: Currently ruled by the Crimson Family.

The Crimsons have been ruling for more than 400 years, And they're famous for their unique Crimson Affinity.

The current King is Jerald Crimson The Second, And the most common affinity in Crimson Castle is Fire.

The Crimson Castle Kingdom isn't a World Power on its own, but because it has strong alliances with the Stiletto Kingdom and the Bayonet Kingdom, it's a significant force to be reckoned with.

Except for the Strife Zone with the Vice Kingdom in the northwest, The lands of the Crimson Castle are prosperous.

It is situated on the western side of the Eastern Continent.

It shares its eastern border with the Stiletto Kingdom, while to the west lies the Deep Sea and the Vice Kingdom. To the north, it borders the Draconic Domain, and to the south, it borders the Endless Ocean.)

'Crimson Affinity huh ... Interesting'

Leus took note of that and then continued reading

(The Stiletto Kingdom: An overall peaceful kingdom that's deeply allied with the Bayonet Kingdom.

It's known that its relation with the Bayonet Kingdom is not only political but also consanguineous, As the Stiletto Royal Family shares an Ancestor with the Bayonet Royal Family, And more than one prince of the Stiletto Royalty has married from the Bayonet Royalty, And vice versa.

Its lands are prosperous and peaceful, And its population exceeds 600 Million Mortals.

The Stiletto Family has ruled for more than 300 years, And its citizens' affinity leans toward Earth.

To its east is the Bayonet Kingdom, To its North is the Draconic Domain, To its south is the Endless Ocean, And to its west is the Crimson Castle Kingdom.

It's located in the middle of the Eastern Continent.

The Bayonet Kingdom: A peaceful Kingdom ruled by the Bayonet Family for more than 300 years.

It has less land than the other two Kingdoms on the Continent, Thus, it depends more on mining and military business than Agriculture to feed its 600 Million Mortal population.

Because of its location in the East of the Eastern Continent, The Bayonet Kingdom is the safest Kingdom in the world.

The Endless Ocean surrounds it from all directions except the west, From which it borders the Stiletto Kingdom)

Leus now had a good idea about his exact location in the world

'Basically, I'm in the west of the Eastern Continent, And all the Kingdoms in this continent are allies, And we're getting attacked from the west'

' ... This means that I'm literally in the most dangerous location in the entire continent, How ironic ...'

Leus flipped the page

(The Kingdoms of the Southern Continent:

The Echelon Dynasty: One of the World powers.

Its land has a lot of natural treasures and opportunities, However, Because almost half of the land is a desert, The population is concentrated in a few cities.

It's the only Kingdom that has been ruled by a single Royal Family for 2000 years, Hence its name (Dynasty)

Its military strength is very powerful, And it's rumored to have developed strong mass destruction weapons and spells.

It's also rumored to be having the strongest and biggest spy network in the world.

Even tho its population size is on the lower side (350 million mortal), being the only Kingdom in the world where military service is mandatory on males for "as long as needed" resulted in making it acquire the biggest military in the world number-wise, Enabling it to attack on 2 sides at the same time.

It's the only Kingdom in the world that has two different Strife Zones and is the aggressor in both.

Its citizens' affinity varies based on location, However, Because of the striking differences in weather and living conditions, All affinities are common.

It borders the Western Edge Kingdom from the north, With a Strife Zone between them.

The Deep Sea from the east, The Endless Ocean from the west, The Abyss from the southwest, and the Dark Boulevard Kingdom from the south, With a strife zone between them as well.

The Dark Boulevard Kingdom: This Kingdom's lands are rich in resources, But not as rich as the Dynasty's.

It's famous for having the best Darkness Magic Academy.

It has close relations with the Luminous Kingdom, Close enough that Light Mages from the Luminous Kingdom fight alongside Dark Mages from the Dark Boulevard Kingdom in the Strife Zone between the Dark Boulevard and the Echelon Dynasty.

Its population is 400 million, And the most common affinity in the Kingdom is as you have probably guessed, Darkness.

It borders the Dynasty from the north, The Abyss from the Northwest, The Endless Ocean from the west and south, And the Luminous Kingdom from the east.

The Luminous Kingdom: It has almost the same size and population as the Dark Boulevard Kingdom.

It's famous for having the most advanced Light Magic Academy, Where healers from all over the world travel to gain knowledge.

It was rumored that even restoring limbs is for free in the Luminous Kingdom,

However, Various sources de-bunked that rumor.

Its citizens' affinity leans almost always toward either Light or Water.

It borders the Deep Sea from the East and North, The Endless Ocean from the South, and the Dark Boulevard Kingdom from the West.

Its unique location makes it very safe and rich, as most of the goods from the Dark Boulevard Kingdom pass through the Luminous Kingdom to be exported to the Eastern continent, And vice versa, Making the east of the Luminous Kingdom a huge trading hub connecting 2 continents.

Leus flipped the pages but Alas

'It's already over!'

Interestingly, When the book is closed it appears like it has a lot of content, But when you open it and flip the pages, It's just a couple of pages

'Hmmm, That's a weird way to use magic'

By now, It was late, And everyone else was sleeping

Leus put the book aside and thought

'I'm tired as well, Time to sleep'

He learned a lot today, And he was very satisfied with it.