
The secret of the abyss

"God dammit," Goliath's massive voice shook the tunnel, "I should have just left you."

Goliath smashed his fists down on two of them. Killing them both instantly. He was about as tall as a three story building. His fist alone was as big as my entire body. He picked me up, and slung my limp body over his shoulder.

Smashing another two of them a second later.

"I don't know why you want to go this way, but it's too dangerous," Goliath backed away from the beasts slowly, "These things are too dangerous for you to fight."

Poison analysis complete. Jacker poison added to venom glands.

Suddenly it became much easier to move. I leapt off his shoulder, and grabbed one of the nest Jackers mana crystals. Stuffing it in my mouth to eat it. My empty mana reserve filled back up quickly as I leapt again. Landing on the back of one of them.

Grabbing its stinger as it tried to strike me me with it, and slamming it through its exoskeleton. Now that I had an opening through their armor I could kill them. I dug into the whole, and started pulling gooey organs out of the hole. It screeched as it died. Another two came after me.

Goliath smashed another two. While I was busy dodging one. The other one managed to stick me with its stinger, but all that did was open up a small wound on my back. I was immune to its poison now. I grabbed its stinger, and stuffed it down its open maw.

Striking its joints as hard as it could. Breaking pieces of it off, and making it gurgle instead of scream since it still had a stinger jammed in its mouth. The other one didn't stand idle while I was killing its friend.

"God damn you," Goliath smashed the one coming after me, "Are you trying to piss me off you stupid kid?" he smashed another two of them as his movements got stiffer, "Why do you need to go down there so badly?"

"I don't know," I was running out of mana faster then I could regenerate it, "But I have to go."

Goliath smashed another one. He wasn't paralyzed yet so he could still hold against the last few of them. Having a massive body was keeping him from getting dosed heavily enough to paralyze him. I jumped over the last few of them her only for my arm to go through the floor when I landed. It wasn't a natural hole though.

The nest Jacker that had been hiding in the tunnel floor bit down. It was even bigger than the dozen we'd been facing before. I yanked me off the floor as it broke out of the floor suddenly. I felt my bones breaking, and my flesh tearing as my arm was ripped off. Pain shot through me.

Pushing away all other emotions as I screamed out in pain.

Storm Dragons Wrath Passive skill activated. All stats doubled.

What?!? Pain turned to rage as I lashed out at the beast that had harmed me just a minute ago. Driving the claws of my right arm through it's exoskeleton with my new burst of strength. Electrifying its insides, and cooking it from within. It screamed in pain as it died.

I yanked my hand out, and grabbed it's stinger. Yanking the big beast off the ground. Using it as a bat to knock all the other Jackers off of Goliath. There were more of them buried in the ground. I needed to kill all of them before they came up to attack.

I froze the ground. The solid ice floor would make it harder for them to break through. I rushed forward. Using my wing to balance out the lost left arm. It was an awkward way for me to move, but it was my only way to move quickly anymore.

Stabbing the ground viciously, and killing them one by one as they struggled to break through the ground. By the time my wrath wore off I'd leveled up, and cleared this whole entrance. My mind was fuzzy, and I was having trouble staying upright. Not here. I bit into my own stump.

Agonizing clarity shot through my muddled mind. The pain left me out of breath, but I couldn't lose consciousness here. Not in a hostile environment. Not with a half poisoned Goliath down here. I limped back to Goliath since I'd passed the turn I wanted anyways.

Goliath was having difficulty moving, but he'd taken care of the bugs in front of him.

"And I thought I looked like shit," Goliath moved my way stiffly.

I looked down the turn I wanted to take. I started limping that way.

"You can't be thinking of going down there still," Goliath frowned.

"There isn't anything dangerous down there," I snorted.

"It looks pretty dangerous to me," Goliath's frown deepened.

"That's where I want to go," I started limping down the tunnel slowly, "It's not much further."

I couldn't move quickly. I'd used the rest of my mana to heal myself just a little, but I was still sitting barely above a quarter of my health. Even with healing myself. Then there was the fact that I'd lost an entire limb. I was beginning to think this whole stupid trip down to the bottom of the canyon was a bad idea.

Goliath was for the most part quiet since he couldn't move much better than I could, but when he did speak he tried to convince me to turn back. The further we went down the tunnel the more I wanted to move forward, and the more he seemed to want to go back. We came up to a wall of stone. A dead end. My tail twitched as I stared at the wall.

"That decides it," Goliath started to turn, "We go back."

It looked like there was a wall there, but I didn't feel like there was a wall. I stepped forward into where the wall was, and passed through it. There was a massive open cavern on the other side. I pulled my head out of the illusion of a wall, and looked at Goliath. A slow exhausted smile spread across my features slowly.


Thanks to all that have voted. Not enough to get me on the board yet, but we're inching closer. Come on guys we can do it.

Angelina_Bennettcreators' thoughts