
Stupid Rumors

I tilted my head to the side slowly until it made a full circle all the way round back to right side up. Then went a little further so the crick in my neck would pop. Three quick pops relieved the tense spot on my neck, and I let my head swing back around so my neck wasn't twisted anymore.

"That's not creepy to watch at all," Savannah grimaced.

"What?" I narrowed my eyes at her, "I have a long neck."

I turned my head a full three hundred, and sixty degrees so I was looking at her with a single twist in my neck.

"I can make almost two full rotations," I whipped my head back around, "Before it starts to hurt."

Ethan was still staring at me kind of stunned from the complete lack of fucks given about the us dating rumor.

"What?" I leaned my head forward, and pushed up with my front legs so my nose was less than a foot from his face, "Are you surprised that I don't care?"

"A little," Ethan huffed, "But you already knew that."

"I did," I nodded slowly as I dropped down, and drew my head back, "But it really doesn't matter. Technically, by dragon standards, I'm still just a little kid so I don't care about any of this stupid drama. Relationships are just a humorous afterthought for me."

I leaned my head down to scratch between my horns. I figured I could work on strengthening my affinities in my room for now. Since I was stuck in here anyways.

"Now," I pulled back into my room, and settled on the floor comfortably, "I'm going to strengthen my connection to my elements. Don't bother me unless it's important."

I closed my eyes, and focused on my air affinity. It was still my weakest element. I wanted to push it up to equal my other elements. It would boost the strength of any elemental spells that included air. Strengthening my spells seemed to require me to strengthen my elements. Focusing on my connection was the best way I knew how to level up my affinities.

System, if you had to guess, what level is Savannah's affinity to fire?


Level 37 fire affinity estimated.

Damn, it seemed like I really was a good ways behind her in that regard. Seemed like the only reason I could beat her was with my overwhelming amount of mana. System, what about her dad, Magnus Earl?


Magnus Earls mana capacity far exceeds the users. Also System has no basis or sample for comparison. System is unable to calculate as a result.

That's not good. I snorted to myself as I zoned in on my connection once again. My body went completely still with my mind as busy as it was. The only movement I made was the slow calm movement of breathing. I could focus like this forever. It was a relaxing sensation.

It was different from sleeping though.

Air affinity level up. Air affinity level 4.

Awesome. I glanced at Ethan, and Savannah out the door. They were deep in conversation. I didn't care to disturb them so I checked my watch right quick. We still had an hour to go before dinner, but that startled me a little. Had I really been in my own little world for a little over four hours?

I couldn't really leave my room most of the time so it wasn't a waste. Just kind of surprising I could lose that much time so easily. My wings twitched as I thought it over slowly. My stomach growled quietly as I thought about food. I was kind of lucky that the school food was still enough to fill me up.

Pretty soon it wouldn't be. Maybe two or three more levels until I would start needing outside food on top of what the school gave. I could tell. Just by how full I felt after eating. It was the same as when I'd been hatchling.

That was good. It gave me a good idea of what to expect from here on out appetite wise.

"It's almost time for dinner you two," I frowned to myself mostly.

The way I said that made me sound almost like an old man.

"We have another problem coming up fairly soon," I smiled toothily, "Pretty soon we're going to have to start buying me some meat."

"Why are you worried about that now?" Savannah chuckled to herself, "Isn't that a little while off still?"

"Yes, hopefully it is," I snorted, "Someone will definitely notice if one of us suddenly starts buying up a bunch of meat, so I vote that I go buy meat myself."

"They'll notice you buying up a bunch of meat as well won't they?" Savannah frowned.

"Not if I'm not wearing my face to do it," I shifted slightly, "But I can't just casually switch faces in this room, and walk out without someone noticing eventually. My plan is to use the park to change my face, and a backpack to hide what I bought from the school," I paused, "But for my plan I work I need lookouts."

"We'll be your lookouts so problem solved," Savannah chuckled as she patted Ethan on the back.

Ethan tensed with a frown. Seemed as if he was ok with talking to Savannah now. Just not the physical contact.

"What?" Savannah gave Ethan a look, "You were fine a minute ago."

"Don't make me babysit you two," I snorted as I pulled my door closed.

Here I was thinking about stupid shit once again to hide from the big problems. All I wanted to do was chase down something I could sink my teeth into. I thumped my tail into the floor growling to myself. I switched forms, and pulled on one of my two clean uniforms. Then looked around my half destroyed dorm room.

The damage to the walls was impressive on its own. All the nicks in the rug, and the big obvious slash from when I'd slammed my tail down made me wince. I really didn't want anyone in my room, but I couldn't risk having them find it like this on a random inspection either. It looked like I was going to have to get the room repaired even if it meant that someone was going to be in my room. I rubbed the back of my neck slowly.