

All I saw was red as I rolled to my feet quickly. The motion was so quick that I actually got a few surprised looks from the guys behind the Baron. I'd turned a that rag doll throw into a roll to my own feet. I was ready to do damage to the guys in front of me. I ran forward.

Aiming for the closest guy who happened to be Jeremy. My fist connected, and he was thrown back. By the time he hit the ground he was already out like a light.

25 xp awarded. 80/400 xp until level 6.

I refocused on the next guy coming at me. Both the guys that had grabbed me before came at me at the same time. I stopped them both. My feet slid on the smooth concrete flooring. Just a few feet back before my toes got good grip on the floor.

I shifted my grip quickly. Grabbing both of them by their heads, and slamming them together. Jumping back since it wasn't enough to knock either one out. I grabbed the right one that had cheap shot me before, and jumped up kneeing him in the face. The strike snapped his head back, but he was still functional.

I was yanked off before I could hit him again. By Baron of all people. He threw me down hard. I rolled out of his range. Pain was a foreign concept to me in this state.

I was faster then him. He tried to hit me again as I rolled to my feet. I backed off a few more strides Picking up a weight bar, and swinging it at his face full strength. The weight on the end pinged off his face.

Sending a jolt up my arms. I swung it like a bat as I hit him again. The weight came off the end slamming into one of the guys behind him. The guy flinched as his hands came up knocking it away as the bar pinged off Baron again. The bones in my hands cracked from the force of the strike, but I didn't let go.

The doors behind were blasted off their hinges as Ethan rushed into the fray. Our eyes met for a split second as the red started to fade from my vision. Ethan calmed visibly as he continued forward. I dropped the bar as my hands started screaming in pain. They were already starting to swell a little, but they hadn't discolored yet.

System exchange mp for hp.

Mp exchanging for hp. Hp 30/30. Mp 3/60. Berserker mode deactivated. Some stats reduced.

I couldn't get hurt badly again.

"Ethan," I kicked the weight off the other end of the bar, "How many can you handle?"

Picking it up as I tensed up for a fight. System will I be able to maintain my camouflage if I run out of mana?

Camouflage will be maintained as long as hp does not reach zero. If hp reaches zero all mp that is absorbed will be converted into health regardless of users wishes.

System removing my camouflage could get me killed.

Systems first, and only priority is to keep user alive. Camouflage cannot be maintained when user is dying.

Well at least the system has it's priorities straight. I glanced at Ethan again hoping he could handle most of them. Ethan was still quiet. His eyes were glowing an intense blue as he walked down to stand next to me. System did I hypnotize him?

Ally Ethan was hypnotized while user was in berserker state. He is currently in a similar state to that of users beserker state. Effect will last 4 minutes, and 13 seconds.

Shit. I watch as the equipment in the room started to break apart into small fragments. Just floating higher, and higher as more fragments were made in bulk. System can I cancel out the hypnotism?


That's great.

"You should run," I grabbed Ethan's arm trying to yank him back.

Everything stopped moving. Then all hell broke loose. The little Fragments started shredding the skin off of everyone in the room except for Baron.

"Ethan," I snarled in his ear, "If you kill anyone I won't be your friend anymore."

The fragments stopped suddenly. Everyone was floored except for Baron. Unfortunately for me he didn't have much left for clothes. All the fragments dropped to the ground, and Baron was thrown into the air. Then slammed back down into the ground.

Up. Then down. Up again. Then slammed down again. Up one more time. Slammed down so hard it made a crater in the hard floor.

Even Baron was bleeding by the end of Ethan's assault. Ethan moved as if he was going to do it again. I desperately needed him to stop now or he was going to kill them, and I really didn't need that kind of attention right now.

"That's enough," I felt my eyes change slightly, "You don't need to do anymore. They're done."

Emotional state has affected camouflage.

Ethan looked at me. His expression slowly changed back to his scared reserved expression.

"Your eyes look funny," Ethan looked almost stunned by what he'd done.

"Don't worry about it," I felt my eyes change again.

Camouflage fully restored.

"Is that better?" I turned Ethan away from the carnage slowly.

"Yeah they're back to normal," Ethan kept looking back over his shoulder, "I've never been that angry in my life."

"It's fine," I pulled him forward, "They're all alive. We need to get out of here before any of the disciplinary staff gets here with the medics." I kept pulling him forward, "I'll explain what happened to you when we get back to the room."

"Did you do this to me?" Ethan was probably looking at me with a stunned look on his face.

"Not on purpose," I pushed forward, "But if we don't get out of here we're going to be in trouble."

Ethan started coming with me after that. I didn't have enough energy to do much of anything now. Just pushing forward was all I could do right now. I let go of him now that he was following me. I moved as fast as I could to get to the room without drawing too much attention.

The fact that my clothes were torn didn't faze anyone since I was a low ranker. The kids that had seen me get yanked away on the other hand. They looked pretty surprised that I was still in one piece. I ignored them as I went through the front doors of the boys dorm. Into the elevator quickly, and leaned up against the back of the elevator.

Other kids got in, but we ignored them silently as the elevator rose. We pushed past kids to get out on our floor, and headed to our room. I stopped just inside the door, and leaned against the wall. Waiting for Ethan to ask.