
Prep for rift city

I headed for class with Ethan. Savannah had a different morning class schedule so it was the only time I'd be able to get away from her for the time being. I napped through the morning classes. Lunch was a high point in my day, and this week was a marksmanship week in fitness class. My goal was to level up my marksmanship skill at least one more time before we left for rift city.

Class seemed to pass to quickly, and the day ended. Which got me stuck in my room practicing mana control with Savannah again. Savannah definitely knew what she was doing when it came to controlling her mana. She was okay enough at showing me what she meant as she pushed me to get better at controlling my mana. I was mostly interpreting it based on how her mana felt when she was using it now.

Mana control level up. Mana control now level 3.

There went my last easy level up. It seemed to be something of a trend. First two or three levels were easy. Every level after that had to be earned. I was lucky when it came to marksmanship.

My awesome eyesight made it easy to see the targets, and a gun just felt natural in my hand. I might have been good with a gun even if I never become a dragon. I wouldn't have been as good long range, because of the lack of depth perception, but I would probably have still been really comfortable with a gun. I was getting really tired again after these last few hours of practice. Dinner time was approaching fast.

As much as Savannah's training was helping me I needed sleep. The only reason I was forcing myself to stay awake now was that I had collapsed from exhaustion the last time I failed to eat enough in a day. I really wished I could say I would train again after dinner, but that wasn't going to happen. I would be too tired after dinner, and since I needed twenty-two hours of sleep to function for sixteen hours. I mean seriously.

I complained mentally as I yawned. It explained why I was tired all the time since I never got what my body considered a full nights sleep, but it really sucked.

"Alright," I stood up stretching slowly, "I'm starving."

"Are you planning on going to sleep again?" Savannah frowned.

"Yeah," I looked at Savannah as I yawned again.

"How much sleep do you even need?" Savannah complained.

"A lot," I glared at her, "Maybe it's a side affect of the crystal."

Her eyes widened slightly before narrowing into deep thought. I headed for the cafeteria. I didn't care if either one of them followed me. I was hungry, and tired. It wasn't like I was headed there to be social.

Savannah being around all the time was really sucking. I didn't get much time to just be myself anymore. They only thing I was getting to do in my real body was sleep. It really sucked. I grabbed my usual meaty plate, and sat down alone to eat.

Ethan sat down with me a few seconds later.

"This is really hard on you," Ethan whispered, "You're barely staying awake for those lessons of hers."

"I have to deal with it Ethan," I glanced up to see Savannah grabbing food as well, "I won't need as much sleep once I get a little older, but for now. Life is going to suck."

Savannah sat down, and any tense conversation we might have been thinking about having ended. Since I hadn't told him about the system in my head I couldn't just tell him I would level up enough that I didn't need that much sleep anymore. I finished off my food pretty quickly, and picked up my empty plate. Dropping off the empty plate, and heading straight back to the dorm room. I'd gotten her thinking when I told her that me being sleepy might be something related to the mana crystal I absorbed.

Whatever I'd absorbed wasn't anywhere near an ordinary mana crystal. Even if it was some type of mana crystal. Savannah could probably guess something like that on her own. Me having two elements was something she'd flat out told me was unusual for a mana crystal. I was just hoping she'd leave me alone about the sleeping all the time.

I walked back into the dorm room, and into my private room. Stopping just to close the doors. I threw my dirty clothes off, and switch forms. I tried to flap my wings, but I didn't have enough space to comfortably do anything more than spread them out. It felt so good to be out of that camouflage, but it sucked so much that I even needed the camouflage.

I kind of wanted to try flying now that my wings had gotten pretty big, but all the negatives piled up in my head quickly. The only positive of trying to fly was that I would enjoy the feeling. There simply weren't enough positives to risk being seen. Not now that I was getting pretty big. When I was smaller exploring the park was a real option, but if someone saw me running around now they'd think there was a rift in the park.

I curled up, and went to sleep on the bed. Alarm startled me awake again, and I growled as I stretched. Getting out of bed, and switching forms. Pulling on clean clothes quickly as I stood up. My camouflage form was slowly moving towards the lean muscular form I wanted.

Not that I cared if I was attractive to the girls in the academy. I didn't find them attractive anymore. I mean I could still tell which ones would be considered hot, but I myself didn't care anymore. I opened the door, and walked over to let Savannah in before doubling back to close my door. I sat down cross legged on the floor, and got straight to my practice.

Great start to my Tuesday. I mentally grumbled to myself as I tried to do the exorcise Savannah had me practicing without loosing focus as she distracted me. I focused on the feel on my mana more, and less on the shape that Savannah was telling me to make. Savannah said I would be able to separate my mana reactions from my emotional reactions if I practiced enough. The longer I focused on the flow of my mana the more clearly I could feel it.