
Practicing magic

He shot pillars of stone at me. Thinking this would finish me off. What he didn't expect was that I was building another air burst. This air burst was different though. I was forming a track around the obstacles headed straight for me.

I activated the air burst at the last second. To him it would look like I vanished since I flew around the back of the pillar so fast that when the air burst track took me behind him. He had no clue where I came from when I hit him in the back. I locked my tail around his leg, and wrapped my neck around his. I was looking at myself on his back when I started digging my claws into him.

My little talons dug pixelated tracks into his back. He jumped backwards. Landing on me. I felt the wind go out of me, and that made me angry so I tightened my grip. I felt almost like a snake squeezing the life out of my prey.

I'd never used my neck like this before. To be completely honest I wasn't against doing it again as he burst into pixels. I shook off the squished feeling as I was teleported back into the white room. I smiled to myself.

120/200 xp until level 5.

I clicked on PVP again. I wasn't ready for an all out brawl. I didn't even bother to switch to my human form this time. This idiot was easier to handle than the last one.

145/200 xp until level 5.

To a certain degree I wanted to level up again, and find out whether I could fly or not. I lost the next two rounds, and then I was logged out. I stepped out of the pod slowly, and my exhaustion hit me like a truck. I pulled the key card out of the pod, and returned it. I went back to the room, and closed the door.

I switched back to my dragon form, and knocked on Ethan's door. I didn't hear him moving so I knocked again. I started messing with my wings slowly extending them, and then drawing them back in as I messaged Ethan on the watch. Suddenly there was a thud sound as Ethan rolled off the bed. Messing with my wings had kept me awake enough to talk to Ethan.

They were really sensitive when I stretched them. I backed away from the door as I prepared for him to come running out the door. Ethan slammed the door open. He already looked much better now that he'd gotten some sleep in. I tensed as my brain started going through worse case scenarios.

I used to be human how would he react to that. I hesitated as I thought about how I was going to explain this whole thing to Ethan.

"Well," I looked up at the expectant Ethan, "Where should I start?"

Ethan sat down cross legged on the floor across from me, "The beginning would be good."

"The very beginning or skip to the important stuff?" I yawned.

"The very beginning," Ethan scooted forward a bit.

"You might not believe it all," I was squirming inside.

"I am sitting across from a talking lizard that has wings," Ethan clapped his hands together before dropping them back on his knees, "I think I'll believe a lot more than you think."

So I started from the beginning. Just as I was asked. I skimmed over all the boring childhood stuff. My tail went back, and forth slowly as I got to the more important stuff. Ethan didn't interrupt.

I left out all the stuff about the system's voice in my head, and stopped when I got to when Ethan discovered me. Then I waited in exhausted silence for Ethan to say something.

"You were human before?" Ethan just kind of stared at me.

"Yes," I nodded, "Orphaned one eyed nobody."

"A marble turned you into this?" Ethan blinked slowly.

"Not a marble," I could feel exhaustion sinking in, "Just something that looked like one."

It was hard to keep my eyes fully open. I wanted to go to sleep, but I didn't want to be snoozing away if Ethan had anymore questions for me. Ethan pulled me in close, and I let him. Curling up in his lap felt nice, and I was too tired to give a shit right now.

Trust Bond level up. Trust Bond level 3. Trust Bond level up. Trust Bond level 4. User, and Ethan can now clearly sense direction, and distance between each other. Trust Bond has leveled up enough for user, and Ethan to sense if the other is in danger.

I fell asleep in Ethan's lap. I awoke to the beeping of both of our watches. Ethan had picked me up, and set me on his chest when he took me to bed with him. He kept treating me like a pet. I wasn't sure how I felt about it.

I shook him awake, and jumped off the bed. I went into the common area quickly. My wings twitched. I stretched them slowly. I wondered if they would feel so fragile forever.

Most of my body was tough, and I took pain fairly well so having such fragile limbs was bugging me. I checked the time on my watch, and went to my room. Ethan was moving so slow, and we'd have to get to class soon. I switched back into my human form, and got dressed quickly. I grabbed Ethan out of his room, and yanked him out of our shared room.

"Time for class," I yanked Ethan along with me.

I was ready for more boring strategy talk. Since I was low on energy this kind of boring work would put me to sleep pretty quickly. I was basically ignored by the teachers now. They'd pretty much accepted that I was just going to pass out in most of my classes. I was probably largely considered a dud of a student, but I didn't really care.